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Craving for a Drink

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    Craving for a Drink

    I read somewhere that alcoholics trying to stop drinking often confuse your body craving a drink of water as a craving for an alcoholic drink,.
    It's true to a certain extent every evening i get in wanting a beer and cant stop thinking about it until I do. However the last 2 nights I ve had 2 pints of water instead and stopped thinking about needing a beer WOW
    Its easier not to start than stop

    Craving for a Drink

    Hi gmc

    Yes this is true, other things can act as triggers such as being hungry or tired, or just pissed off.

    Simply being thirsty and convincing yourself a cool beer will help has to be the biggest con going. Well done on avoiding that.
    I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

    Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

    AF date 22/07/13

