I figured I needed to start keeping some sort of journal of my Vivitrol experience, so what better place to start than here! I'll probably rattle some, there will be some details I think are important but might be a little "personal", but most importantly this will be honest facts of what I am going through. I hope to keep this going as they want me to try it out for a year.
I have not been on here much since making some posts in the taper thread a while ago, (which I still am a fan of by the way, there is just so much to it and you need to learn) and some has changed since then. To cut to the chase, I went into my most recent inpatient facility on June 20th of this year. A complete and full 60 days today for those counting at home

Around 8 to 10 days after detox they started me on the Naltrexone pills. I more volunteered for it more than they were pushing it. I was quite curious about it. Oh, and I feel this is of importance to my overall feelings that I will get to. When I went into rehab this time there were really no major consequences from legal, job, or my family life. Yeah, the family life was going pretty bad I admit, but it was not being the point of no return. I basically went in because I once again became physically dependent on alcohol and yes, it does get worse each time! So in other words I did not go in because "omg my whole life is over and ruined and I have to fix this all now". Sure, my body was half dead (or more!) and that can surely change someones attitude about recovery, but other than that there was not a "I must make it work this time". I just wanted to make that point for when I get to my cravings and other feelings I did not want people to take into account "oh maybe you just hit the bottom and that's why you aren't craving". I do not believe that to be the case at all.
Now that I got that out of the way I am going to go ahead a post this to get the thread started and immediately start posting a response to my experience so far...........