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    I'm back

    Hi. I'm back again. I started posting in the summer of 2013, and had been on baclofen for about a year. I was using Loops liquid baclofen while titrating up and switched in January of 2014. After that I was happily alcohol free until PAWS set in. Now that I know about it I will be more careful in my daily routine and mental health care.

    I was running out of liquid when I started looking for a doctor who would prescribe enough of a dose to keep me going. I was on 40mg, which is low, but my ultimate switch dose was 80mg. The doctor I went to see was very condescending and pro AA, and I slunk out of there feeling very down. Needless to say, it was not a good time in my life. Wine took the place of the baclofen and once again I was back to a bottle a night habit.

    Fast forward to today. I started back on the baclofen at 10mg this morning. So far not much in SE but a pleasant lull in anxiety. I look forward to nights when I can watch a whole baseball game without falling asleep, or run out for ice cream at 8pm.

    Its nice to see some of the old timers posting, and hello to some new users of anti craving meds. This stuff works if you let it!


    Hi Sam. Great to have you back and I look forward to reading your posts.


      Hi Sam. It’s so great to see you here again I’m so sorry the doctor you saw was unwilling to hear you out and look at the research. It’s very frustrating. Are you using a doctor now, or are you going it alone this time around? In any case, it’s great that you already know what to do and simply have to get into a routine to ensure your mental health. PAWS is really tough to work through. I wish you the best and it’s great to see you back. Keep us posted on how things are going. We miss hearing from you.


        Hi back Lis:love: I'm using the liquid bac that Loop made so no doctor for the moment. There is one in SF that I will save up for and go see. For now I'm ok with using the info on MYO and what knowledge I have from prior baclofen use. You are sweet to post. Thanks!


          Welcome back!!!!


            Thanks Diver!
            Well, one and done as they say in baseball. Day one was uneventful except for baclofen nipping my anxiety in the bud. The sleepiness was expected around 2pm, and I did only have 2 large glasses of wine at the end of the day. The only reason I had them was because the bottle was in my fridge leftover from the night before. Funny how when you take the anxiety away my need for AL is much less.



              Originally posted by Samandkatharine View Post
              ... Funny how when you take the anxiety away my need for AL is much less. Sam
              Hi Sam ... I know you are familiar with the thread I've copied the link for below from some years ago. I've read alot over the years about alcoholism, anxiety and baclofen. I still think that baclofen is a great anxiolytic, and that it is anxiety which drives many of us to drink...too much. Glad you are doing well. Best, Cassander

              Welcome! As many of you know, baclofen therapy for alcoholism is largely the result of Dr Olivier Ameisen's self-experiment to explore finding a cure for his alcoholism. His findings are reported in his book "The End of My Addiction." One of the most compelling discoveries Dr Ameisen made in his baclofen self
              With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


                Originally posted by Cassander View Post
                Hi Sam ... I know you are familiar with the thread I've copied the link for below from some years ago. I've read alot over the years about alcoholism, anxiety and baclofen. I still think that baclofen is a great anxiolytic, and that it is anxiety which drives many of us to drink...too much. Glad you are doing well. Best, Cassander

                Thanks Cassander!

                The anxiety is still gone. I've even gone to yoga 3 days in a row. This is big considering I've been holed up in my house because of the anxiety.

                The only thing I've noticed that is a SE so far is sleepiness in the early afternoon. A quick nap in the carpool line helps a lot.

                I'll keep y'all posted on my progress. Sleep has improved and I only had 2 glasses of wine last night. Yipee!!



                  I agree Fred. It's really quiet here. I hope it's because everyone is sober and not checking MWO. I search old threads and re-read Loop, Bruinhilde,Mandi, and other older but very pertinent posts. I'm glad I rode the Bac train when it was "new" to speak.

                  Yep, yoga is blissful. I am going to immerse myself with it, like I did 10 years ago. I'm going to a 2 hour yin workshop Monday. The teacher is bringing her band Muhkti. Check them out on iTunes or Spotify.



                    I'm still here. Day five of 10-10-10(mg). Yesterday was a struggle. Driving any distance makes me sleepy and downright dangerous. Luckily I don't have to drive that much for a few weeks. I have to drive the son an hour away, drive home and then out another hour to visit with the family. Ugh! I remember the sleepy issue last go around but this time it's an issue. I hope it subsides soon.

                    Drinking wise I think I'm feeling the cravings going way down sooner. Last night I was in a bar and only had one glass of wine. Tonight is Mom's day and I may have some wine with dinner. I'm not thinking about it which is new and a good thing!

                    Hope everyone whos a Mom had a great day!



                      Originally posted by Samandkatharine View Post
                      I'm still here. Day five of 10-10-10(mg). Yesterday was a struggle. Driving any distance makes me sleepy and downright dangerous. Luckily I don't have to drive that much for a few weeks. I have to drive the son an hour away, drive home and then out another hour to visit with the family. Ugh! I remember the sleepy issue last go around but this time it's an issue. I hope it subsides soon.

                      Drinking wise I think I'm feeling the cravings going way down sooner. Last night I was in a bar and only had one glass of wine. Tonight is Mom's day and I may have some wine with dinner. I'm not thinking about it which is new and a good thing!

                      Hope everyone whos a Mom had a great day!

                      Hi Sam -yes, please remember the somnolence eventually goes away. I know that it is a pain in the arse right now -but it eventually disappears altogether -as you may remember. Just darn glad to have you back and reading your posts. You have always been helpful to many.


                        Thanks Spirit! I appreciate the feedback. During my earlier stint I drove from Nor cal to so cal and was fine. I just like to worry!



                          Hi everyone,

                          I'm still here. I'm still very groggy from the 40mg I'm on. I've upped my dose by 10mg, and am having a tough time concentrating on my studies. Leave it to me to start baclofen while studying online. How do people concentrate while titrating up? The last time I did this I wasn't dealing with school or work. The test will be during Memorial Day weekend when I'm in AZ for a big baseball tournament. I will be with people I don't know and will be driving on unfamiliar roads. No drinking allowed....



                            I'm sorry you're feeling so groggy, Sam. I can't speak from experience on bac side effects, since I was one of the lucky few who did not experience somnolence. But I can give you some tips from when I was a sleep-deprived student who could barely keep her eyes open. If you're doing an assignment that requires writing, take frequent breaks to get up and walk around a little. If you're just reading, try doing it standing up. It might sound silly/too simple, but I found that it really helped my concentration since it's basically impossible to fall asleep standing up.


                              Originally posted by Lostinspace View Post
                              I'm sorry you're feeling so groggy, Sam. I can't speak from experience on bac side effects, since I was one of the lucky few who did not experience somnolence. But I can give you some tips from when I was a sleep-deprived student who could barely keep her eyes open. If you're doing an assignment that requires writing, take frequent breaks to get up and walk around a little. If you're just reading, try doing it standing up. It might sound silly/too simple, but I found that it really helped my concentration since it's basically impossible to fall asleep standing up.

                              Thanks for the advise Lis.. I'm not sure how I could read my laptop standing..LOL! Unfortunately all of my reading is off of the website. I'm studying to be a medical coder. It's my second career at age 55. I've been a stay at home mom for 20 years so any reading I do goes in one ear and out the other anyway. For the first part of the course I did use two books that were like huge encyclopedias. Luckily I'm using an online encoder that does most of the reading for me. I just need to graduate and have my memory intact for the final exam.

                              I got to take a short nap while waiting for my son in the carpool line. That always helps. Thanks for the advise!

