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Unusual side effect with baclofen?

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    Unusual side effect with baclofen?

    Hi all,

    Just a bit of background. Have been trying to conquer my 'bottle of wine a day' habit since forever!

    Have managed to get small amounts of baclofen prescribed for 'restless legs' so I could try to reach indifference. Have also ordered more from Goldpharma in order to go up as required.

    I have has some of the more commonly reported side effects, insomnia, drowsiness mid afternoon etc, but this next one is a real bugger.

    I lost my husband six months ago - so obviously finding life difficult in general and tears are never THAT far away. However, every time I try to start on Baclofen, I am a gibbering wreck! So much more emotional and tearful than when I'm not taking them.

    I fully appreciate that I am bound to be all over the place emotion wise, but like I say -add baclofen into the mix, and I'm in meltdown much of the time.

    I would be willing to try and power through it if I thought it was temporary - I really, really want to get sober - but not sure if I can cope with this long term

    Any input would be gratefully received


    Hi ,
    Yep, this happened to me too. It has something to do with the GABA receptors being messed with. Funny thing is that I found myself so unemotional about other things. Complete opposite! Crying one moment then deadpan the next. For me it never abated.

    I'm sorry about your husband. Dealing with loss and alcohol at the same time must be difficult. Hugs!:hug:


      Hi mycall. I'm so sorry for your loss. I did experience some emotionality in the beginning. I'm still somewhat in the beginning (only about four months in), but it has definitely gone down. I know for me that, while bac did seem to enhance my emotional roller coaster ride, early sobriety most likely had a big impact as well. That's a time when we all, bac or not, tend to get a little crazy. But that was only part of it and I certainly don't doubt that this is a side effect for you, at all. Having just last year gone on a ride with several different anti-convulsants for my epilepsy, I know how I can just tell when the way I'm feeling is being chemically-driven - some of them were just so obviously awful. But I do wonder if this side effect from bac is being greatly intensified by your still fairly recent loss. Either way, it will go down with time. I've stopped being randomly tearful, the way I was a couple months ago. I actually already forgot that I had that side effect until you mentioned it, so it does get better. Hang in there :hug:
      Last edited by Lostinspace; October 13, 2014, 05:26 PM.


        Hi MyCall. Thank you very much for making this post. I can not even begin to imagine the pain that you must be in; losing your husband. And then add to that the tremendous emotional toll you are going through trying to rid yourself of alcohol. If you are not under counsel now, I really hope you will consider doing so. No one should have to suffer alone -the way that you are suffering now. Peace to you.
        Last edited by spiritwolf333; October 14, 2014, 10:41 AM.


          Wow. That was a great post, Palladium.

          Mycall, my condolences. I am very sorry for your loss.


            Thank you all for your responses - and for your kind condolences.

            I am having grief counselling, which helps somewhat - enables me to bawl unreservedly (something I try to avoid in front of my kids - obvs!) I haven't mentioned my issues with alcohol though - feel too ashamed

            I'm glad for some, the emotional stuff has abated. I'm not daft enough to think that it is purely down to baclofen that I get tearful - just that it exacerbates it compared with not taking it. I do know that if I could get some alcohol time under my belt, that would surely lessen the low feelings.

            My doctor prescribed Mirtazepan (or something similar!) to help me sleep - but, a. they shouldn't be mixed with alcohol and b. they almost universally have the side effect of weight gain. Call me shallow, but I'm carrying around 20 lbs extra to my normal weight atm, and really would not be happy gaining more.

            Palladium, I don't have restless legs - just did some research on what other things baclofen could be prescribed for, as wanted to test them out before ordering online (Gp has prescribed me 56 x 10mg tabs - about two days supply for some on the higher doses!!)

            I really, reallly want to get on top of this. My lovely daughters are a parent down already, and I can't bear to think of letting them down in any shape or form - I really have to do this (why can't I just man (woman!) up and just NOT DRINK??)
            With that in mind, I am considering adding Antabuse to the mix - I have some to hand and KNOW that there would be absolutely NO CHANCE that I would have so much as a sniff of the bar tender's apron once consumed. It might just be the deal breaker.

            Oh, sorry for the ramble. Thanks again people - I really do appreciate your input


              If it's any help, Mirtazapine has been a godsend for me. You do have to be careful with weight gain, but maybe amping up exercise and being food savvy may equal things out? I take 15mg before bed and I'm out within 15 minutes, plus I'm no longer depressed. Becoming indifferent to wine exacerbated my depression, believe it or not.

              I hope you get some peace.



                Mycall, when I was going upwards in my baclofen titration almost four years ago, I also experienced crying bouts that could last all day. Once I reached my "switch" in February 2011, I never had that happen again. I think it's a definite baclofen side effect, but one that is temporary, at least in my experience. It's such a strong medication and it messes with our brain chemistry.

                I also want to add my sympathy in the loss of your husband. I cannot even begin to imagine how difficult that would be to deal with.


                  You're all amazing and this site is a godsend!!

                  Sam, I know what you mean about indifference to alcohol making you depressed. Although I haven't reached indifference, I have had transitory moments of disinterest in my glass of wine and eye it with something bordering on contempt (normally superglued to my hand!!) and felt ever so slightly bereft with the thought of losing my old 'friend' to indifference.

                  Palladium, I am almost certain I could find mysefl tucking into movie sized bags of Haribos when craving sugar - those and a horrible, gelatine heavy little number called 'Squashems' :0 I am an avid runner and gym goer - and have noticed that, rather than slowing me down (with it being a muscle relaxant etc) Baclofen seems to be like rocket fuel for me. When I set off running, I'm just like Forest Gump - don't know when to stop!!

                  Just wondering, can you take Mirtazapine 'as and when' needed, or does it have to build up in your system like Prozac etc?

                  Serenity, it's good to hear the emotional side effect abated. Fours years ago - wow! Are you still indifferent?

                  Thanks again everybody


                    Thank you very much for your concise response - very much appreciated.

                    I have used Nytol before now -so might go for them again (the Mirtazapine was prescribed primarily for sleep deprivation - am wondering if it was a case of using a hammer to crack a nut!!)


                      Me too! I fall asleep downstairs in front of the tv (with the help of Mr Pinot!) manage to get myself upstairs and into bed, only to wake 30 minutes later with eyes that look like Mr Magoo's!! A full night's sleep is a distant memory to me....

                      I have started taking Baclofen - 3 x 10mg per day. I seem to be the type of person who is very sensitive to medication. Hoping this will mean that I wont have to go up too high...

