I was cleaning out the bathroom and linen closets, which are full of things that are really bad for puppies. Long story short, she got into a container of Modafinil. (It's a med for, among other things, "excessive daytime sleepiness." It keeps you awake. REALLY awake.) It was apparent that she'd ingested some, not much, but some. I googled...Turns out there isn't an antidote, overdose isn't life threatening, and it was all going to be fine eventually. But lemme tell you, a speedy puppy is a sad state of affairs. Poor thing. I feel so guilty! She was zooming! All night! I kept giving her things to keep her occupied and focused. But I could tell she didn't feel good and needed comfort, too. Of course, comfort didn't include being cuddled. She finally fell asleep after about 3am. And seems to be just fine this morning. Thank all that matters. (It was very nice to not completely freak out about the situation. I'm rather proud of myself.)
I had another lame-o workout, I guess. I wish I could channel some of your zoom, Lis. On the other hand, I am going to stop berating myself and keep in mind that I have actually made it to the gym twice. That is a huge accomplishment at the moment. One I hope to continue. Better to focus on that fact, if I do want to continue going, rather than the fact that it's boring and uncomfortable. Music really helps. I've got a song I love, that's really inappropriate rap, and I've decided to memorize every word so I can rap along while I'm at the gym. It tickles me to think about the fact that I'm listening to all this braggadocio... I'm a middle-aged white woman whose only reference point is The Wire, ffs. (Mind you, I haven't actually watched The Wire. It's too much for me. lol.)
I'd make some musical suggestions, but I'm fairly certain 99% of y'all would be profoundly dismayed by my choices. (It's still better than whatever the hell the noise is that Tk listens to. Just sayin' tk.) Point is, I highly recommend having some theme songs. I am instantly transported when I hear the stuff I used to listen to when I was where you are.
Which is what my deleted post was all about, by the way. I am just so excited for you. And it's fun to live vicariously through these momentous changes in someone's life. But since you're living the change, it's probably not the best thing for me to go pointing out the momentousness of the changes in the moment. Just do your thing, Lis. I'm along for the ride.

I definitely had similar experiences with AA. There was only one time in all my years in and out of the program that I found a group of like-minded people that really lead me to a good place. But then we all started drinking at some point or another and the group just fizzled. I loved the spirituality of AA, and love that kind of stuff in general. (Being moved by nature is a defining characteristic of that, in my opinion, which is based in part on the opinions of great thinkers throughout time.)
I really wanted to go back to AA after I got sober with baclofen. The biggest hurdle, for me, was the first step. I'm not feckin' powerless and no one can make me say I am! So there! My therapist (a mindfulness practitioner, herself) would point out that we are all powerless over everything. And I'm down with that. Except booze. I am more powerful than my disease. Dammit. It was a battle to the death and I won. Which makes me part superhero. No one and nothing is going to take that away from me. (Which is a lyric in one of my theme songs, ftr.)
I've got to go keep an eye on the poor pup who was crashed out, but I can hear her now scrounging around in the kitchen. And so much stuff to do today, including getting to the gym again!
(Stuck is out of town and can't check in right now. Hi and hugs to all the rest of you!)
Edited because I really should have been better at writing it the first time.