I am new to this website and also have only been taking Baclofen for a few days. It seems to me that this drug may work very well for me, I already feel less inclined to drink and out of habit went to the pub last night: had 2 beers and lent home; this is unheard of. The problem is that the drug makes me feel terrible: some tiredness but mostly my head feels like it is in a vice and I am dizzy for a couple of hours after a dose. I am only using about 70ml a day and trying to work up to about 180.
Anyone got any experiences like this? Can the drug really be immediately effective at suppressing craving; I am definitely thinking about alcohol very differently, but I guess that could be because I feel lousy

I guess I just want to chat about this. Anyone around who has the experience and time to chat?
Cheers :thanks: