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I'm having to come off baclofen rapidly

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    I'm having to come off baclofen rapidly

    I thought I would be in a different position a couple of weeks ago, but things have changed.

    I have half a bottle of baclofen left (2000mg), I started my decline 2 weeks ago and have jumped down 100mg. I've been noticing very scary thoughts and sometimes feel like I'm fighting off a psychosis. From my understanding, where I'm at now in dose I need to take it slower as the side effects get more severe around this level.

    I'm at 150mgs now...I'm not sure how many mgs Ill need to come off safely.

    I would order more but I do not have time nor the money to.

    I'm reaching out to you guys for a plea of help if anyone can spare a few pills here and there...I can repay in the future when I'm in a better financial situation.

    I do not plan to stay off baclofen forever.

    I've been missing you all.
    ?If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place. Primary reality is within; secondary reality without.? - Eckhart Tolle

    To contact me, please msg me here:
    Baclofen for Alcoholism

    I'm having to come off baclofen rapidly

    PM me your info if you want, I have some extra. EDIT, if you're in the US. As for the scary thoughts, that is NORMAL and it DOES go away but going down extremely quickly is not fun nor is it terribly safe.


      I'm having to come off baclofen rapidly


      Are you in the US? I have spares and can get them to you. Last I heard you were somewhere else.

      pm me if you need my email. We miss you...



        I'm having to come off baclofen rapidly

        Oh, and please take care... What you are experiencing is withdrawal from a GABA agonist. I went through that with Diazepam... It's no fun and worse if you have to do it fast.


          I'm having to come off baclofen rapidly

          Thank you for that link, LA! I knew it was around here somewhere...ssearching and responding on this phone sucks with little phone reception in the boonies! Hence why I havent been on.

          I'm here in Missouri still...planning to move out of the sticks where internet and reception exists! So do jobs!
          ?If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place. Primary reality is within; secondary reality without.? - Eckhart Tolle

          To contact me, please msg me here:

          Baclofen for Alcoholism


            I'm having to come off baclofen rapidly

            Mandie, good to hear from you. If I may ask, why are you titrating down off baclofen, let alone in a rapid way?


              I'm having to come off baclofen rapidly

              Skull! So glad seeing so many of you here still. I'm gratefully in a city with internet the past few days so it's been nice getting on here when I can.

              I'm coming off rapidly due to putting myself in a bad situation of having no job or monies. I had plans to be with RedThread this past month and I could then work and have a supply of baclofen rolling in. Unfortunately, plans fell through so I'm currently in the middle of finding a place in Springfield so that I can work. Where I currently live, it is a 30 minute drive to the closest gas station with no vehicle.

              With all that said, after plans fell through, I had one bottle left and fell short to come off proper.

              To get really confusing for you guys (myself included), I started drinking pretty heavy at my normal dose a few months ago...I was also going out to the rivers leaving my baclofen in the sun (stupidly), I'm wondering if the potency has worn off?

              I still get side effects, audial hallucinations, zaps, depression, thoughts of feeling like I'm going to die or have a serious illness, fighting off total psychosis after I came down so much in my dosage. Of course my drinking is now to the point that I'm on the verge of not being able to stop (even in my heavy drinking on baclofen, I was able to call it quits).

              I am right now, able to sit here with vodka in my drawer and haven't touched it in two days.

              So it HAS to be working, but how well? Hmmmm....I know there's a thread around here on baclofen and heat.

              I DO plan to get back on baclofen once I'm in a more stable environment and working to be able to afford it...for now, it's just not possible. I can't even afford a bottle of conditioner(but I can muster people to buy me vodka)! My hair is a frizzy mess! I'm a hot mess

              Loving and missing you guys so much, just being on here the past two days has helped pull me out of my funk.

              I can't wait to get my shits together and be back! I NEEEED you guys! You guys keep me sane and on track. For that, I will always be grateful.

              I'll be back home with no internet or reception after today for a little while...but I've been bouncing back and forth, I'll pop my face in when I'm back here in real life....although, I kinda like the sound of banjos.
              ?If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place. Primary reality is within; secondary reality without.? - Eckhart Tolle

              To contact me, please msg me here:
              Baclofen for Alcoholism


                I'm having to come off baclofen rapidly

                Banjos as in the movie Deliverance, or something more cryptic? Baclofen makes me unable to decipher things...

                Aww, I hope things get better. I know you've traveled a rough road. Give Red Thread my best. Please try and buy hair conditioner instead of vodka!:nutso:



                  I'm having to come off baclofen rapidly

                  Samandkatharine;1691210 wrote: Please try and buy hair conditioner instead of vodka.
                  Do you think that is better? I never tasted hair conditioner, but now you mentioned it, I surely will give it a try :H
                  Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


                    I'm having to come off baclofen rapidly

                    Haha...I was impressed with myself last week for buying hair conditioner with pennies instead of vodka(I was well known for that).

                    Banjoes as in the hills have eyes back country.
                    ?If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place. Primary reality is within; secondary reality without.? - Eckhart Tolle

                    To contact me, please msg me here:
                    Baclofen for Alcoholism

