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Using a different brand

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    Using a different brand

    They're basically the non active ingredients than make up the weight of the pill. If for example a pill weights 200mg and there's 25mg of the active ingredient in it (baclofen) then 175mg of the pill is roughly fillers.


      Using a different brand

      Hi Emily I have sent you a private message x


        Using a different brand



        I have joint this website because I can't stop drinking. I drink every night after 6.00pm until I fall asleep. I drink wine. I have built up this pattern over many years much to the frustration of my husband. He has now left me, so it is time for me to take drastic sustainable action.

        My brother (he lives in France) has sent me an article about the above drug. I want to give it a go. I am currently on Citalopram which apparently does not work well with Beclofen, so I am slowing reducing it in order to give Beclofen a go. He says it can be bought over the counter in Spain.

        Has anyone used it? I have found a website which sells it but am a bit afraid what I am buying. Is there any reputable websites I can go to?

        I sincerely want to beat this before it beats me!


          Using a different brand

          [QUOTE=brookthedog1;1682188Has anyone used it? I have found a website which sells it but am a bit afraid what I am buying. Is there any reputable websites I can go to?
          Welcome, Brook.

          Most of us at this section of the forum use baclofen.

          I suggest you first read a lot about baclofen, how to use it, which side effects you can expect and make a dosing schedule, so you know how much you need to have in stock before you order it. Once you took it for a while, you can not stop abrubtly.
          There's a lot of valuable information to find over here.

          There are a couple of online pharmacies that are reputable.

          If you have specific questions, feel free to ask.
          Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


            Using a different brand

            Hi brook. :welcome: I'm so sorry to hear that you're having such a rough time. Drinking excessively can definitely wreak havoc on a marriage as I, and many others here, can relate to. But that's great that you're ready to do something about it.

            Xadrian is right. It's a good idea to read up on baclofen as much as you can here to know what to expect, and how best to titrate, if you plan on doing this yourself. I can't recommend any specific online pharmacies, as I get mine through a doctor, but many people here (if not most) do get it online, so they'll be able to assist you.

            You may get more responses here if you start your own thread. Or maybe not - who knows? - most regular commenters here do seem to read through all the threads. In any case, welcome to the forum. I hope you find what you need here.


              Using a different brand

              If your in europe goldpharma is hard to beat. I usually get my shipment in 3 to 4 days to the UK.


                Using a different brand

                thank you to you both. I will certainly need support. Today is the first day so wish me luck


                  Using a different brand

                  I definitely wish you luck. Although, from what I've heard, with baclofen, it's not luck - indifference happens. I'm not quite up to the right dose myself, so I can't say from experience, but many people here can. When you say the first day, do you mean your first day on bac or your first day going without alcohol (you mentioned being able to get bac OTC in Spain, so I'm not sure)?

                  In any case, read back through the old threads. Pay particular attention to the ones where people talk about their own personal experience. (I know, some of them are rather long, so skip along as you feel the need).

                  And, no doubt, we have your back. Please keep posting. And maybe start your own thread? That might draw more attention.


                    Using a different brand

                    Hi Emily
                    Have you tried unitedpharmacies? they sell Pacifen. if you buy 400 even with the VAT and postage it still comes to 22p per 10mg tablet.
                    I think that's the same price you have paid from goldpharma,


                      Using a different brand

                      The thing with goldpharma is there's no customs involved for EU resididents. A big plus when considering customs and custom charges. The shipping times are also crazy fast.


                        Using a different brand

                        I now have both my UK prescription Bac and the Goldpharma one, am I ok mixing them?
                        Honour Thyself


                          Using a different brand

                          Same here, I have my UK prescription baclofen (very cheap!) and also baclofen from United Pharmacies which is also very cheap, about 2x the price of the prescription baclofen. I mix them all the time so I don't think you need to worry.


                            Using a different brand

                            I'm jealous of you uk guys with a script. I'm having good luck at a pretty lowish dose so cost isn't too bad. I'd hate to be paying online if I was up in the 300s though.

