Stuck- I have missed you too a bunch. It seems it's always something... If it's not AL then we move on to something else to cope with.. I'm glad I hate weed but am starting to think pharmaceuticals again. I have a bunch of anti-anxiety & depression meds I am considering trying again. Sounds like the girl is working out pretty good huh? What made you decide to return to drinking after your AF time?
I did end up drinking last night but not in excess as I got a horrible stomach ache probably due to the spicy dinner I ate. I felt fairly depressed today and have not made it out of bed technically.. I have been in & out all day but have no real desire to do anything.. I had some vivid dreams last night too. I dreamed I was living back with my grandmother in her house just her & I. It felt pleasant. It felt like I was really there.
My emotional state has been better even tho my drinking has increased. Anxiety has been low but depression seems to be around. I really need some AF days to help me understand where I am with this looming depression. This is where I feel like reaching for the bottle of course. I told myself this morning I will not drink.. Over and over but now my mind is playing tricks on me. Saying oh maybe we should start early then we can get to bed early so we can get some things done around the house. That is a disaster waiting to happen... Start early... Not even out of bed yet really.. Already contemplating drinking and I said I would not. At least I'm here talking about it instead of doing it.
Lost- if you don't really mind I would like to hang out here with you guys for awhile. Not sure if I will create my own thread again or not.
Spirit- I will think about starting one.
I'm off to get out of bed again & maybe stay out of it.