Habits are hard to break--drinking and the way we think about things. Your post reminds me of the term "awfulizing".
When I lived in Key West and went to AA I was worrying about chairing my first meeting. I obsessed over what I'd say, what would happen and on and on. Nothing I agonized about happened but a guy did come in late and sit in the front row. The problem was that he was naked! I went on as if all was normal. Some guys got him and dressed him in a skirt because that was the only thing available. What a powerful lesson for me. Nothing I imagined happened and I never imagined a guy would come naked.
I learned a method to help. I wrote all my thoughts down and then went through each one and labeled it true, false or I don't know. It takes time but it might break the pattern or give awareness.
When I started baclofen I also changed my thinking about many things. I took people's behavior personally. Then I realized that people do what they do because that's who they are. That was a huge relief. I looked at how I talked to and about myself. Somewhere in your post you said you suck. That might be a place to start.
I wish you and all else on this thread a peaceful weekend.