I have been at 140 for 3 days now and the switch is still nowhere to be seen...
The drowsiness in the afternoons it seems to me is getting worse rather than better...!
And I've just read a post by Fred The Cat (most awesome nickname ever) about SE's coming back at a lower dose.... WTfreak?
And also very important: in the same post I have read pp have occasional binges after reaching the switch, binges that can be as low as 2 glasses of wine (I WISH!!) or serious ones worthy of the good all days. I had read something like this in the past too.... So... how does that work?? One may just drink for the heck of it without feeling the diabolical urge to, or overdo it socially without being a slave to it...or... does the switch go on and off?? I am a bit confused.
Still struggling with SE's, still waiting for the switch to happen, and still fighting the temptation to give up... But not yet, damn it. Not yet. Unless these damn SE's don't subside and undermine my work and study, I will stick to this. Let's hope that doesn't happen....