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Getting into the high dose range.

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    Getting into the high dose range.

    I'm currently sitting at 275mg and self prescribing. I have no qualms about doing this but the higher I go I do worry about something happening with me landing in A&E (not Bac related) trying to explain to the doctors that I'm taking what could end up being 300mg+ of Baclofen for "alcohol cravings". I have a hard time in the medical staff believing this and just handing this over. Most doctors are probably gonna check up on there PC to see that the max dose prescribed is 120mg.

    How might this play out with me not having a script or this being on any kind of medical record? Has anyone any experience? I wouldn't worry to much if I was at a lower dose as I've came off around 150mg in a matter of days with the help of some Diazepam but the 300s might be a different story.

    All this is all a lot of "what ifs" but I'm sure I'm not the only one thinking this? I suppose I could always have someone smuggle my Baclofen in for me.

    Getting into the high dose range.

    Thanks Reggie. The medical card/bracelet idea is something I should get sorted. I remember having one of those cards when on Naltrexone (very much needed in case they try to dose you up on opiates to find they're not working!) All my family know I'm doing this and my sisters a nurse although I think she thinks its snake oil but she'd speak up in an emergency at A&E. At the point in my life I'm at I don't do a lot of traveling so there's basically 3 hospitals I could end up in, all within distance of a family member being there in 30 minutes.

    Al that being said. What I could see happening is that they'd still only go as high as 120ish and if things started to get hairy an IV of some sort of benzo.

    I'm gonna hang in there for sure. My drinking has slowed down which is making things easier to deal with but I'd like to have a pop at AF getting into the 300s if needs be.

    I'm seriously thinking about trying to get a script sorted through a psychiatrist but at this high of a dose I think I might have trouble. The UKs not like some states in the US where scripted drugs is more open. There's no chance with my GP. Not with my previous record of drug abuse. He's have a stroke if I asked about the possibility of being put on 300+ of Baclofen.

    Thanks again for the info.

    PS... I was using the liquid back when Evan was doing it. Christ I could only imagine weighting into hospital with a bottle of that and trying to explain things lol. It would be like an opiate addict walking in and handing them a bag of heroin to shoot them up to take the sickness away.


      Getting into the high dose range.

      That is a funny story, Reggie. "For experimental purposes only" indeed.
      I think you have pretty much figured out the issues, Trip. You'll want to make sure that the people that know about what and why and how much you take also know that you can't stop taking it abruptly. All the rest is up to the medical care. Fortunately I think that in most (or just many) places, high dose baclofen is acknowledged if not accepted. If you're in the middle of nowhere, you might want to carry something with you so they'll at least know to look it up.


        Getting into the high dose range.

        Tbh I wouldn't even chance a holiday on HDB. It would just be too hairy for me. My nerves would be wrecked the whole time even if I had a large supply with me. If I ever do get my shit together I think it'll be France for me!


          Getting into the high dose range.

          I'm on 300mg at the moment, the biggest downside of baclofen is that if you suddenly run out, youre screwed if you don't have a prescription. I've told my partner my dose, so she can take care of any sudden hospital visits, plus she knows what to bring to the hospital if they refuse. As to going overseas, I'm going to the philippines early next year, if it's anything like the rest of south east asia, most medications are over the counter. That said, im bringing double or even tripple the baclofen i need just to be safe.

          I remember someone posted a thread about travelling with liquid baclofen, does anyone have the link or know who posted it?
          01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

          Baclofen prescribing guide

          Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


            Getting into the high dose range.

            ^^^ I thought the liquid was no more now that Evan had passed? The liquid was SO much easier to use. I definitely wouldn't fancy trying to explain it to customs if stopped. Although tucked away in a suitcase instead of hand luggage I'm sure you'd be fine.

            Was your relief sudden or gradual neo? I'm at 275 and not there yet. I had a bottle of wine last night and a couple of beer and if I'm honest I could have kept going into another bottle or two if it had have been there. It can be worrying. Last week I struggled the few times I had a bottle of wine or some beer but last night I just had the taste. I'm definitely not being overcome by craving like before but they're still there.

            Also... Whats going on with the search function? Its not working anymore.


              My relief was gradual, I was forcing abstinence days when approaching 300mg but i was always slipping up due to cravings. On one of my days where i slipped up, I was drinking and it just wasnt the same.
              Last edited by neophyte; October 13, 2014, 02:13 PM.
              01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

              Baclofen prescribing guide

              Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links

