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    Originally posted by kronkcarr View Post
    I don't understand your last paragraph. Or perhaps I just disagree with you. I thought AUD was a physical illness not a mental illness. I disagree with your opinion as to why more drugs for AUD aren't available. My opinion is that rehab centers stand to lose fortunes and AA's main hold will dwindle. Plus there are new drugs in the long pipeline of creation, multiple tests and FDA approval.

    I came to this thread to share how I felt about my experience not to correct misstatements about my experience. I'm sorry to those on here who are tired of the disputes. I could not let this one go. I'll do better in the future.
    Kronk, I am so sorry for your confusion -we all get that way at times -and I mean all of us. AUD -Alcohol Use Disorder, formerly referred to as alcoholism, is a mental disorder that sometimes carries with it a physical addiction to alcohol. You disagree with me about everything -only because it is me posting, not because of the subject matter at hand.

    Kronk, don't you see that we have the opportunity to help spread the word about medications for alcoholism? It is certainly ok for people not to like people -the way of world, so to speak.

    Your post shared the way that you felt about your experience in not helping a drunk and how you felt guilty for not doing so. What in the world is wrong with sharing this information in a way that might possibly help the next person not turn his or her back on an alcoholic who is trouble? You are not the first person, nor will you be the last to do exactly what you did which was nothing. Kronk, I have done the same thing, several times. This does not make me a bad person; no, instead it makes me a non-informed person.

    The importance in your post is NOT in what you did or did not do. No, the importance is in the reminding the each of us that we each have to remember that this is a horrific disease that we all deal with -every day. Kronk, seriously, this is not about you nor me, it is much-much bigger. No lavish brunches, or any of that other stuff. It is about helping ourselves and our fellow sufferers.


      Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post

      Now we're really being trolled.


      And kronk, I did you a disservice this morning by trying to circumvent the conversation that Spirit started. I apologize. Mostly because it was a very poor attempt! But also because it really doesn't warrant my attention. I know you have dealt with this kind of thing for a very long time.

      He has made it very clear, repeatedly, for a very long time, that he doesn't approve of any of us. According to Spirit, each of us, in our own way, is doing everything wrong.

      I don't need his approval in order to live my life. Can we move on?
      Ne -again, you will NEVER find one single post of mine that says anything negative about the way that "you" are doing "things" -NEVER-EVER. Now, I will now say this; what you are openly posting and saying about me is genuinely and honestly wrong. You are absolutely WRONG to continually condemn a person just because you do not like (agree or disagree with) what they are saying.

      Ne, what I post is no threat to your status here on MWO. Yet you seem to think that others will think less of you if you agree with me about anything. Ne, it is time to move past your insecurity and time for you to be recognized for your incredible intellect and willingness to help others. For Pete's sake, let us try to move beyond all of this silliness. Let us try to help those afflicted with our disease and stop having petty discussions. Lastly Ne, I urge you to stop saying things like: "He has made it very clear, repeatedly, for a very long time, that he doesn't approve of any of us. According to Spirit, each of us, in our own way, is doing everything wrong."

      Ne, In no way is this true and you know this. Please stop feeding this to your followers -please (or at least show us all where this is true) -please-please.
      Last edited by Spiritfree; December 16, 2014, 12:35 PM.


        I am very sorry to all. Especially to the newcomer. (helpmequit: you're still invited to PM me if you're for real). I don't feel safe here at all anymore. I'm out. I'll see y'all soon, when I get my wits back about me. Until then, I apologize. I. Just. Can't. With all this crap. I'm out.


          That turned out to be the shortest "break from the Med boards" ever, Spirit. Try it again, please. I am giving you the benefit of the doubt that you mean well, and if so, you will butt out of this thread.


            In that paragraph alone you called me insecure. Suggested that I was "followers" because I don't agree with you.

            You have repeatedly implied that it is my "ego" that keeps me from agreeing with you.

            Just because you don't use the words, "Hey, Ne, you're an insecure, ego-driven liar whose sole purpose here is to feel better about yourself" does not mean you're not saying it.

            Kronk is not alcoholic enough for you and you invalidate every single one of her thoughts whenever you get the chance.

            Stuck is too drunk for you and you've been bashing him for it for years, and not subtly.

            Lis is hopelessly lost and should not be listening to me or getting support from us because what she needs is professional help. We are, apparently, not being honest with her and leading her into some sort of danger.

            Meanwhile, your posts, Spirit, don't make sense half the time. You contradict yourself repeatedly. You find information that is outdated or irrelevant and post it here as though it is some sort of New Way Out. You've never read a book about addiction, have no idea what you're talking about when it comes to the disease itself, and suggest that EVERY SINGLE ONE of US are the ones that need to change.

            It's so absurd.

            I'm out, too. It's all yours, Spirit. Trolls win.


              My apologies to Lis for correcting spirit on your thread. I forgot that I used to take those things to his thread. I didn't feel safe here either. Everyone hang tough.





                  Here you go:

                  Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.


                    Buenos dias pinche gueyes!

                    Hey Lis, just dropping by to assure you that It.Gets.Better.

                    5 years ago, I was in a very dark place. Today, quite literally, I'm here, right *now*, and sober:

                    (No shit, that's my finger)

                    Saving all the money I used to spend on beer and scotch buys me and the missus a week here and there at a nice, warm place in the sun.

                    It does get better, Lis, and when I get back i'll see if there's anything I can do to make it better around here.

                    TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


                      Originally posted by terryk View Post
                      Buenos dias pinche gueyes!

                      Hey Lis, just dropping by to assure you that It.Gets.Better.

                      5 years ago, I was in a very dark place. Today, quite literally, I'm here, right *now*, and sober:

                      (No shit, that's my finger)

                      Saving all the money I used to spend on beer and scotch buys me and the missus a week here and there at a nice, warm place in the sun.

                      It does get better, Lis, and when I get back i'll see if there's anything I can do to make it better around here.

                      TK - thank u for this post. i can only hope that one day i can go on this type of luxury trip even if i am drinking. it sounds to me like u are a mow hero-savior. i am glad. i was worried about this cause i just started postin and it went quiet. i wanted to keep drinking like stuck and lis but i just don't think that is going to work for me. and reading there stuff sure don't make me thin they been drinking so that is good thing. what i want to do is go on a vacation like u and be able to drink or not drink. i am very sorry that lis is not posting. after reading his-her thread from the beginning it sounds like he-she has been in ruff shape for over seven months now and she is still mad at his-her boss boss, and is still drinking lots even with a bunch of baclofe. so tk guess what I want to ask is how time does it take to get better. what do I have to do?
                      Last edited by Guest; December 18, 2014, 12:51 PM.


                        Originally posted by helpmequit View Post
                        hi everyone -i am a short term reader of these threads but i have been drinking too much for a long time. i was too scared to post for a while, but thn if figured i don't have anything to lose.

                        i really like this thread because it sounds like you can still go out and get wasted and then stop for awhile and then do it again without many consequences. stuck -I think that you are awesome. sounds like you are some kind of teacher with those responsibilities but you are able to go get drunk for days and then stop for 4 or 5 days. this is exactly what i want to be able to do. and lost sounds like he or she does the same thing but only just feels guilt or sad or something. lost, i can handle that feeling guilty/bad stuff of drinking. please just help me figure out a way to do what u guys are doing. i am just tired of drinking everyday and most all day.

                        and ne, it sounds like you have experience on both sides of the fence... drinking and not drinking. can u add anything to help me just drink real strong for a few days and then quit for a few days?
                        Originally posted by helpmequit View Post
                        TK - thank u for this post. i can only hope that one day i can go on this type of luxury trip even if i am drinking. it sounds to me like u are a mow hero-savior. i am glad. i was worried about this cause i just started postin and it went quiet. i wanted to keep drinking like stuck and lis but i just don't think that is going to work for me. and reading there stuff sure don't make me thin they been drinking so that is good thing. what i want to do is go on a vacation like u and be able to drink or not drink. i am very sorry that lis is not posting. after reading his-her thread from the beginning it sounds like he-she has been in ruff shape for over seven months now and she is still mad at his-her boss boss, and is still drinking lots even with a bunch of baclofe. so tk guess what I want to ask is how time does it take to get better. what do I have to do?


                          Hey tk,

                          I’ve tried to contact you by PM twice now, but apparently my computer has decided to be a bastard, because it’s showing that neither of my messages went through. So I’ll try here, *long sigh*. I so love the message that you sent. That was truly beautiful. I really hope that one day I will be in your shoes. I’ll keep working until I am. Again, thank you. I'll be back when people stop being ruthless idiots.


                            TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


                              Originally posted by terryk View Post
                              You are the awesomenest, Tk.


                                Wonderful posts, Tk. Thanks. And you, too, kronk and stuck. Funny.

                                Needless to say, I overreacted. Call it the end of the semester blues...I was fraught and the posts were the tipping point. I'm still in recovery mode from lack of sleep and too much stress. I slept for about 16 hours yesterday! Took a nap in the afternoon and didn't wake up until this morning...

                                That said, I still need a break so I can focus on some 3D stuff without the distraction of the computer. I think staring at it for endless hours for several days has me burnt out on screen time, more than I'm burnt out on MWO.

                                And that said, Lis, this place is still invaluable. Please don't let a couple of wankers get in the way of the things you can benefit from here. It would invalidate all of the input from the non-wankers!

                                Peace out.

