dun - same goes for you (minus the professor advice). I’m glad you’re going to meet a friend for coffee. Getting out is the best thing you can do right now. Although being with another person, and having to pay attention, may very well feel like an unbearable chore. If so, pledge to do something small for yourself to go out on your own. Same advice, go out for a walk, as long as you can manage. Go into town to see something (hell, even treat yourself to a movie or a dinner out - you don’t need someone else there. I’ve done it a bunch of times before when I started feeling down). You may feel dead inside right now, but if you keep doing it, it will grow on you. Same to you, hang in there sister :hug:
I’m sorry to hear you’ve been overworked, kronk. I hope you can get a break soon. And I’m only on 300 mg at this point, but after reading that article that was posted a while back about how a small minority of bac users need insanely high doses, it’s got me scared. I guess for now, I should stop freaking out about my eventual dose, and just concentrate on improving on the dose I’m on because no, I’m not content overall. By the medical definition, I still binge drink every night. It sure as hell doesn’t feel that way to me, but I’m also sure it’s not good for my health and other life pursuits (like actually working on my resume and caring enough to get a better job).
Also, it’s a very small thing, but proofreading my posts here? Such a pain in the ass. It takes me for-ev-er. And I wouldn’t make so many mistakes in the first place if I weren’t typing while buzzed.
By the way, I LOVE that song. It was one of my theme songs when I was 18 or so. I guess I should use it for improvement purposes (like when I’m running, like you did), and not take it so literally - oops! I really hope you can overcome your injury soon. Any improvement?
Fred - I feel for you. I’ve had similar experiences to you with high doses of another class of medications many years ago, as well as what I’ve experienced with antidepressants. I think a retrospective thread would be a great idea. It would be good, both for you and others, to see how far you’ve come in all this time. I’m gonna send you a PM after I’m done typing here.
Anyway, I met with the personal trainer today. It was cool. She showed me a couple weight machine exercises that could help with my upper body. I have a pretty bad shoulder problem (recurrent dislocations - so many I’ve lost count!). In addition to increasing overall strength, I really want to build up my shoulders, so that was much appreciated. OK, other than that, I went in with a list of questions. (She was quite impressed - or possibly freaked out by how neurotic I am, to have a whole list of questions).
But besides answering some of my weight lifting questions, she also taught me how to use one of those elliptical-like machines - god, the name is escaping me. Turns out when you hit “quick start,” the machine automatically goes into resistance level 15. You have to dial it down from there. No wonder my leg muscles felt like they were about to jump out of my body in protest! So I guess I can do some cardio while I’m waiting for my ankles to heal enough to run again

Besides that, much is the same. But I really do thank you all for your advice. I will be happy with what I’ve got, and make adjustable plans to slowly, but surely, taper down from where I am - and to rack up as many AF days as I can! Addiction isn’t fixed overnight. And now that I’ve gotten a solid help with that (bac), I can make small improvements as needed, until it’s nothing at all. (I hope). I hope you all have a great night!