But I'm at 240 a day and I'm still not there.. Had a few months of being in good shape, but I have relapsed hard a few times, once landing me in the ER with a BAC of close to .3, hours after last drink.
Scary shit.
And here I am maintaining the appearance of normal while still downing basically a pint of vodka a night.. I can go a few days without, being tested by my doc, but still fucking cheat on it because I know length of time for etg test. But I'm mad shaky if I've gone on a bender and it's the most horrible feeling to try to get through that during the work week.
I feel like this can work, and I know things would be worse if I weren't doing what I am, but I'm a little worried at this point.
I was hoping I'd just not care about drinking at some point...
I know I need some sober time and that'd reset my mind, but it's hard to get there when the salve is so accessible.
I've been neglecting excercise, good diet, all the other things that should help, and I plan to refocus on those things.
Just wondering if I'm alone in having trouble hitting switch, which I so much want to do, and if there are any other experiences that might be informative.