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Dosing Up on Topa and Big Job Interview

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    Dosing Up on Topa and Big Job Interview

    Hi All,

    I started Topa on Sunday and am following RJs plan religiously, sticking with 25 mg. this week and going to 50 next week. HOWEVER, I just scheduled a job interview for next Thursday and NEED to be sharp. I will need to "bone up" on my area of expertise between now and then, as well. I feel a little bit of brain fog, but nothing show-stopping. Would I be better to stay at 25 mg until after the interview?

    Another option is to schedule an appointment with my Doc and get a prescription for Adrafinal. I would then plan to up the Topa dosage as scheduled. I have been reading the posts about the on-line purchases (of adrafinal) and am concerned about going that route. The company I am interviewing with is a DOD subcontractor - there will most certainly be a drug test and I want everything legit. Ideas? Suggestions?

    Dosing Up on Topa and Big Job Interview

    Hi MountainLady
    I think this is certainly up to you but if it were ME, I would probably just stick to the 25 mg until after the interview - whats a few extra days - who wants to risk not knowing what the effects of the other drug and the upped topa might do to your mental alertness when it comes to something so important as a job interview? Thats just me but its your choice. I mean a few days wont make any real difference.
    Over 4 months AF :h


      Dosing Up on Topa and Big Job Interview

      I personally would tend to agree with never know what is a few extra days at 25mgs?...and you never know what the additional dosage would do to just might throw you into total never would just be safer...just my 2 cents....
      :boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:


        Dosing Up on Topa and Big Job Interview

        I only had fog for a few hours on one or two days but it went away. when I went to the higher dose it didn't come back. The funny thing is during those few hours I could not remember the word "car." My husband came home and asked me about something and I said I left it in the . . . . . and the word just was not there. both times. I just upped my dose again today so we will see. I've been very pleased with the lack of side effects. I had more from the vitamins.

        In your case though I agree with the others, don't mess with a job interview if it's important to you.

        Good luck.
        If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


          Dosing Up on Topa and Big Job Interview

          Wait a few days. Just an opinion, but why mess with it.
          Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


            Dosing Up on Topa and Big Job Interview

            I agree with jen and popeye
            What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
            ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


              Dosing Up on Topa and Big Job Interview

              Hi ML,

              I haven't taken Topa, but I would agree with the others and carry on titrating when your interview is over.

              You need all your energies focused on the interview and I think if you increased the dosage you would be worrying alot, and that in itself would destract you.

              Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                Dosing Up on Topa and Big Job Interview

                Just to let you know...Adrafinil is not something you cna get a prescription for in the US right now...there is another medication similar i believe it is modafinil, and that is approved in the US, but it is also a controlled substance. I would look into those medications ALOT before deciding to take them. And if it were me on the topa...I would just stick to the 25MG just incase until after the interview.
                It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                James Gordon, M.D.

