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Goldpharma... Prescription meds removed?

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    Goldpharma... Prescription meds removed?

    Went to check prices for something on Goldpharma last night and it seems that all there prescription medication has been removed. Baclofen, Naltrexone, Antabus, Campral. Antabus was just back in stock a few days a go and all the rest have been in stock as far as I can remember. Baclofen never goes out of stock as they sell at least a dozen different brands. I even checked and all there SSRIs have been removed and there used to be pages and pages of them.

    I'm hoping its just a glitch but it seems strange. I've been using them for over 3 years. I've used their Baclofen, Naltrexone, Antabus and am currently using Campral. I'll shoot them an email tomorrow. Anyone else notice this?

    This is a sad day if it's true. Goldpharma was head and shoulders above anyone else I ever used. They had everything in usually several different brands, all EU meds. I think being EU based, or just using EU pharmacies might have something to do with this if its true. Must have been forced. I'm sure they were making a bundle. I spent a few thousand over the years and was happy to.

    I'm in the UK and got my parcels within a week 90% of the time with no questions asked about re shipping the few times they went missing.

    It's strange that if true there wasn't even an email at least. Some poor fuckers are gonna be on certain meds that you really do need to taper. I placed an order for some Campral a few days back and a "by the way we're pulling this in a few days" would have been nice.

    The only thing that gives me hope is that the site is still up and with out the scripted meds it's doomed. I can get ibuprofen and the like in the local chemist.

    They where the only ones selling the branded Merck Campral. I've been trying to put off asking my GP but it's looking likely now. It's a kick in the teeth for Bac users. They had a serious range and the prices were hard to beat.

    Sod's law.
    Last edited by *Thomas; May 10, 2015, 07:19 AM.


      Just got a reply back from Goldpharma.....

      Thank you for your email.
      We do not stock or supply prescription medicines.


      Is it me or does that sound like they're pretending like they never did sell them. I just ordered some 3 days ago. Wouldn't a better response have been... Sorry but we "stopped" selling them?


        There does seem to be something odd happening to UK online pharmacies - urbanpharmacy website just says "closed" when you reach their website.

        I order baclofen from It's based in Vanuatu in the S. Pacific. Very reliable, plus it labels it's parcels correctly, which means you don't get accused by UK Customs of receiving stuff which is wrongly described. I kid you not, you can be prosecuted for this in the UK, which doesn't allow you to order meds for your own use like in the US. Parcels from Indian pharmacies are always wrongly labelled on the Customs form to disguise what's in it, so if they open it, you're in trouble.

        Anyway, Inhouse website is open for business, because I just checked.


          I just searched their website, they don't do Campral I'm afraid, so not much good for you, Thomas, sorry. But you might find somewhere else which isn't UK based.


            Thanks Molly. United pharmacies sell it not the original Merck brand you'd get off your GP but Indian (sun pharma) generics are usually spot on. It's just that they take forever to arrive.

            I'm gonna bit the bullet and ask my GP. It would save me a lot of hassle and a few pound as well.

            The Campral seems to be working. I'm glad I ordered a months supply before this shit happened.


              I contacted them late last week after trying to order some Naltrexone & finding that all the 6+ brands they'd had earlier in the week had disappeared from the website. they said there was some technical issue with the website, but whether that's true or not I don't know

              another Naltrexone user I know contacted them & they said that they were having trouble sourcing the cheaper Nal brands - Revia, Nalorex, etc. - but that others such as Adepend are still available (although vastly more expensive). oddly, she can see Adepend on the site, but I can't


                OK, well best of luck, Thomas. GP's in the UK usually prescribe under a shared care protocol with local psychiatrists. Nice bloody guidelines think you need counselling along with any drug treatment for alcoholism. Which limits your access to treatment, & keeps psychiatrists in business.

                As Fred says, if we had the research evidence to present, this would all be so much simpler.


                  when i checked it out yesterday the listing were gone, i logged in with my username and was able to search again. i plan on making an order soon, so ill see if it will actually work.
                  01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

                  Baclofen prescribing guide

                  Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


                    The people I know who've been prescribed Nal or Selincro (new version of Nal), have not been referred to counselling.

                    Psychiatrists don't provide counselling, psychiatry is a different kettle of fish.

                    I did however see a psychiatrist attached to the local alcohol team but that was not for ongoing support, it was to support my GP in prescribing Nal via the NHS.

                    He told her to prescribe, that was it, goodbye.

                    I did however have my own external support system.
                    Originally posted by Molly78 View Post
                    OK, well best of luck, Thomas. GP's in the UK usually prescribe under a shared care protocol with local psychiatrists. Nice bloody guidelines think you need counselling along with any drug treatment for alcoholism. Which limits your access to treatment, & keeps psychiatrists in business.

                    As Fred says, if we had the research evidence to present, this would all be so much simpler.
                    I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                    Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                    AF date 22/07/13


                      Originally posted by YouKayBee View Post
                      The people I know who've been prescribed Nal or Selincro (new version of Nal), have not been referred to counselling.

                      Psychiatrists don't provide counselling, psychiatry is a different kettle of fish.

                      I did however see a psychiatrist attached to the local alcohol team but that was not for ongoing support, it was to support my GP in prescribing Nal via the NHS.

                      He told her to prescribe, that was it, goodbye.

                      I did however have my own external support system.
                      That sounds about right. The most if even that will be pushed on you in the UK is having to speak to a alcohol and drugs councillor. I can't see my GP even being arsed with that it will be a straight yes or no regarding the Campral.

                      Regarding Goldpharma... It's toast. That email confirmed it for me. It wasn't a bad run all the same.


                        Psychiatrists are supposed to "monitor" the drug treatment by seeing the patient while the GP provides the prescriptions. That's the theory anyway, I guess it depends on your own local team & how they work. The monitoring may or may not involve referral for counselling, the psychiatrists don't do it themselves. They might simply "tell the GP to prescribe" but they remain responsible for the treatment, & the patient remains officially under their care & is supposed to attend OP appointments with them at intervals.

                        I suppose if the psychiatrist has a huge caseload & is fairly laissez faire about his responsibilities the patient might never see him after the first appointment, which would probably suit both parties.


                          Originally posted by Molly78 View Post
                          Very reliable, plus it labels it's parcels correctly, which means you don't get accused by UK Customs of receiving stuff which is wrongly described. I kid you not, you can be prosecuted for this in the UK, which doesn't allow you to order meds for your own use like in the US. Parcels from Indian pharmacies are always wrongly labelled on the Customs form to disguise what's in it, so if they open it, you're in trouble.
                          The only reason the pharmacies fudge the deliveries to the UK is so the recipient can avoid the Customs charges not because it is illegal to receive the meds. In fact, it is entirely legal in the UK for you to order and receive any non-listed (e.g. not narcotic) drugs without a prescription, so long as they are for your own use.

                          If anyone in the UK is having problems ordering bac, antabuse or nal, I would recommend I've been using them for about 4 years now and never had a problem they didn't fix.


                            Do 4NRX mark the value down?


                              Bacagain - it is illegal to mislead customs & avoid charges by claiming the contents are "herbal remedies" or whatever the Indian pharmacies put on their parcels. I have had a consignment of bac seized by customs, & a letter telling me this & adding that I am liable to prosecution if it happens again. For this reason I avoid the Indian pharmacies & stick to ones I know label their packages properly.

