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Still have Loop's liquid. Is the dosage really what it says on the bottle?

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    Still have Loop's liquid. Is the dosage really what it says on the bottle?

    Hey folks.
    Old member back again (been a LONG time).

    I have a good bit of our old friend Loop's liquid that I want to use once again since I have some moments during my recent severance from my 15 year career with an IT company.

    So the query is that it mentions 40mg per 100 mL dosage. Does that ring true for you that may be in the know with his previous product? It seems a tad low. Last night was off the wall based on that dosage for me. Granted I am still on percocet for my pain from my spine fusion I had some months ago. I realize you can get a reaction with that combination but I've used a ton of baclofen in the past. This was a mess (or I was at least).

    I shook it up well and I think it was mixed well. Of course all my bottles have "settled" with the med on the bottom at this point. I still have faith it's safe. I would prefer to use the liquid at least for starters. I have the pills, too. Hoping a low dose will help with the monkey bugging me on my back as of late. Too much time on my hands though I need to be working on my own business creation / or new job.

    Hope everyone that recalls me is still doing well, Ne, Maggie, the rest. You know. I always missed the group. Had a bad experience on another forum and won't be back there. Not that it was a forum that was specific to alcohol. Maggie you know the one. I made some mistakes and well the heart is a fickle thing and I regret it.

    Back to reality and sobriety. Can't wait to be done with the pain meds too whenever feasibly possible. Sure, I could just stop those (well titrate down) but my pain is very real unfortunately. Being in pain is just another excuse for me to pour a drink for myself.

    I hope to be back on the forum again at least here and there. I hope I can help others with my previous experience also. I did excellently for quite a while even after I stopped my baclofen. Times have changed and the desire is there again so would like to nip it in the bud.



    Thanks for the reply. Still looking for if that description is right 40mg=100ml. It seems off.

    Anyways, you are right about the settling and I think it's really important that one does mix it well before EACH use so you don't have that end of the bottle wallop as you mentioned.

    So sliding back really just means I am pouring myself a drink too often and too early in the day. Keep in mind I am not currently working and I have some med issues still which suffocates my ambition on some days. Those days are the bad ones and the ones I have to battle.

    Come noon and I've been up all night and hurting (back pain and such) that my mind is back to playing the games of convincing itself it's ok to have a drink. Not to mention I have that sugar craving back that booze seems to satisfy and candy doesn't. So having to fight the cravings is what I mean more or less.

    When I was on baclofen and quite some time after I stopped, I did not feel like I had an internal battle. So I have that personality type and I realize that some help from outside myself would be great. Especially since I do have days that I am not very energetic and they hold me back from getting out and getting productive things done.

    I still have my severance and such but I don't want to be in a bad pattern and it seems to be setting its self up. I have much to do whether it's working on my business ideas or just having a life. I don't need this problem on my back again and it's so easy to have happen.


    Originally posted by Son_of_Fred_the_Cat
    Hey Cos,

    You're well aware of the settling issues with the liquid, so no need to go over them.

    Something that really concerned me when I had it was that the settling issues would magnify the concentration over time. The last little bit would totally knock you on your ass if you weren't careful. I'm a little concerned that its purity over time would be affected by temperature, light and the possibility that its chemistry could have changed over time. Still, excellent stuff that did the job.

    Just curious, what did sliding back into your old ways entail? I've been off Bac since last October and even though drinking is not a regular thing by any means anymore, stress makes the idea more acceptable to me.


      Yes- your set up is understandable. Work 150% and when it's time to relax it's like dropping off a cliff. And tough to do. Booze makes it all the more easier and entertaining. My only suggestion is to stay busy or find a way to relax whether it's meditation or cutting out the world by reading or sitting in your home theater or gardening, etc..

      Good luck 2 you. It's not easy chore. Bad word- don't think of it as a chore. I know the 55 hours and then some when I was busting my rear not long ago as a business planning manager (think business analyst on steroids). 60 hours was on the low end.

      Chime in. I am sure there a lot of good folks here still. I guess I dropped off a bit since it was eerily slow and quiet on this forum for a while when I left.

      Originally posted by Son_of_Fred_the_Cat
      Yeah, going back on BAC definitely seems like a good idea if you have forced free time on your hands from a medical issue. That has to be really, really hard.

      With me I was doing really well until the beginning of this month, then they asked for 55 hour weeks through April 30th. I was eager for it because, as a obsessive futurizer, I knew from hypothetical overtime scenarios that I could pay school off by then if I hustled. So far, that's going to happen, but I've also totally neglected my health and leisure in the meantime. I'll get back into the groove when this is over, but I've gone back to slamming caffeine, getting too little sleep and being isolated and miserable. When the weekend comes, I'm not really drinking more than normal, but damn, do I ever LIKE it!

      Hopefully this is a blip on the radar, but my state of mind is eerily similar to when I drank excessively. Stress, confusion, mental exhaustion, and by the end of the day I did'nt even care about worthwhile things if I could just obliterate all the bad things. Oddly, the time I used to burn drinking is now about as much as I spend working over, and it's making me hate my life just as much as alcohol, albeit for a useful purpose.


        well 40mg per 100ml wouldnt make any economic sense for someone producing and selling the stuff. 40mg per 1ml is more likely and is feasible. careful drinking a high volume thinking its weaker than it is. overdoses of baclofen are unpleasant to say the least.
        01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

        Baclofen prescribing guide

        Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


          Originally posted by COSGringo View Post
          Hey folks.
          So the query is that it mentions 40mg per 100 mL dosage. Does that ring true for you that may be in the know with his previous product? It seems a tad low. Last night was off the wall based on that dosage for me. Granted I am still on percocet for my pain from my spine fusion I had some months ago. I realize you can get a reaction with that combination but I've used a ton of baclofen in the past. This was a mess (or I was at least).
          I hope I've misunderstood your question. L00p was making 40mg/1ml and 20mg/1ml. Never, as far as I know 40mg/100ml. (That would be 40mg for the entire bottle.) If you really did dose yourself believing you were taking 40mg/100ml you in fact overdosed by a factor of 100, i.e. if expecting 40mg you would have actually taken 4g. You'd probably be dead, so I guess I did misunderstand the question, after all.


            Hey Bacagain,
            I swear it says it right on the bottle. I did overdose the othernight obviously not fatally. It was unpleasant to say the least. I seem to have an inhuman tolerance to meds lately. Not sure if that ties into the fact I've been on pain meds for an extreme amount of time.

            It didn't make any sense to me either but I'll get around to snapping a photo of it. Thanks for chiming in.


              What is Loop's Liquid?
              (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                He was a smart person that used to make liquid baclofen. Unfortunately, he's no longer with us.

                I bought quite a bit of his liquid right around when I stopped using baclofen. So I am trying it out again but could not recall the dosing from when I had first got it and was speaking with him.

                Originally posted by Eloise View Post
                What is Loop's Liquid?


                  Lo0p bac.jpg

                  COS, yes, that's what my bottles say too. I take 1.0 ml in place of 40 mgs of tablets. My bottles are old too but I haven't had any problems with dosing.


                    What KronKcarr said. I still use it and have no problems.


                      You know it could just be the way he interpreted it. That's my guess but I can't figure out how that formula works out.

                      All I can say is when I took a whole large syringe of it, man that was a tough night. I was borderline seizing. I know what that is unfortunately and I am real lucky I have the fortitude of Keith Richards. I am being much more careful now.

                      Thanks all.

                      Originally posted by Son_of_Fred_the_Cat
                      Come to think of it Cos, I think it said that on one of my bottles. It was either a misprint or there are two ways of listing concentrations, but I had to recalculate based on that exact thing when I was going by what was on the bottle.

