My mind is a scary place to live as well. Unfortunately, I haven't been so good at getting out and away from it. I woke up last week convinced I was going to die if I went back to sleep. So I didn't.
So I mentioned earlier that my partner has no idea that I have drank on and off for the last 7 years. I have been drinking this last week. Not a lot, but enough to feel better. So I'm going up on Bac -- hello tinnitus my old friend. The morning after I started drinking my partner says "welcome back". Meaning that I had been absent, and non-communicative and "not myself". I don't think I was like that the entire 100 days, but certainly the last 6 weeks were hell. I know the alcohol will only help my personality/mood for a short while before it takes it's toll, but it was interesting. I do feel like I am still digging my way out of being completely isolated over the last 6 weeks. And dealing with the fall out of that.
So going up on the Bac. At 100 mg. Hoping to actually hit a switch and maybe get some different kind of relief than just white-knuckle not drinking provides.
Lis -- how's the other thing going... not the drinking. I am concerned about that and your getting backed into a corner on the job thing.