Hugs, Sun
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Here we go again
LIS - NO worries - I am just so glad that you did post your post about it - I would have wondered what on earth was going on! I kept going back from one to the other - it was surreal (cue 'Twilight Zone' music !) and it just made no sense !!
Hugs, SunHow simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....
Oh my god, oh my god! I just had a phone call with the people who interviewed me. It could turn out to be the absolute best thing that ever happened to my career, or it could turn out to be the greatest disappointment of all time. Basically, they felt that my qualifications were above the position that they were looking for, and they want to use me as a more integral part of what goes on in that company. BUT a) they already filled the position I applied for with someone else and b) the position they want to create for me is entirely contingent on factors that are way outside of my, or their, control.
They’re currently gathering resumes and interviewing for a position that would be above me. That person is a shoo-in because the company is expanding, and they’re very much needed. My potential position rests on whether they get the money they think they’re going to get, and whether they have enough left over to hire another person. I hope I sounded OK. Because honestly, when they told me that they already filled the position I applied for, my heart sank. Wait! I have no back-up if this falls through??!! But if it does work out, this will be the greatest thing that ever happened in my career EVER - by far. This will open sooooo many doors to me, if not become my career.
I apologize in advance to you all if I come across as a neurotic freak in the next couple weeks. They said it would take one to two weeks to not only interview all the senior people, but analyze their budget, before getting back to me. Oh my god, oh my god. PLEASE LET THIS HAPPEN!!!!! I will do anything. Usually (by far), the people who get this type of position have PhD’s. But with the grad school experience that I do have, and the other related experience I have at my current job, they want to hire me as something I could only previously have dreamed of!! I am beside myself with joy. . . but trying not to be, because if they don’t have enough money for me, I’m out. No questions asked. They already filled the position I applied for. AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!
I need to spend the next two weeks doing INTENSE literature searches to get up to speed in this particular area, beyond what I already know. It’s too late for tonight since I already had a couple shots when I talked to this guy (and finished the rest shortly after I got off the phone out of nervous excitement). But from now on, NO MORE BOOZE AT NIGHT!! It’s study time. It’s time to get serious. It might not even happen. And that would suck so hard I don’t even have words to express. But, if it does happen, this will be the greatest thing that EVER happened in my whole working life!
Anyway, I hope you all have a great night!Last edited by Lostinspace; April 16, 2015, 04:02 PM.
Lis - this is awesome. I hope I can be here in any way you need as you slowly spiral into frayed insanity over the next 2 weeks.
Sooooooo. Dropped the girl off at the airport this afternoon, and sat in rush hour traffic on the way home. And the first stop I made before coming home was of course to pick up liquor. Not saying that to get down on myself or to elicit sympathy or whatever. Just saying, 2 weeks AF came to an end with the fixings for manhattans here at home. The rest of this weekend is going to be writing, and probably nightly drinking, and then the girl will be back Sunday night and we'll start this whole show over again.
Hope everybody's having a good night.
G'day to all,
That is such great news LIS,well not the part about the position being filled but the possibility of an even better position is fantastic!I know that you aren't too interested in spiritual stuff but I pray every day and will be throwing a small word in for you over the next couple of weeks LOL.Let me know if you are uncomfortable with this and would rather that I didn't.
I actually got really excited for you as I was reading your latest post.:congratulatory:
If you didn't get a little neurotic(or a lot)over the next couple of weeks I think that there would be something wrong,ha.Damn my head would be pulling out every dirty trick in the book but I urge you to ride a wave of optimistic anticipation.:happy2:
I saw that you said that you were holding back on posting a little LIS because of the shananigans that are going on in the forum on another thread,I think that I have been feeling a little similar.
I actually awoke last night and laid there thinking about this forum for quite some time.I think that most people who come just like myself to this forum are looking for a solution to their drinking problem and a little support.They are not interested in squabbling,I think it is the last thing that they are looking for.
I couldn't stop thinking of an old saying that goes something like"a man arguing with an idiot from a distance looks like 2 idiots arguing."
I think that any newcomer to this forum that sees what is going on will immediately say to themselves this place from where I stand is just like 2 idiots arguing.
I know that I am only new here and I do not know what has gone on in the past but I believe that this gives me a perspective on the current situation that people who have been on here for a long time do not have.
Please old school MWOers don't take this as an invitation to now crucify me,I am just saying what I see.The fact that I laid in bed and thought about the events unfolding on this forum last night would indicate that what is going on does have an impact.
Hi Dun,it is nice to see you have posted again.I hope that you are well.
Congrats on your 2 weeks AF Stuck and I hope that you enjoy your Manhattans and a little bit of relief over the weekend.
As for me,I am just cruising along.I have just got home from quite a long day where I had to take my son to a specialist.He had a small operation about a year ago and today was a follow up appointment.We learned today that he now has a hernia and will have to have another small operation,he does not seem to be worried about it at all.He is in no pain and if it wasn't for going to the appointment today we would not have even known,so I am glad we had the appointment today.
All is sorted with the insurance company and it turns out that according to them and their waiting periods,the money that I had already received as the provisional payment and a whole lot of other insurance company type stuff I have been paid correctly.I was actually expecting twice what they gave me but I am not going to complain and it wouldn't get me anywhere.I will be receiving ongoing payments.
I negotiated with the bank to pay a percentage of my debt in one lump sum and they were happy with the offer,which is good.A couple of other things to take care of financially and you never know I could be a debt free person.Damn that would be nice.
The last of the boards that have been stealing my joy were sent out this morning and now I can go back to my much loved dawdling pace of production Woohoo!My feet are really painful over the last few days and I think it is because I have been trying to get the boards finished and I spent way more time moving around than I have in a while.Exercises are still happening and back to see the physio again this week.
I have not had a drink since last weekend,as seems to be the way I have had AL in the house all week and it did not phase me.There were a couple of times that I did think to myself that a few beers would be nice but it was fleeting.I had every intention of having a few drinks tonight but after getting home from our day out I decided that I wasn't really that interested and chose to spend the night AF and to jump on the computer to make this post instead.
I guess that is about all from me,I am not far from bed.
As always I hope all the regular posters in here are well and I look forward to reading your next posts,take care.
Cheers Stevo.
Originally posted by Stevo View Post"a man arguing with an idiot from a distance looks like 2 idiots arguing."
Lol. You're absolutely right, Stevo. You're also right, though, that there is some history that you (and other newcomers) don't know. It's incredibly, outrageously frustrating to go through it over and over and over again. Especially when the trolling behavior is directly aimed at you. Or completely misleading. (Which can be very dangerous on this kind of forum, you know?)
Anyway, enough said about that nonsense.
Fingers and toes, and whispers to the wind for your success in this Lis.
Best to all the rest.
I've got three weeks until I finish this program, and four until graduation. My head is down, mouth is shut and my eyes are on the Goal. Woot!
Thanks for chiming in, Ne. Wow, just 4 weeks until graduation -- how cool is that.
Stevo, your observation about two idiots arguing got a good guffaw out of me this morning. I do not engage with the crap-ass crazy behavior. There have been trolls on here for as long as I have been -- over two years now. It has been important for me in gaining perspective of what's going on for those steadfast/longterm posters to occasionally shout down the crazies. Even though the engagement gets repetitive and tiresome, to let some of these comments/misinformations/attacks stand without some perspective might lead newcomers down a bad path.
I too have spent nights thinking about this shit. I drop off a lot in posting because it gets difficult to put yourself out there when you see asshats make personal attacks on people who are trying to get better. And when it does happen, it is difficult not to go fuckin' apeshit on said asshats. For me, there is no point in doing so since I really can't add any perspective except to scream "you are a fuckin' idiot"!
I was driving my kids home last night on a two lane highway. We took the scenic route. My twins are just turning 15 and will get their driving permits soon. So for a few months now, I talk through every driving decision/instinct/situation that comes up. Some asshat was driving too fast and tailgating me. Flashing his lights. Etc. I was going a few miles over the speed limit -- certainly wasn't going slow. I kept calm and talked through everything, his behavior, my reaction. What I wanted to do was slam on my brakes. When he shot around me and flipped me off, I wanted to run him off the road. When he got caught in front of me by another car going the speed limit, I wanted to tail gate him and honk and flash my lights. I just kept talking calming and didn't act on any of it. That's how I feel on this board a lot. And I write posts to asshats in my head a lot. I told my kids that it isn't worth getting into it with a driver because you never know how crazy he/she is and a driving spat isn't worth dying over. As for this board, it isn't going to be helpful for me to spew crazy venom at the crazy venom spewers. Though it doesn't hurt to fantasize about it.
As for me? I have been on a week long bender. Not exactly a bender, but drinking 4 to 6 beers a night. Not sure what happened. That damn slope gets slippery pretty fast. I am going to pull out of the nose dive this weekend and looking at the juice fast again to try and get a jump on things.Last edited by dundrinkn; April 17, 2015, 11:07 AM.
I haven't read any threads other than this one and the Topa thread - I don't know what's going on and I don't want to know.
Good to see you, Ne! Crazy you only have another few weeks of school. I only have 2 more weeks of classes (to teach), and that's tripping me out. I'll be done, like actually done, teaching at my school. I might even tear up a little... not really. Still working on trying to line up jobs. Actually trying for a couple summer gigs at the moment, which I hadn't planned on (working over the summer). We'll see.
The girl's out of town, and yeah the manhattans were pretty good. Today I'm going to go watch a hockey game with a friend and have a few drinks. Then I'll get all this wrapped up and clean up again so I can go pick her up at the airport on Sunday night.
Hope everyone's having a good start to the weekend!
Thanks so much for the well wishes, everyone. I hope to all that is beautiful in the world that this turns out the way I hope for.
Stuck - Congrats on two weeks AF! That’s really awesome. And, as Stevo said, enjoy your little bit of relief over the weekend. Just keep writing, doing what you love, and having a little something at night. So long as you don’t let it get out of control, and can more or less “easily” stop when she comes back home, it might be a nice break as you embark on a mostly drinking-free lifestyle with her. Be honest with yourself is all I’m saying. If you think this will spark old cravings, maybe you want to rethink things at some point in the weekend. Any point is a good point to say, “you know what? I’m done with this sh*t! The rest is going down the drain.” I just worry about you because you’re not on any kind of craving reducing/negating medication. In any case, I hope you have a great weekend :hug: And congrats on being almost done with your classes!
Stevo - I’m so sorry you’re caught up in the drama as a newcomer. I know it’s disturbing. dun already summed up much of what I wanted to say, but just hang in there. It will hopefully get better and, even if it doesn’t for a little while, you can always just avoid the more volatile threads until things settle down. Someone has to speak out so that newcomers/lurkers don’t take terrible advice. I’m so thankful that there are people here who do that, because I don’t have the constitution to take constant abuse.
I’m sorry to hear that the insurance company is only paying half of what you were expecting. But it sounds like you’re on your way to being a debt-free man. That’s wonderful! I know that paying off some of my debts has been one of the most freeing feelings ever. I didn’t have to worry about those debt collectors hounding me, avoiding their phone calls, etc. It’s one of the greatest feelings in the world. And now with all those boards done, you can go back to doing what you love with no expectations and deadlines attached - even better!
The best part of your post, of course, is that your alcohol indifference is showingThat’s so great to hear. Having alcohol in the house, and not touching it, is amazing!!
Ne - Good luck with the last three weeks!! That’s so great that you’re so close to finishing! Just keep your eyes on the prize and get it done . . . and come back to see us when it is done. We miss you!
dun - I’m sorry to hear you’re on a week-long bender. But you seem to have a great attitude about it. Yes, get on that juice fast. It will reset your mind towards health. Also, have you considered going up on baclofen a bit? I know your nerve pain was disappearing from the juice fast. Can you do both simultaneously?
I love your analogy by the way, and I have to say I’ve had those road rage moments myself, but I always hold back - because of what you said “a driving spat isn’t worth dying over.” I had a wake-up call without even doing anything wrong. I was with my friend (we were teenagers - new license) and she unintentionally cut a car off. Well, they followed us a good ten miles down this back road. When we finally got to a traffic light, they jumped out with baseball bats and started pounding on her car. She blew through the red light and took off. Just goes to show. People are CRAZY! Thank god they were only baseball bats and not guns!
Anyway, I did end up drinking tonight. Hopefully my mind/memory won’t be too badly impaired because I do plan on studying up as soon as I get off of this post. This weekend will be MUCH easier. Weekends always are for some reason. I’m gonna spend this whole weekend reading up and better preparing myself in case my dream job actually does work out. It pains me that I’m putting in so much effort for something that might not pan out. But the way I figure is, even if they don’t hire me, I get to learn all these cool things about this subspecialty of what I know. It will be interesting, if nothing else.
I can’t promise that my attitude will be this cool if I don’t get the job - actually, it most certainly won’t. I will be utterly devastated. Possibly completely hopeless. But for now, an opportunity has come up that I always wanted, but never dreamed was possible. I’ll just keep focused on that!
Anyway, I hope you all have a great night!Last edited by Lostinspace; April 18, 2015, 08:33 AM.
Congratulations to all of you who are feeling good about your lives and your management of alcohol. I was going to post my reasons (mainly for newbies) as to why I sometimes engage in the drama here but I'm sick to my stomach at this point. Mental illness that runs rampant frightens me.
Things are good with me. I ran 6 miles in the heat and am still alive. Tomorrow I kayak with a dear friend. It'll be a 10 mile trip or so.
Happy weekend all of you that I care about on this thread. ❤️
Originally posted by kronkcarr View PostCongratulations to all of you who are feeling good about your lives and your management of alcohol. I was going to post my reasons (mainly for newbies) as to why I sometimes engage in the drama here but I'm sick to my stomach at this point. Mental illness that runs rampant frightens me.
Things are good with me. I ran 6 miles in the heat and am still alive. Tomorrow I kayak with a dear friend. It'll be a 10 mile trip or so.
Happy weekend all of you that I care about on this thread. ❤️
OMG. I don’t have time for conflict on my thread! Let’s please say that won’t happen?
Anyway, ugh!! Stupid stress levels! I quit smoking forever ago (actually, it’s been about six months). Anyway, I used to roll my own cigarettes, and I never got rid of the bag of tobacco that I used to use. Today, that bag was singing out to me. So I cleaned out one of my husband’s (stoner) pipes. I rinsed it out with scalding hot water until it looked like all the resin was gone. But apparently I didn’t go a good enough job, because I just took a huge hit (or four) of tobacco out of that pipe, and I swear to god, I am stoned out of my mind. Goddammit!! It’s all my fault, of course. I should never have trusted a pipe from my husband’s stoner collection. I just took the least resin-y looking one, rinsed it with scalding hot water until the black bits floated away and the pipe looked clear, then I took several tobacco hits off that pipe. I’m STONED. Goddammit!!! Ugh. I swear, tomorrow, there will be no temptations of any kind - no booze, no tobacco, no anything!Last edited by Lostinspace; April 18, 2015, 05:41 PM.
Originally posted by Lostinspace View PostOMG. I don’t have time for conflict on my thread! Let’s please say that won’t happen?
"Today, that bag was singing out to me. So I cleaned out one of my husband’s (stoner) pipes.
I swear to god, I am stoned out of my mind. Goddammit!! It’s all my fault, of course. ....and the pipe looked clear, then I took several (tobacco) hits off that pipe. I’m STONED. Goddammit!!! Ugh. I swear, tomorrow, there will be no....."
Hi Lost -LOL. In all sincerity, thank you for keeping it interesting and funny -your thread and the site. Now, what brand tobacco is that? Please tell me it is/was not KratomLeaf? Lost, if it did happen to be KratomLeaf that you smoked, then you have just inhaled into yourself some seriously high potent java bean related plant. Do not panic at this stage. Should you still be jumping off the walls out of shear nervous type tension/fidgeting in the morning, seek medical care -immediately ---or change to another leaf plant and inhale.
Finally Lost, by all means, let us not have any conflict or controversy on "your" thread. By all means Lost, let us go create or add to controversies/discourse/conflict on other threads, but let us keep "your" thread clean & clear, and a "safe haven" for you and others. I really do hope that you LYAO tomorrow at your post and my response.
Lost, I have contacted Roberta J (owner of site- priv mail if I am wrong about name) on behalf of you and Fred and informed her that you two are being too damn funny on a very serious site. We can simply not afford the luxury of laughing on this site while we combat our very serious problems.
Final thought: here is the post that YOU made on someone else's thread. (I assume that you must have been on policing type mission that day/night -lol):
LOST IN...(somewhere): Here is a post that you made on a non "Lost In" thread (I am so sorry that you are a victim in an unjust world):
"I just sent a personal message to Roberta as well. This sh*t needs to stop. Is she the administrator? Should I have sent my message elsewhere? Who are the administrators? Sorry to be so dumb. I just really don’t know where to go. P.S. Feel free to send me a PM (Lost In Space/Kratom) if I made a boo-boo."
Lost, just curious, why do you want someone to private message you find out if you sent a message to the right person? Did you happen to think that it may have been a good idea to ask before you actually sent your message? Why not just ask any potential respondent to reply openly on the forum who to reply to -so that others may learn?
Lost, in all sincerity, your thread helps to keep the "medication" portion of the site 'alive'. Without your thread, this portion of the site would not get near the traffic that it does, and truly, people outside of the forum need to find a site that reveals information regarding medications for alcoholism (even if those meds don't work for everyone).
Originally posted by Lostinspace View PostOMG. I don’t have time for conflict on my thread! Let’s please say that won’t happen?
Today, that bag was singing out to me. So I cleaned out one of my husband’s (stoner) pipes. I just took a huge hit (or four) of tobacco out of that pipe, and I swear to god, I am stoned out of my mind. Goddammit!! It’s all my fault, of course. I should never have trusted a pipe from my husband’s stoner collection. .....then I took several tobacco hits off that pipe. I’m STONED. Goddammit!!! Ugh. I swear, tomorrow, there will be no......!
Hi Lost -LOL. In all sincerity, thank you for keeping it interesting and funny -your thread and the site.
Now, what brand tobacco is that? Please tell me it is/was not KratomLeaf? Lost, if it did happen to be KratomLeaf that you smoked, then you have just inhaled into yourself some seriously high potent java bean related plant. Do not panic at this stage. Should you still be jumping off the walls out of shear nervous type tension/fidgeting in the morning, seek medical care -immediately ---or change to another leaf plant and inhale.
And Lost, the other day, I just happened to drink what I thought to be hard apple cider. I later came to find out that it was hard liquor apple cider. I knew that something was 'strange' when I started feeling like "wow, this feels pretty good -I might as well finish it in order to.....
Finally Lost, by all means, let us not have any conflict or controversy on "your" thread. By all means Lost, let us go create or add to controversies/discourse/conflict on other threads, but let us keep "your" thread clean & clear, and a "safe haven" for you and others. I really do hope that you LYAO tomorrow at your post and my response. (In no way am I intending this response to be anything a funny response to a funny post.)
Lost, I have contacted Roberta J (owner of site- priv mail me if I am wrong about name) on behalf of you and Fred and informed her that you two are being too damn funny on a very serious site. We can simply not afford the luxury of laughing on this site while we combat our very serious problems.
Final thought: here is the post that YOU made on someone else's thread. (I assume that you must have been on a policing type mission that sober day/night
LOST IN...(somewhere): Here is a post that you made on a non "Lost In" thread (I am so sorry that you are a victim in an unjust world):
"I just sent a personal message to Roberta as well. This sh*t needs to stop. Is she the administrator? Should I have sent my message elsewhere? Who are the administrators? Sorry to be so dumb. I just really don’t know where to go. P.S. Feel free to send me a PM (Lost In Space/Kratom) if I made a boo-boo."
Lost, just curious, why do you want someone to private message you in order for you to find out if you sent a message to the right person? Did you happen to think that it may have been a good idea to ask before you actually sent your message? Why not just ask any potential respondent to reply openly on the forum who to reply to -so that others may learn?
Lost, truly, your thread helps to keep the "medication" portion of the site 'alive'. Without your thread, this portion of the site would not get near the traffic that it does and I believe that it is important that people outside of the forum need to find a site that reveals information regarding medications for alcoholism (even if those meds don't work for everyone).
--SF--Last edited by Spiritfree; April 18, 2015, 07:43 PM.