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My Baclofen experience so far

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    My Baclofen experience so far



      My Baclofen experience so far

      I'm sorry the sleep situation is still so brutal, Randall. I completely understand, though. Several months ago I started on seroquel because at that point I was only sleeping around two hours a night. I would go on like that for several days, or even a few weeks, at a time before crashing and sleeping for around 12 hours, only to have the insomnia start right back up again. When I was still drinking heavily, it didn't help all too much, but definitely improved things. Now that I'm AF, I sleep like a baby consistently, every night.

      I always hesitate to bring this up because I really don't want to be a drug pusher, especially since seroquel can be some heavy duty stuff. But I just want you to be aware that there are other medications that help with sleep besides benzos and benzo-like drugs. I had tried every sleep remedy under the sun prior to seroquel - every single natural (non-drug) tip on getting better sleep, every single herb that's supposed to help, and other drugs like Benadryl and trazodone. Nothing else helped. I would view it as a last resort, but if you get to a point where you've exhausted all the other options, just know that it's there.


        My Baclofen experience so far

        hmmm. Guess what weighs more than fat, Randall? And guess what exercising does? If I was exercising, and gaining weight, but not looking any different, and my clothes still fit, I would assume it was muskles and I was a badass. Of course, I look for excuses to think I'm a badass. But no, I don't think it's possible to gain a pound or two every day. Water maybe?

        Why do you weigh yourself every day? Have you read Lo0p's threads?

        Oops. Just got caught not paying attention. Gotta go!


          My Baclofen experience so far



            My Baclofen experience so far

            Rand all, do you play golf? I find it a great diversion from everyday life. If you don't, you may want to check it out!!!


              My Baclofen experience so far

              We cross posted Randall.


                My Baclofen experience so far

                hmmm. Guess what weighs more than fat, Randall? And guess what exercising does? If I was exercising, and gaining weight, but not looking any different, and my clothes still fit, I would assume it was muskles and I was a badass. Of course, I look for excuses to think I'm a badass. But no, I don't think it's possible to gain a pound or two every day. Water maybe?

       delightfully goofy girl.


                  My Baclofen experience so far

                  NE, you are a badass in my book!


                    My Baclofen experience so far

                    Aw, thanks peeps.

                    Rusty! So nice to see you're still around, too! Hope you're well!


                      My Baclofen experience so far



                        My Baclofen experience so far



                          My Baclofen experience so far

                          I'm in the Los Angeles area. Look me up when you get here!


                            My Baclofen experience so far



                              My Baclofen experience so far

                              Lucky? I don't know about that. My wife and are hoping to move to Arizona some year. Lower taxes and a lot less Hollyweirdo's there. Otherwise, CA is a beautiful state!


                                My Baclofen experience so far


