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Antabuse anyone?
Antabuse anyone?
Has anyone tried Antabuse? If so, how is it? Does it have many side effects? And why are doctors so reluctant to prescribe it? I think it could be good for me-- no need for self control if you just CAN'T drink. Any info/ advice would be appreciated. ThanxYour time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005
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Antabuse anyone?
At one point in my search for sobriety I asked my Dr. about it. He basically didn't want to put me on it becasue of all the things that you have to watch out for that have alcohol in them. He showed me the list & I was shocked by things I probably would have drank or eaten or used that would have given me a reaction.
He also mentioned that it was an "old" drug used for combating alcoholism & there were other newer drugs on the market. Said it has a reputation of being given to full blown alcoholics in rehab. Most people who wanted to drink would just stop taking it & drink anyway.
It didn't fit my lifestyle. Think about it-I'd be taking something that would make me ill when I drank. I got very sick every morning from alcohol as it was & I'd drink to relieve it. How easy it would be for me to take the pill-get sick-not take the pill the next morning & drink.
Plus there was someone here awhile ago that posted weekly on their experience with Antabuse but eventually decided to drink while on it despite being sick.
Like I said-it didn't fit my lifestyle.:flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic
Antabuse anyone?
Breez, that's not what I heard. I was on another website where people just swear by Antabuse. It builds up in your body so you have to stop taking it for AT LEAST a week, more like two weeks, before you can drink again and that gives you a lot of time to reconsider your decision. Also, the people who are on it said it was fairly easy to avoid things with alcohol in them and even if you get a little tiny bit like from cosmetics or a tiny bit in food, most people didn't react or reacted very minorly. Anyway, it surely is for people who want to be totallly AF and not just moderate, which I do.Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005
Antabuse anyone?
A friend of mine (no affiliation with this program) was on it & was successful for awhile. She did have reactions because of things she accidently took-nothing major but a rash here & there. But unfortunately she quit it, stayed sober but eventually went back to her ways. She is now trying therapy.
There was one person here who drank while on it-getting very sick while drinking. Ended up going into rehab & unfortunately haven't heard from them. So I don't know what they are up to. Never returned my mssg.
When I meant stop taking pill-I knew it still stays in your system-I meant I'd get aggitated at drinking & getting sick, stop taking the meds because my past tells me that I'd drink myself into hell, become sick & still continue the process . Why would meds that make me sick change what I already was doing anyway.
I say go for it. But for me personally-I expressed why it wouldn't work for me. Each person's journey is different & what works for one person may not work for another. We can only share our experiences and our opinions. Only you know what will work for you.
here is the thread started by m&m-Antabuse? (1 2 3 ... Last Page) that I referred to (has positives & negatives)
I wish you success with any decision you make. We all deserve to live our life without this demon.:flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic
Antabuse anyone?
Beatle, I'm just chiming in here to say I sympathize w/you. I hate it when doctors feel like they need to make all of our choices for us and think they know what is best. We are so fortunate to live in this time when there are a handful of effective medications to choose from. And, each works differently so we can each find one that targets our specific problem. Not one size fits all. It really annoys me when the doctors take away the choice from us and presume to know what they think is best. I, too, knew exactly which medication I wanted and was nervous that my doctor would not prescribe it. I got lucky, though, and she did. I wanted Naltrexone because it takes away the buzz from drinking and I know I am all about chasing the big buzz and so if I know I can't get buzzed/high from drinking on this, I just don't try. I know Naltrexone doesn't work for everyone, though. Some people will try to drink past the block. So far, I have not felt tempted to do that. And, some people will just stop taking it. I am the type, though, that is clear on my intentions at 2pm (not to drink), but has difficulty once 5pm rolls around. So far, Naltrexone closes that gap for me pretty effectively. I should mention that I am only six days in, though.
ANYWAY, I don't know if you want to go this route, but I do think you can still get antabuse by one of the mail order pharmacies. Or, maybe just go to another doctor (and ask on the phone that you are specifically looking for a doctor who will prescribe antabuse before you waste your time going in). I wish you all the best!
Antabuse anyone?
Alternative Antabuse
I am on my 4th day AF. I recently went to my Dr. for my physical. I did not want to approach the drinking issue just yet, but I did bring up the fact that when I went for a facial recently, the person said that I was in the beginning stages of Roseaca. (probably do to drinking!)
My Dr. prescribed a topical called Metrogel. When I went to fill it at the pharmacy, I was informed that in no way shape or form was I to drink on this med as it was similar to Antabuse and would cause a violent reaction. Even though it is topical and a small amount, it still can be absorbed into the bloodstream like an oral med.
So... I feel this will help me, because I'm taking it for one reason, but getting the benefit of two.
Just thought I would share the info for those who are interested.
Antabuse anyone?
I tried Antabuse for a while there, at my sobriety counselor's advice. It can work- once it's built up in your system, you really cant' drink (at least comfortably, haha)... I actually did decide once or twice to 'test the waters' while on it- and I turned red.Broke out in a rash, was very uncomfortable. Some people get sicker than others while on it. I didn't puke or anything- I think I metabolize it somewhat differently than other people might.
Everyone's different and will have different effects if they try to drink on it.
As far as regular side effects to it, I didn't notice any. I did get rid of mouthwash, etc. that had alcohol in it. Didn't have any problems after that.
The reason that it doesn't seem an effective deterrent for some people is that it doesn't necessarily help with cravings and wanting to drink. Therefore, someone who's decided to get drunk can easily 'plan a lapse' for the weekend, for instance, and stop taking the medication earlier in the week and probably be unaffected when they drink. So overall it's not a complete answer.
But, some people do great on it, I've known some who have. The above is just my experiecne.
Antabuse anyone?
not very inspiring, eh?Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005