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The Naltrexone Works!

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    The Naltrexone Works!

    I just came back to update that I moderated tonight and it went really really well. The first time I moderated (last Saturday), I had two beers and honestly didn't really enjoy them (maybe I was just nervous about drinking at all after going on the meds). Tonight, I had three glasses of wine (over about four hours) and really enjoyed it. I did not get buzzed at all, but I enjoyed the taste and it did still make me feel relaxed. I was sharing the wine w/a friend who came over for dinner. Could've opened another bottle (had another one chilled just in case), but felt satisfied w/the one bottle we shared. Other than last Sat and this Sat, though, I have been totally AF in between. I had one bad craving last Tuesday at 4pm, but took an extra 1000 mg of l-glut and that helped. Today, I also had a bad craving around 4pm, but didn't bother w/the extra l-glut since I had already planned that I would be having wine tonight w/my friend. I can't even begin to explain how great it feels to be able to make a plan and stick w/it. Seems like my worst nights often started w/the best of intentions. And, that is an awful feeling to not be able to trust yourself.

    Anyway, I hope the Naltrexone keeps working for me. So far, so good. I hope one day I can mod without any meds, but for now, I feel like I really need the boost from the meds to help get me back in control.


      The Naltrexone Works!

      Great stuff ada! you're doing great!
      It always seems impossible until it's done....


        The Naltrexone Works!

        Pisces;144447 wrote: Hi,

        I'm taking Campral now, and I've found it's helping, but I know I haven't completely conquered my problem, and you've got me thinking...

        I don't think my cravings are physical, as I can go without for a bit, but if I get upset or even just bored my cravings get very strong. I've taken up scuba diving which has put me on a real high, but Saturday night went out with my girlfriends to see our fav band and had planned to stick to diet coke, of which I did for the first couple of hours, then GF wanted to buy me a drink, and without hesitiation I said yes, and went on to have 5 beers.

        I so regretted it the next morning as I was due to go for a dive, but even though I know I can drink heaps more than that and still function, the movement of the boat made me queasy, even though I don't normally suffer seasickness, and I didn't enjoy the dive as much.

        So to sum up, I'm not binging as much, but emotionally I still find it easy to give in to drinking, and I think it's a habit as well.

        But considering the emotional stuff I have been going through with my breakup, I'm feeling pretting good, and thanks to the inspiration here I'm not giving up on giving up!

        Love Jasmin :h
        Hi Jasmin,

        My doctor told me that campral is good for maintanence once you have stopped drinking completely and you have to be sober at least two weeks before taking it. You also need some kind of cousneling. I think the naltrexone works much better because it actually stops the cravings. You just don't think about drinking as much also. I took campral and it really did nothing much for me I was drinking again after a month on it.


          The Naltrexone Works!

          Hi, this is all very helpful and interesting stuff! I've been lurking on this site for a while, and am about to start the program soon. But I spoke to my GP about Topamax and he would not prescribe it - so i'm considering ordering topa / campral / naltrexone online. But which works best? I intend to go for moderation ultimately - altough not intending to drink for a week if poss to start with.

          Any advise would be very much appreciated!:new:


            The Naltrexone Works!

            Campral ???

            Hello you can call me Lamb,
            I am new to this site but very interested in your post reguarding Campral?? I am really interested in this medication and was wondering if you have ever ordered online? I realize it would be better to talk to my Dr. but problem is I work in a hospital and my family practice Dr works with me too. So I really don't want him knowing all my secrets??
            Tks Lamb

            Flip;144349 wrote: There's quite a bit written about this in this thread already, but my personal experience is as follows:

            Naltrexone for 6 weeks in 2005 worked really well, but I fell off the wagon because I wasn't addressing the REASONS I drank. I tried Naltrexone again a few months later but it just didn't seem to have the same effect. By Feb 2006 my Dr put me on Campral. That worked straight away (the crap about being sober for a few days first is not true, it works straight away). I went 5 months or so without a drink and then decided I was 'cured' after a weekend away with drinking buddies so I indulged a little. within a week I was back to my old drinking habits.

            Four months later I decided that I'd REALLY had enough (Dec last year, my father died and mum was very very ill) so I started back on the Campral. Once again, it worked straight away. This time I've been sober for 6 months and going strong. This time, however, I have spent a lot of time working through the issues which brought me to drinking in the first place. Understanding the motivation is more important than the meds.

            The difference between the two? I had a few slight side effects on Naltrexone, but nothing worth mentioning. Campral gives me a 'runny bum' sometimes and the gas that goes with it. But the big difference between the two is that campral keeps on working whereas the potency of Naltrexone seems to wear off. It really only worked well for the first few weeks.

            Campral relieves me of ANY psycial cravings to drink - leaving me to deal with the psycological reasons. Now that I have them more or less under control, I have been able to successfully cut back on the Campral (down to only two tabs a day from 6).

            I hope this helps, happy to answer as many questions as you have!



              The Naltrexone Works!

              Hi Lamb,

              I've never ordered on-line - I have a great GP who is the one who suggested campral for me after the naltrexone stopped working. i don't know what else you want to know, so if you have any specific questions please ask. I'll help if I can.

              It always seems impossible until it's done....


                The Naltrexone Works!

                Naltrexone is the best! an I know the feeling of standing on the sidelines watching the show ( friends get drunk) but I'm glad I have control now and not the booze! Good luck jim


                  The Naltrexone Works!

                  Hi Lamb and Welcome!

                  I don't know the first thing about Campral or Naltrexone, I take 200mg. of Topamax at bedtime and have for 3 years. Works for me.

                  But if you want to control your drinking or quit completely, and i assume you do because you are here, then I think that your Family Doctor does need to know all of your secrets.

                  My opinion. :baaah:

                  I just found these.....Mom, get off the computer......................

                  magic xx
                  ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                  I am in the next seat.
                  My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                    The Naltrexone Works!

                    Hi Marinablue

                    Really, I have to get off of this computer and cook supper.

                    Marina, Topamax depresses the appetite. Is that why your GP would not prescribe it for you?

                    It is not a medication to be taken with out medical supervision. Please be careful.


                    My best,

                    magic xx
                    ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                    I am in the next seat.
                    My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                      The Naltrexone Works!

                      campral has helped me to stay AF for the longest periods in my life lately (off and on this year). Never tried naltrexone but am intruiged that it would still work even if you drink on it. I can say from experience that if you drink on campral you're on yer own as it stops doing it's job.
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        The Naltrexone Works!

                        Hello Everyone!
                        My name is jimbo from Louisiana. I'm new to the board, although I've been carefully reading posts for several weeks now. To make a long story short (my long story is in another thread) I've been sober for nearly three weeks after seeing a specialist in alcohol addiction. I'm on several meds now, including Campral. I've had very few temptations to drink during this time, even though I've been around it, so I guess I'm happy with the Campral right now.

                        My doctor has given me some information about the once a month injection Vivitrol (basically Naltrexone) and I will see him for the second time later this week. I want to make sure I'm getting this straight. Does Naltrexone stop both the cravings and also blunt the effects of the alcohol high itself, if you drink? And does Campral only stop the cravings? Which does the better job of stopping the cravings for those of you who have tried both? Sorry for all the questions!


