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I hope I didn't make a misttake

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    I hope I didn't make a misttake

    I pointed a new member who posted in the Just Starting Out section here. I thought this was a very good place for him to be. I'm not a troll. I'm a member of MWO for quite some time and I wouldn't do anything to harm a "newbie." But I just read a post that scared the shit out of me. The fighting, worrying about trolls, the politics - less worried about the end result, I don't know, just all of it, it really got to me. Should I have directed this new member here? Now, I'm not sure. I did it because I figured that you all were the experts. I can't speak to taking Baclofen. But wow - I want him to have a soft landing and now I'm rethinking my advice to him. This may be my last post on MWO. I'm tired of the in-infighting. Please remember why we are all here. Go ahead and slam me. I really don't care. But when our new member, Hudstar, posts here. Please be kind. I think he's the real deal and needs help.
    Everything is going to be amazing

    Hi MossRose, Sorry that you feel the hostility here. It's unfortunate. I don't like it either.
    TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


      terryk - thanks. I just want him to be ok. This was the best, last chance that he has. If you know what I mean.
      Everything is going to be amazing


        Found it.
        TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


          Originally posted by MossRose View Post
          I pointed a new member who posted in the Just Starting Out section here. I thought this was a very good place for him to be. I'm not a troll. I'm a member of MWO for quite some time and I wouldn't do anything to harm a "newbie." But I just read a post that scared the shit out of me. The fighting, worrying about trolls, the politics - less worried about the end result, I don't know, just all of it, it really got to me. Should I have directed this new member here? Now, I'm not sure. I did it because I figured that you all were the experts. I can't speak to taking Baclofen. But wow - I want him to have a soft landing and now I'm rethinking my advice to him. This may be my last post on MWO. I'm tired of the in-infighting. Please remember why we are all here. Go ahead and slam me. I really don't care. But when our new member, Hudstar, posts here. Please be kind. I think he's the real deal and needs help.
          Hi Moss -I am extremely sorry -beyond understanding, for the current friction. This is a very uncomfortable situation at present.



            Thanks for your post. I've greeted him and hope he feels welcome.

            And yep, the tone here surely has changed. ��


              I agree with you MR, its sad really and some very opinionated people on what should be done and how it should be done without actioning anything for it to be done. I still find the newbies nest the safest place to hang out but i choose not to go on other threads now, its mindblowing some of the negativity from some when all the oldies want to do is help.

              There will always be arseholes even in cyberland.
              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                Ava. I love you to pieces and you know that, but this post was about something else. I am not mad...I am sad, perhaps disappointed. I just want us to all keep our eye on the prize. It doesn't matter to me one bit how we get get there - meds, holistic, willpower - just that we do it. I'm open to all of it. But this fighting among ourselves, that's what will destroy us. I'm certain of it. I am so out of my element posting here. Thank you all for listening to my rant. Forgive me, but this has been building up in me for while, and tonight it all came out.
                Everything is going to be amazing


                  Nothing to forgive MR. Sobriety is the prize for me.

                  You have bought up a great point though. I used to post on here and not feel to be judged but that is being taken away. Whatever thread it is on is not important as it seems to be on a lot, it is pushing people away.
                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                    I think people have to post where they feel comfortable but its really hard when you first come on MWO to know where to start. Especially if you have not resolved to yourself what you want to try to do (I emphasize the try because I don't think things are black and white). We all here should know that we almost all of us didn't quit, or have control, or reduce our boozing overnight. There are different routes and thats what initially drew me to MWO - because I was frustrated at the narrow and limited options so often pedalled elsewhere.

                    You are right MossRose - in that we all have the same goal. Some threads have regulars but others pop in from time to time and for me, thats cool. I sometimes like to read the threads that I don't post on - well, because I am interested in people - as well as this addiction. Disagreements are bound to come up and sometimes thats very productive or clears the air. But its complicated when AL gets added into the mix - and we have fragile, sensitive, angry, hurt and raw emotions spinning around.
                    We especially should, as you all say above, reach out to the newbies and help them find the right threads. I was given that support when I came on here a few years ago. We also need to continue to support one another because we are all vulnerable and many are struggling with this addiction.


                      Originally posted by available View Post
                      Nothing to forgive MR. Sobriety is the prize for me.

                      You have bought up a great point though. I used to post on here and not feel to be judged but that is being taken away. Whatever thread it is on is not important as it seems to be on a lot, it is pushing people away.

                      This situation has scared me off the forum in the past. Mean comments filled with misdirected anger. Not good.
                      Folks we cannot allow these things to drive us off. Now I am careful what I read and post. Not good either, but the bottom line is this forum helped me to stop drinking and I need all the good things it has to offer. The negative stuff, I have to filter it out and remember who finds power in negative energy and stay away.
                      Let's stay strong and keep it positive!
                      (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                        Hi everyone. I think I maybe the 'newbie' in question.

                        I'm grateful to MossRose for the simple, kind gesture of pointing me to right forum. I'm also sorry to hear that there have been frictions here, but that doesn't feel like any of my business as a newcomer. I'm just on here for the same journey as everyone here. The wealth of experience and compassion that I've read here so far has been moving and I know I'm in the right place.

                        I have made my first foray here today with a post titled 'Q for Baclofen Users'. I'd really to love to read some of your thoughts on the matter.

                        Any suggestions for how I can introduce myself here better would be welcome too ;-)

