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Antabuse question

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    Antabuse question

    How long should one wait after a last drink to start Antabuse?

    Antabuse question

    It depends how much you've been drinking, but, I would wait a good day or even (to be safe) two, if you feel you have the willpower to hold out that long. I once started Antabuse after a very brief relapse (maybe 12 hours after my last drink? I can't quite remember) and became quite sick. Made the side of the toilet my bed for the day, so I could be ready to puke as needed. Not something I would recommend for anyone. Then again, I was drinking close to half a gallon of vodka a day at the time, and 12 hours probably wasn't enough to get it all out of my system. Not sure what your situation is, but I would err on the side of caution. I'm not a doctor at all, so please use caution - the antabuse-alcohol reaction can actually be fatal if taken close enough together/in sufficient quantities. Antabuse + drinking = NASTY STUFF!!!


      Antabuse question

      Sixcat - just wondering why you are asking this question and what was the point of taking the Antabuse? Its not meant to be a drug for moderating intake but to quit AL.

      If I recall you need to wait at least 3 days - possibly longer - if you plan to drink AL soon after. One day would be far too dangerous.


        Antabuse question

        ETA: Please don't take my experience as something to go by. I have an extremely high tolerance to alcohol, my body processes it very quickly. If you don't drink as much as I did at the time, please don't take that as license to think that it's ok to start earlier. Again, I'm not a doctor, but I would never want someone to go through what I did when I tried Antabuse. It's not worth it. Just my two cents.


          Antabuse question

          You might want to consider asking Skullbaby. I believe that he is an expert when it comes to Antabuse.


            Antabuse question

            Here's another Antabuse question...I want to get my ducks in a row before I start this med! I'm a nurse and work in a hospital. We use alchohol based hand sanitizer for cleansing our hands. I probably use the stuff dozens of times on an average day...sometimes I feel like I can even taste it so I know it must get absorbed by my body somewhat. Has anyone heard of this being an issue with Antabuse?


              Antabuse question

              Hi Six!
              I have been on (and off) of Antabuse for a loooong time. Everyone's reaction to it is different. Personally, I can use any product and not have ANY reaction. The ONLY reaction for me comes from ingesting alchohol. I have hear that others have a reaction to everything, which means they must be extra sensitive to it. You should just go about your daily activities as normal. You'll know if you're having a reaction, but I am almost positive that any topical products will not have any adverse affects.
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                Antabuse question

                Thanks k-9! I'm planning to start my Antabuse experiment next week when I'm on that'll give me a week. Hopefully it won't be Heap Big Trouble when I return to work the following Monday!


                  Antabuse question

                  Six, I found this thread from 4/4/2011 that touches on your question. Hope it helps you.




                    Antabuse question

                    Thanks Pie...every little bit of info helps me make an informed decision!


                      Antabuse question

                      Literature in Australia recommends taking antabuse 24 hours after alcohol, but American literature seems to say 12 hours. I've always gone somewhere in between. If I've finished drinking 2 bottles of wine by 10pm, I've taken the antabuse at 2 or 3pm the next day and never had a reaction. I've also never had a reaction from products. The only reaction I have ever had is not waiting long enough after stopping it before drinking again.


                        Antabuse question

                        Hi Six- thanks for writing. Glad you're taking AB to help get some sober days- it does help when taken correctly! A few words-

                        I've never had an AB reaction to alcohol in mouthwash or hand sanitizers. I have heard of others having this though. The only way to know this is to test it out while on your vacation- start small with one or two handwashes, go up as you feel comfortable, and wait a while to see if you feel face flushing/short breath, red skin. You'll know it if/when you feel it... if you do get a reaction, it'll likely be only mildly uncomfortable.

                        Are you taking it with a doctor's care? How much dosage? I myself am prescribed 250/day but I break them in half and take that half pill each day- so 125/day. This is enough to minimize bad reactions to mild alcohol contact (and slightly less tough on the liver), but enough that if I drink, I'm screwed. I've heard of other people taking AB in full dosage but just every other day, or just twice a week. This can work, but I worry that it's infrequent enough that thoughts of "well, maaaybe it's been long enough that I can drink" creep in.

                        Speaking of the liver- it's important to get your liver function checked semi regularly on AB. I get mine checked monthly or quarterly, because it can be tough on the liver, though of course far less tough than drinking alcoholically!! Not to worry you, just good to keep tabs.

                        Do keep in mind though that it does nothing for cravings, so you may likely have some frustrating days getting past cravings. It can be done! On AB, you have no choice but to just get through the cravings without drinking. It's a blessing, not giving yourself the option to drink. It calms the mind chatter of "will I or won't I, god I don't want to but I do but I don't but I might" blah blah.

                        Oftentimes cravings can lead us drunks to eventually just drop the antabuse to sate our cravings for alcohol...I for one pair Antabuse with Baclofen, because the Baclofen helps reduce/minimize the physical cravings, thus ensuring that I don't eventually sabotage my sobriety by planning a "vacation" from my antabuse, allowing myself to drink.

                        I've got a lot more info on all this on my "Skullbaby's Progress" thread, if you're interested

                        Since you've got a vacation week, test out your reaction to AB then, so you know what to expect for work. Hope that helps, best of luck and I'm happy for you! For what it's worth, I think you've got a good plan!


                          Antabuse question

                          I just thought I posted a big long reply, Skullbaby, only to be told I failed to log in ...which I KNOW I did! was concise and well written. Maybe I just type too!
                          Anyway...the gist of it, my NP did not prescribe it...but I know she'll back me up once she knows I've done it...because she's awesome and believes in people taking charge of their own health.
                          I'm glad you mentioned the dosage thing, because I have the 500 mg tabs and probably don't need that much...I will start with half a tab (can you picture my liver bowing low to you with its little hands folded in thanks?).
                          Also...I have some baclofen left over from last year when I gave it up because I couldn't stay awake for my 12 hour shifts (nurse). I'll put that bac bac to work...ok that was dumb even the second time around!

