I'm sitting at 100... 25mg split at 7am/11am/3pm/7pm. I've upped from a starting dose of 25mg for 4 days and upped 25mg every 4 days since. I've felt my cravings at this point have more or less subsided. Before Bac I would think of drink from the moment I woke to the moment I went to bed. I was consumed and when I got caught up in the stupid battle of of reasoning with them I usually lost out. My consumption had gotten to the point were I found it hard to go a day without, only when my insides couldn't take any more and my body started to cry out. I was drinking 6lt of 5% beer if starting at 4-5pm or more if drinking all day.
My health is felling the effects. Even after 3 days of hard drinking my liver area is in serious pain. I have bad bad IBS with terrible cramps and unreal sweats with bad anxiety. My Doc is an old skool doc. He gives me Librium to help me when I want to take a break but he's not a new age liberal doc. Which I find strange. I come from a working class area in the north of Ireland and I'd guess a fair amount of his patients are registered alcoholics. He's never pushed AA on thankfully. Bac brings up a red light with him as I have previous with drug abuse.
If the thought of drink comes into my head the Bac seems to automatically just block them out and they disappear as quickly as they came. I can walk past old haunts and off sales without getting all anxious. Being the summer every were you look every one is drinking. This hasn't even got me thinking.
I'm experiencing some SEs. Including...
Heightened anxiety. A felling of edginess. Diazepam helps a lot
IBS (but this I've had for a while)
Intrusive thoughts. This is a strange one. Addiction is for most parts OCD related. I figure that now that the intrusive constant thoughts I used to have where mostly taken up by thinking about drink. Now that I no longer do, my mind has started to move onto other thing. I've been getting caught up in the most random thoughts. Playing out scenarios in my head.. Mostly negative. I just try and snap out of them.
Weird dreams which I loooovvveeee

My sleep is strange. At around 9pm I can't keep my eyes open and drift off like a log. but I awake around 4 hours later. Thankfully I have no trouble getting back to sleep and get another 4-5 hours which is great. Its not like insomnia where your lying there cursing yourself.
I feel like I'm on ADs and Cocaine all rolled into one. I've caught my self with a big grin and am walking about singing and generally in fine form.
All in all things are going great guns. Its only 2 weeks in and I truly thing I hopefully won't have to much higher.
I tried Bac twice last year and went about it all the wrong way titrating up way to fast and ended up the first time going to 300mg in under a month. Survive to say it didn't end well. Its a marathon not a sprint and now that I'm more or less not drinking (a beer or 2 here and there) I see no need to rush things.
Anyway that was longer than I had hoped for but I think you get the gist
