LIS - I can tell you that you will have the job you want - but maybe not in your time frame! At least that's my experience. Good on you for baking a cake - whatever it takes to divert the attention from 'stuff'. It must be frustrating, but then most things worth waiting for are I think.
Stuck - Aw, man... I feel for you. I think LIS summed it up for me - I have had a few issues with my wife but we have stayed by each other. I hope you guys can sort it out. If not, then you will be okay, whatever happens. I know that sounds like a hokey epithet - I don't mean it to. Yet it isn't over until it's over. Good luck with it all mate, really wish you the best.
I'm just ticking along. I went out to work early this morning (well, got up at 6.15 - not that early) and got back at 12.30pm. Was so tired! Not sure if it was the Bac or not, but had to sleep for an hour when I got home. Not like me when off the AL.
Happy Easter everyone, if it is something you celebrate. I don't, but like four days off with my wife and kids
