I am at week 7 and my dosage of Bac is 75mg/day. I'm going up slowly b/c the side effects are bothering me. So, question one: will they go away in time? Also, my impatience, hand in hand with my alcoholic persona, are pushing hard to make me quit again, but so far I have resisted cos I know that this is my only option. My drinking has been only going one direction these past years: up, and I am so fed up with myself, so tired of the failure I am that I must just stick to it.:upset: Question three: is any of you using L-glut powder? Does it help? And final question - what about nutrition? I think I have read somewhere that cutting carbs and sugar reduces the alcohol cravings, and that reducing alcohol also reduces carb ones in return, which sounds like a very healthy, happy combination. Can anyone confirm? I think that would boost my motivation to keep my emotional overeating under control - which always happens when I drink even more than usual. Always. And it's always carb-based... :thanks::thanks::catroll: