I'm wondering if anyone who has taken Campral had any problems with their short term memory or recall? I am taking it, and it appears to be going well. However, I'm very concerned about the amount of things I forget. Like today I gave someone money in the morning then had totally forgot that I gave them it and tried to give them it again. I'm worried that my brain has been destroyed or something by drinking. However, I'm only 30 and I have only been drinking 13 years in binges....not sure if thats enough to mess up your short term memory....
Only other thing is xanax which i take some times to sleep. I took some last night, but it was a very small dose at 250 mcg so I don't think that that would be enough to cause the level deficit I'm noticing. I torn because Campral is working, but I can't go around not remembering stuff!

Anyone have any experience?