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My Vivitrol / Naltrexone Blog

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    My Vivitrol / Naltrexone Blog


    I figured I needed to start keeping some sort of journal of my Vivitrol experience, so what better place to start than here! I'll probably rattle some, there will be some details I think are important but might be a little "personal", but most importantly this will be honest facts of what I am going through. I hope to keep this going as they want me to try it out for a year.

    I have not been on here much since making some posts in the taper thread a while ago, (which I still am a fan of by the way, there is just so much to it and you need to learn) and some has changed since then. To cut to the chase, I went into my most recent inpatient facility on June 20th of this year. A complete and full 60 days today for those counting at home

    Around 8 to 10 days after detox they started me on the Naltrexone pills. I more volunteered for it more than they were pushing it. I was quite curious about it. Oh, and I feel this is of importance to my overall feelings that I will get to. When I went into rehab this time there were really no major consequences from legal, job, or my family life. Yeah, the family life was going pretty bad I admit, but it was not being the point of no return. I basically went in because I once again became physically dependent on alcohol and yes, it does get worse each time! So in other words I did not go in because "omg my whole life is over and ruined and I have to fix this all now". Sure, my body was half dead (or more!) and that can surely change someones attitude about recovery, but other than that there was not a "I must make it work this time". I just wanted to make that point for when I get to my cravings and other feelings I did not want people to take into account "oh maybe you just hit the bottom and that's why you aren't craving". I do not believe that to be the case at all.

    Now that I got that out of the way I am going to go ahead a post this to get the thread started and immediately start posting a response to my experience so far...........

    My Vivitrol / Naltrexone Blog

    (I just babbled a bunch here and am not proof reading it so don't mind any spelling errors, lol)

    The bad news is I cannot remember the exact date I got put on the Naltrexone pills. I could find out but a guesstimate will do. It had to have been somewhere around July 4th, 2014, give or take a couple days either way. I was discharged from the facility on July 17th. About 7 or 8 days in on the pill I swore I noticed it working. It was weird, similar to how campral made me feel (the very short time I was on it), it was like I really stopped thinking about drinking. It was just crazy, and I was even going through my nightly fantasies you get in rehab about future plans and things you want to do when you get out and it felt like I could do anything I wanted WITHOUT wanting to drink or care about drinking. This feeling went on the rest of my stay. Towards the end of my rehab stay I knew I was on Naltrexone as long or longer than when I started getting the messed up side effects from campral (I might get into that later but just want to keep this on Naltrexone for now). I was basically having zero sides, or at least anything "major". I noticed I was not eating much, I just really didn't have an appetite, but I am still not sure if that was from the Naltrexone or just the stress and anxiety from being in rehab. I wasn't complaining because of course I put on several pounds of WASTE, lol, before I went in.

    So I get released from rehab with a few pills left and a script for another 30 pills should I need them before I find someone who will actually give me the Vivitrol shot. I thought it would be easy, but it turns out it was more difficult than I thought. This all has to do with insurance and plus primary care physicians stay away from it, so basically you first have to find a specialty place to do it, then find one that works best with your insurance. Or just pay out of pocket of course. I got set up for a "pre screening" appointment on August 6th. FYI, all the places wanted this pre screening garbage and they charge pretty big for it, but the facility I chose saw my pills and prescription for those and they had extra shots on hand so they knew I was ready to get the shot that day. Yes, a little painful and sore for a few days, but not that bad. So my first shot was administered on August 6th and off I go!

    Before I go any further I must explain the love for physical activity I got back while in rehab and I am continuing to do it to this day. It is something I have always done and always loved, however over the past 5 years I have done almost zero because of how deep I got into alcohol. This fact will be important. Also, in rehab I kind of got "sucked into" the idea of going to meetings and taking the program seriously. I was sort of having fun with it this time. When I got released on July 17th I went to meetings everyday........... um, for the first week. Then the second week just a couple. Third week zero. Still zero. I currently am not going to meetings, I never got a sponsor, I quit reading the Big Book and 12 and 12 and all literature. I also feel this is important to point out for not only the rest of this post, but also for future posts I make. I am not looking to get bashed for me stopping all of what I need to do and "should be" doing. It is what it is. I just want to point it out so all the facts are present no matter what happens.

    So back to the babbling. From when I started the pills in early July, all the way through a week of taking the shot, I felt friggin amazing! I had just about zero cravings, I have been doing so much exercise I am close to the best shape I have been in in probably 8 to 10 years, I have been competing in sporting events and even signed up for a couple 5k races coming up soon! Something I would have never done! At a recent softball game of course most of the team was drinking and I had one instance where someone asked me to grab them a beer. It was a hot day and the beer was ice cold and it was just weird. It's like for a nano second the thought crossed my mind and that was it. Thought totally gone! I even had to crack one open for another teammate who had his batting gloves on. This time absolutely zero thought crossed my mind. It is so strange but awesome the things I have been able to do where in the past I would have broke easily. Yes, I need to be more aware of my surroundings and the people I hang out with, we all know that. As I mentioned before I am not here to get bashed. The fact is I have actually been doing things I have loved my whole life, and yes, at a lot of them alcohol is around, but I have been having zero thought to at the most a split second thought that just goes away! It is crazy! It's like I am living the life I always wanted, but also loving it at the same time! In my many previous attempts (yes, I'm a professional drinker, lol) I would have either gave in or been miserable. It is so hard to explain but I am actually just happy!

    Now, fast forward to around August 12th or 13th, this is about a week since the injection has been in me. I notice a lot more mild to medium anxiety, pretty much around the clock I would say. I have zero desire to do anything, no exercise, no sports activities, even things like cleaning up little things around the house. I also have almost zero sexual desires. This went on pretty heavy for about 72 hours and still very noticeable for a couple more days. You know how you know your own body and I could just feel it inside that it was the shot and the difference with the way it is time released compared to the steady flow of the pill. Well, I probably worded that wrong. Let's just say I noticed much more of a surge/spike on the medicine in my blood stream compared to the pill which to me made me feel the same pretty much all day. Again, this is just my opinion and I will speak to the doctor about it on my second shot, but it seems the time release of the shot is much more inconsistent in levels compared to the pill. At least for me it is, and from the 12th to about the 17th the shot seemed to be giving me my peak of the medicine. The good news about this is that with the way I was feeling there is no way I was going to drink. The bad news, well, I felt like complete crap for several days there. I don't know, but I am hoping it is like other medicines where you sort of get used to it the more you are on it. Those peak days though definitely felt like too much of a dose for me, and yes, I got the standard dose whatever that is again, like 350 or 375 mgs??? Either way it was the standard dose.

    So, to end my blog for now, the nights of the 18th and 19th I woke up a few times in the night both for the same reason. To keep this PG and less embarrassing for me, let's just say both nights I woke up because it felt like someone gave me a triple dose of Viagra! Really! I actually impressed myself, lol, I ain't getting any younger you know! I did not think much of this until earlier in the day today, August 20th, as several things started happening. First, my mind was back to it's normal self with the "naughty thoughts" thinking , also I feel like I want to work out like crazy, I had almost zero anxiety today, but worst of all................. it's the first time in 60 days I had some legit cravings. Nothing I could not handle, but the thoughts were definitely there and they did not disappear so easily as they did before.

    My mind and heart have 2 possible thoughts on this and only time will tell. 1) the shot is definitely time released so much different than the pill and it has it's very potent peak, but as it gets out of your system there is less and less quicker causing it to have less effect on your brain. 2) Me not working a program at all for about a month and putting myself in situations where others were drinking is just all adding up and getting to me and caused me the cravings today.

    Again, time will tell, so until my next blog entry....................... ENJOY LIFE!


      My Vivitrol / Naltrexone Blog

      Hi Woody -glad to see you here and trying Naltrexone. Anything to reduce or eliminate cravings is better than before -right?


        My Vivitrol / Naltrexone Blog

        spiritwolf333;1695875 wrote: Hi Woody -glad to see you here and trying Naltrexone. Anything to reduce or eliminate cravings is better than before -right?
        Thank you and yes it sure is! I know anything can happen any day, but it is just amazing the way I feel both physically and mentally right now!


          My Vivitrol / Naltrexone Blog

          Welcome to the forum, woody! I think you'll find that no one here is going to bash you for not "working a program." The beauty of using a medication that controls cravings is that you don't have to be afraid of life. You can go to those softballs games, or to anything else that you love where other people are drinking, and simply enjoy the event without being trapped in that craving, jealous, about to rip a drink out of someone's hand kind of madness.

          I don't have any experience with naltrexone in either the pill or shot form, so I don't have much to offer as to why the effects seem to vary, or why it's suddenly less effective. I would have thought the shot would provide more consistent blood concentrations than the pill - definitely something to bring up with your doctor. Anyway, it's good to hear that you've had so much success with it overall


            My Vivitrol / Naltrexone Blog

            I know, I know, I've been slacking with updates. I had my last shot on 9/2 and am scheduled for the next on 9/30. 9/2 was a Tuesday and the Friday before that, I don't have a calendar in front of me but I think 8/29, I drank. I was at the end of my dose of the shot of course and was on 80 something days of being completely free of everything and exercising like crazy and eating better than I ever have. I must say, I got messed up very quickly, very badly, and off of a "small" amount for a normally very heavy drinker. I am attributing this to the abstinence days, exercise and diet, as well as it being just a couple days away from my next shot and some of the medicine would be out of my system. Either way after three 6% beers I had a pretty good buzz going! That would never happen back in my heavy drinking days. The other scary part is the feelings of this buzz I was feeling. I felt like I was in heaven and it felt like that first buzz I had and have been chasing to get back to for 20+ years! I felt incredible and that I found my purpose! Even while drinking, at least at the buzz stage, I knew I would once again be hooked this felt so good.

            Of course I could not stop drinking once I started and continued on until I was acting crazy and stupid and insane. I was extremely sick the next day, hung over and slept pretty much all Saturday. I think this is the only thing that may have prevented me from wanting to get back to the heaven like feeling the first 3 beers made me have. Oh, so to jump ahead here, as much as I loved that feeling and thought I was screwed and would be drinking daily again, I haven't had a drop since and it will be 3 weeks without any this Friday. It is amazing how quick it went! Again, I have to explain my background again as well as how GREAT the buzz feeling was on 8/29. I was a DAILY BINGE drinker, that's daily blackouts, who was physically addicted. And that initial buzz feeling on 8/29................ I'm serious when I say it felt like heaven, oh my it was so wonderful! I just have to repeat that because as great as that feeling was and as bad as I wanted it again, for some reason it was easy to wait until 9/2 for the next shot. Since then until about a day or 2 ago I had no issues with cravings!

            This shot was similar to the last, although any side effects seemed to happen sooner and they were not near as bad this time. I explained the sluggish feeling to the doc on 9/2 and he explained it to me how that was probably the peak of the vivitrol in my bloodstream as the timing was right. He told me to just keep active to try and get more stimulating endorphins going and that's what I did. I added a couple more softball leagues a night and I hardly noticed any sides and here I am! Like I said before, it seems like nearly 21 days flew by since I last drank. I have noticed the last 2 days I am getting extremely angry at everyone and anyone and the urges are slightly starting to kick in, but nothing major (but the anger is major for sure!). Oh, and I did not really notice of the lack of sex drive side effects this time as well as my appetite is way up. Basically it feels like my body is getting used to the sides and how to handle them. This sentence is going to sound weird so try to keep up, lol. I do not notice me not noticing the cravings as well as I did on campral, but the good this is since I am not really noticing anything at all the time seems to fly and before I know it I was not even thinking about drinking! Let me try to word that better, lol. On campral I didn't crave but my mind noticed I was not craving. On vivitrol I am not craving but I am not paying attention to me not craving. It's a totally different feeling than campral and it's like days go by before you even realize you weren't drinking.

            Gosh I keep on getting all these Error things popping up saying invalid server from tis new site.............
            />Anyway, I still have not been back to any meetings and am back to getting joy out of life doing the things I love. No offense to meetings and if they work then do them please, but I have over 10 years of going in and out of the rooms and for me I could not do a single thing in life other than focus on things related to 12 steps 24/7. I was a zombie, and now I feel free where I can do what I want and do things I enjoy but still not drink. Yes, they will say you can do that and have fun in other programs, but trust me, the first year it ain't gonna happen and you will be a zombie! Ok, I'll stop ranting and bashing 12 step programs, but this is the first time in close to 20 years that I felt free and in control! And guess what? Even though I drank once while on Vivitrol and things could have gotten ugly, even when I have given 150% in a 12 step program only one time have I done better than only drinking 1 time in 100 days like I am now! So I am doing as good or better than my best effort at a 12 step program, BUT I'M NOT A ZOMBIE and reporting my life to others constantly and am able to do what I want to do! I love it!

            I have to admit this too, I also am not seeing any form of councilor yet, although I have been looking and should have a psych appointment soon (I think I need psych).

            Ok, I'm out for now, but will report back in the not too distant future!


              My Vivitrol / Naltrexone Blog

              Hi Woody, my psychiatrist and therapist both are becoming very vocal about going off naltrexone tablets and getting the Vivitrol shot. I have been resisting it because of the possibility of side effects - you can always not take a pill, but you can't un-take a shot. The therapist went so far as to call it a "Holy Grail," and when people speak in such hyperbolic terms, it makes me even more skeptical. I would be more interested in hearing about your experience with the side effects. I am a professional classical musician, so I when I need complete clarity of mind, I need complete clarity of mind, even if that means skipping a dose of naltrexone. I'm afraid of having a bad Vivitrol day, with my luck, on a day I can least afford it.
              In the middle of my life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, as I had lost the straight path. It is a difficult thing to speak about, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood is. Just thinking about it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death, but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there. --Dante, paraphrased


                My Vivitrol / Naltrexone Blog

                Alky I don't think there is any holy grail, there's a whole load of things you can throw at it but the human animal varies so much and has a mind of it's own. I would hazard a guess that some ups and downs are a result of simply being that human, different triggers and stresses. I used Naltrexone as per Sinclair Method, which is taking it when you drink. I did however notice that if I took it several days in a row I would end up feeling flat - I didn't feel this until I'd reached the point at which cravings has been eliminated, so the simple solution was to not have several drinking days on the trot. Not sure how you would do that if you aren't using it as a pre-emp to drinking sessions - ie with abstenance.
                I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                AF date 22/07/13


                  My Vivitrol / Naltrexone Blog

                  Alky;n2511614 wrote: Hi Woody, my psychiatrist and therapist both are becoming very vocal about going off naltrexone tablets and getting the Vivitrol shot. I have been resisting it because of the possibility of side effects - you can always not take a pill, but you can't un-take a shot. The therapist went so far as to call it a "Holy Grail," and when people speak in such hyperbolic terms, it makes me even more skeptical. I would be more interested in hearing about your experience with the side effects. I am a professional classical musician, so I when I need complete clarity of mind, I need complete clarity of mind, even if that means skipping a dose of naltrexone. I'm afraid of having a bad Vivitrol day, with my luck, on a day I can least afford it.
                  Hi Alky,

                  Well, I'm sure it works differently on everyone but here is a quick detailed version of my sides and I'll try not to repeat too much of what I wrote in my initial ramblings and keep it to the physical and mental feelings. I've been on it for about 3 months now. My first month was on the pills, naltrexone. Of course as you know they do that to see how you will react and if you would be able to take the vivitrol injections. I had probably absolutely zero sides from the pill form. There is a chance I had a loss of appetite, but I'm thinking that was because I was in a 28 day rehab facility when I started and of course going through some things. Other than that there were no sides and I actually felt wonderful the entire time! So then I get my first shot. All was well until somewhere around the 2nd week and it lasted for about 5 days. I just felt like the hole in a doughnut! LOL, seeing if anyone gets that AA literature reference. Anyway, those 5 or 6 days I could not do anything because I did not want to do anything and felt sluggish as can be both mentally and physically. I basically sat around all day as that is all I could do. So when I went to get my 2nd shot a couple weeks ago I mentioned this to the Dr as they want to know how it went and even have you fill out questions as to how it went. After I told him he was sort of laughing because he knew the timing of when I felt this was the timing of when the peak concentration of the medicine was in my bloodstream. He said it's common. I wasn't too happy because I did not want to feel like this even for a few days. He said it will most likely get easier and to keep busy and active and do things to get your mind stimulate and things you enjoy that make you happy. Long story short, I'm about 2 1/2 weeks in on this shot and I don't think I noticed that sluggish feeling at all! Maybe for an hour or two here and there, but definitely not like the 5 days in a row! I can function pretty much at 100% this time. I will really keep track after my 3rd shot on 9/30 because I have a 10k race exactly 10 days after the injection so I will be giving a detailed and honest review of how I'm feeling as I don't want to be tired for that! My guess is if I keep getting used to it, by this 3rd shot I should be fine.

                  Again, we all could feel it differently, but from what I noticed is I would try to make sure you had no performances the first month, if possible, and see what you think. Just do not be alarmed if you have the "sluggish" feeling for about a week in the middle of it, as the 2nd shot it should be much easier!

                  I'll definite post back on how the 3rd shot is going around mid-October and will post back earlier if anything new comes up. Once again I notice some thoughts of wanting to use today like I have the last 2 days, but I think it's just the medicine coming out of my system and as of this second it is nothing I can't handle.


                    My Vivitrol / Naltrexone Blog

                    Alky, I just thought of another thing during my first shot. It created some pretty intense anxiety during that peak period. Yeah it sucked, but it only lasted a few days. On the second shot I don't think I really noticed it, or at least not as bad.

                    I did have to post again because I drank last night. I was clean for 21 days and about 17 or 18 days into the shot. Once again, I am getting trashed WAY to easy! The vivitrol is definitely not blocking any effects from the alcohol and seems to be increasing the effects on me big time. Or as I mentioned before it is just all the alcohol free days I am racking up along with the exercise and diet changes. I had the equivalent of 7 to 8 standard drinks and I was pretty trashed. I would have at a minimum double that in my heavy drinking days to feel what I felt last night. Off of the first 2 drinks I felt like the king of the world. Then after 4 it was weird because I just didn't want anymore. My evil drinking mind made my body try to force a few more down but I was starting to feel sick and way too buzzed/drunk. I am somewhat sick feeling today, but no vomiting yet, lol. Just the sluggish not wanting to do anything, bloodshot eyes, and bad headache. I know we can't guarantee anything, but with the way I feel along with my mind set right now I am 99.9% sure I won't be having a drink today and probably not for a while. I had to throw that out there because again, I was a physically addicted heavy daily drinker and while nothing is promised I just have zero desire to drink every day. Also, on my last relapse BEFORE I started the Vivitrol I had exactly 30 clean days and drank heavy, felt sick as could be the next day, but I just continued on drinking and drinking until I had to go back into a facility. I'm guessing it is the Vivitrol but I feel zero desire to drink today. While the Vivitrol has not "cured" me of alcohol forever, I have to say that as of now it is doing what it is intended to do and that is lower the amount of drinking days. And so far it has lowered mine a LOT! Time will tell how long this will go on for, but I honestly have put in zero fight effort and have just been living life. I'm sure if I put more effort into it I could go even longer.


                      My Vivitrol / Naltrexone Blog

                      Naltrexone in pill form works specifically to block the reward feeling with drinking and thus lead to extinction and lessened drinking. I don't know the purpose of a vivitrol shot if taken without drinking to lessen craving.

                      Most with success following the sinclair method drink as before, notice a reduction in drinking and this often results in very infrequent or no drinking. The pill then is ONLY taken before any drinking "the golden rule". I have had great success with this and have followed those on the Sinclair Method Website with similar results.

                      The desire to drink fades away as the usual reward or pleasure doesn't occur, so it is often just easier not to drink or just decide it just doesn't matter.

                      The concern with the shot is that opiate receptors are blocked long term along with other pleasurable aspects of life linked to opiate receptors. The pill has a short half life and is generally put of the system in about 48 hrs.

                      I'm unaware as to any literature or studies regarding how vivitrol would help problem drinking on it's own. There are studies with TSM that are fairly compelling.


                        My Vivitrol / Naltrexone Blog

                        guapo;n2513477 wrote: Naltrexone in pill form works specifically to block the reward feeling with drinking and thus lead to extinction and lessened drinking. I don't know the purpose of a vivitrol shot if taken without drinking to lessen craving.

                        Most with success following the sinclair method drink as before, notice a reduction in drinking and this often results in very infrequent or no drinking. The pill then is ONLY taken before any drinking "the golden rule". I have had great success with this and have followed those on the Sinclair Method Website with similar results.

                        The desire to drink fades away as the usual reward or pleasure doesn't occur, so it is often just easier not to drink or just decide it just doesn't matter.

                        The concern with the shot is that opiate receptors are blocked long term along with other pleasurable aspects of life linked to opiate receptors. The pill has a short half life and is generally put of the system in about 48 hrs.

                        I'm unaware as to any literature or studies regarding how vivitrol would help problem drinking on it's own. There are studies with TSM that are fairly compelling.
                        Some people use and find success with taking naltrexone everyday without drinking alcohol, so almost like a tablet form of Vivitrol shot.
                        I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                        Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                        AF date 22/07/13


                          My Vivitrol / Naltrexone Blog

                          Well, I have some very interesting news! I drank again 2 days ago, making only 5 free days in a row for me, which in my mind is kind of scary and I'm thinking it is not a good. HOWEVER, the strangest thing happened! It is interesting since we already know I am only a major binge drinker. For those that are the same way this will make sense. Over the 5 hours I was drinking I only had 6 standard drinks, I had a perfect buzz, I was feeling fine, and had absolutely ZERO desire to drink more! This has absolutely never happened to me my entire life since the first time I drank about 28 years ago! Ever! In fact, my body was almost making me feel sick at the thought of having anymore! My first thought is that I got buzzed/drunk so quickly because I have not been drinking and my body is not used to it. There is no way this is possible, because the 3 times I have drank since being on Vivitrol it has been more frequent and less each time. On my relapse before I started Vivitrol it only took one time and I was immediately off to the races of blacking out every day. It is just so strange, the 1st time I had quite a bit and got totally smashed, the 2nd time I had about half or less than what I normally have and 2 days ago I had about a third or a quarter of what I usually have and I was just completely satisfied! Oh, and a side note, my liver has been getting checked like crazy the last 3 months and that is not a factor at all in me getting buzzed/drunk so quickly. It is doing fine, in the high range of normal, and still making improvements.

                          I sit here today 2 days in of not having any alcohol and on one hand I am extremely excited as to how this is working on me, but on the other hand I know my history and in a second I can be a complete animal with zero control and become physically addicted. I guess I don't know what to think, but I am going to continue on with health goals as they seem to keep me as abstinent as possible as it is not cool to sign up for different races or team sport events and pay for them but not be able to participate because you are too drunk, lol.

                          Now here is the main reason I am writing this. I have all the literature from Vivitrol and of course have done lots of readings. I know the blocking effects are mostly for opiates, but it does say they believe it happens in alcohol. It does also state they are not entirely sure how or why it does what it does with alcohol! I am starting to agree with this a LOT more! After what I was told by doctors and what I have read, I came into this thinking it would lower my cravings, and if I had a drinking episode I would not really feel the effects of alcohol. The first part is true, my cravings are 100%, no doubt, definitely down! The second part however is not true in the slightest for me! It is not blocking any of the effects of alcohol for me, it is actually making them worse! I don't mean that in a bad way though. After I had the 6 standard drinks a couple days ago I had several beers and other drinks still in the house and my binge thinking mind told me to get more for a split second there. What happened is I started to get that sick feeling when you know you over did it and you start to swallow thinking there is a good possibility you might vomit. I must state it never got that bad, but just enough to put my mind in body in check that I am feeling great and can't handle another one. Again, I am going to try to go as long as I can and try to continue you my health kick, but I swear after the other day it is now starting to feel like I almost can drink when I want and I won't be able to overdo it anymore! I know that would be a miracle, so I am not going to test out the theory and keep drinking everyday, but I am definitely going to continue to blog this and see if it continues.

                          To me, as much as I always wanted to reject the Sinclair Method and go with what doctors and the government labels say, it almost sounds like I am automatically getting a slow reaction to the Sinclair method. Only time will tell, but there is one downside to all of this. I am much more of an honest person now and I am dying to tell my Vivitrol doctor all about this. Um, when I told him about the first drinking episode he wasn't too happy and I do see notices all around the office that they will cut you off if you continue to use. So, I'm not going to say a word just yet, as much as I hate to do that, and just continue this blog for a few more months and see what happens. If things continue to progress towards the Sinclair method with my occasional drinking and me not even thinking of the Sinclair method, I will definitely show this to him or at least explain what is going on a few months down the road. Gosh I still can't believe that happened! 6 standard drinks! 6 standard drinks and I felt perfect and was done! Didn't want anymore! Strange!


                            My Vivitrol / Naltrexone Blog

                            Naltrexone/vivtrol doesn't stop you getting drunk off the alcohol, it does however block the endorphins released when you drink - they are the body's opiate chemicals, for some people when repeated over time, every time they drink, this breaks the physical addiction and the physical drive to drink more.

                            I do hope you get the sinclair effect, but if you can stay sober please do.

                            I haven't a clue how vivitrol/naltrexone stops cravings WITHOUT drinking because it's not blocking the endorphins resulting from drinking.

                            I have learned however that many medications are only recommended for certain uses on the basis that when given to patients it seemed to have an effect, ie there's often no actual hard scientific data, it just happens to be an observation that when taking the drug people find it easier to not drink. At least with nal + Sinclair there is a decentish theory and link to breaking the addiction. Same with baclofen use.
                            I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                            Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                            AF date 22/07/13

