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Gold Pharma uk

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    Gold Pharma uk

    Previously on forum as Emily. Hi Folks, it's been a while since I posted. Not really liking this new format but I suppose I'll get used to iti.

    Not got much time to post but to cut a long story short I'm up to 150mg of Bac. Coping ok with side effects and still drinking but after a slight buzz with first glass there's really not much point which is exactly where I wanted to be. Feel I now need to train myself at this one glass only thing.

    I can easily go days at a time not drinking at all so I'm in a good place.

    Life is so different, good, 2013/14 were really strange years for me, I finally grew up. Finances which were dire, well, I'm can now see a glimmer of a light at the end of a very long dark tunnel.

    Today however, I'm waiting for my order from goldpharma and it seems to take ages now. Today of all days my husband is off work and I won't be in when the tpostman calls so will have a bit of explaining to do as to what I use them for. He's bound to see the strips lying about but he's not more observant star in the sky. Also, I'm worried in case they don't arrive and it's a no show! How good are these companies at replacing items that have not been delivered? I'll order more but hate the feeling of panic when replying on these online pharmacies.

    panic over, tablets just arrived, they also seem to have made a wee mistake and sent a double order, oopss gold pharma, hubby handed me the package and said what's this contact lenses or something? eh yeah, it is!!


      Thanks Palladium

      Your description of what happens during that first drink and subsequent ones is exactly what I've been finding. You sound like you ,are in a good place too. Again, I'm in a hurry, just quickly checked in there, off to Glasgow for a day out. Will post properly when I have more time.

