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Hit Switch?

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    Hit Switch?

    I am only on 5 mg of baclofen three times a day. So, 15 mg. I had to go very slowly due to side effects. This weekend I attended Christmas Parties and really had no interest in AL. DH suggested wine with dinner last night and I said no. That never happens. I am also on Topamax 25 mg twice a day and have been for migraines for awhile. I will see if this small dose of baclofen is enough. Side effects are pretty much gone so I could push the dose up a bit if I needed to now. But, it is an awesome feeling to be in control.

    Up to a bottle of wine a night, about five nights a week. This pattern was over last twenty years with several long stretches of sobriety for pregnancies, work, military duty. I am sitting here right now and would usually have a big old glass of vino next to me. Nope. Don't want one. Placebo? I'll take it.


      It can happen at really low doses without much correlation to anything at all, it seems. Real bonus for you if it has! Just see what happens over the next few days and weeks.

      It's an awesome and strange feeling, isn't it?


        Originally posted by bleep View Post
        It can happen at really low doses without much correlation to anything at all, it seems. Real bonus for you if it has! Just see what happens over the next few days and weeks.

        It's an awesome and strange feeling, isn't it?
        Yes, it is so bizarre. I guess Christmas and New Years and all the parties betwixt will be the test. But I am loving no hangover this am. At this rate that bottle of Baclofen will last me a good long time. I am so happy I found you guys. I finally feel. like there is hope. I had thought there was only me drinking or me miserable. I guess white knuckling . I guess I am a super wimp and this is so much more doable. Thank you all for being here.


          Hi nymomma. That’s so great to hear that you’re having those reactions to alcohol at such a low dose. I would venture to say that the topamax may be helping enhance the effects of bac, since they both work at reducing cravings, but maybe not. Who knows? The important thing is that you’ve hit a switch. Congrats to you! I hope you have a very happy holiday season


            Update - got through the holidays with minimal drinking and no feelings of deprivation. A glass of wine on Christmas. A glass of Champagne on NYE. Wow! What a difference! I went to several parties as a dd and drank ginger ale or tea. I told mysel I could have a drink when I got home - but I was always too tired and just wanted to go to bed. All I can say is Thank you. I did up my dose to 25 mg. I would like to lose all interest if possible.


              You sound great. Congratulations. My guess is that you will lose all interest. See what 25 mgs brings. Thanks for your update.


                That’s so great to hear, nymomma! Those are the kind of holidays you will cherish long after the fact. Thanks for letting us know how you’re doing.


                  I think losing all interest is a mental thing available after practice, and not a function of baclofen. Baclofen can take you so far, and and it seems to have done that.

