Stopped to fill the Rx on the way home and just took my first one. I also stopped at Hi Health to buy the other recommended supps. I just knew the lady ringing me up was gonna ask what it was all for. Well, she asks me if I'm doing a 'detox'. Geeeez, do you think I want to talk about it to a complete stranger? I already had to go through the embarassment of talking to my doctor and pharmacist about it. Then, in the course of ringing mystuff, she manages to tell me...
* I should join a gym
* I have a cute figure and just need to tone up
* chromium will help w/my carb cravings (which I didn't tell her I had any because I don't)
* I should go to AA
* everyone has addictions
I think she wins the prize for most inappropriate and personal comments within the span of two minutes.
Anyway, I am rambling, but happy to get started w/this all. I took my first Naltrexone pill, but won't start the supps/vitamins until tomorrow because I have to organize it all first (got one of those huge pill organizers w/every day of the week and four slots for each day to organize by time). Its crazy how many pills are recommended, but its not forever and I figure I can use all the help I can get.