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    I think this is exciting news for those of us who are keen for baclofen to be acknowledged as a treatment for alcoholism.

    Reckitt Benchiser Pharmaceuticals Ltd are recruiting for a trial of arbaclofen, an isomer of baclofen, "to determine the maximum tolerated dose in subjects with AUD". So - Big Pharma are on the case! It irritates me profoundly that they are only conducting this research because they have a license on a very expensive version of a very cheap drug, & so can progress to make a huge profit when their clinical trial shows benefits for alcoholics - which we know it will. Aside from my annoyance that the information is already out there but being ignored through lack of publicity, I can see that once this trial has been published the sponsored publicity will, AT LAST, tell the general population, & the disinterested medical profession, that there is a treatment for alcoholism.

    (sf - don't even start, I know your feelings about this, just allow me to mouth off, will you? )

    I found this information via a professional site, saved it, but can't get it into a form I can make into a link, even with the help of My IT skills are crap, I need my oldest son sitting by my side to tell me what I should be doing, but I won't be seeing him for a couple of weeks & I really wanted to share this with all of you.

    Maybe someone more talented than me can google it & post the link so you can see it's really happening? What saddens me is the time scale - they are only just recruiting for this trial. How many alcoholics will die before they start announcing their amazing discovery of a miracle cure? While all the time good old cheap baclofen was available to those who were in on the secret, & the evidence was there but being ignored.


    Might work.


      GREAT NEWS -Great Find!

      Originally posted by Molly78 View Post
      Molly, thank you for posting this information. Any medication breakthrough or continued research regarding any medication for alcoholism/addiction is always great news to read. Anyone who takes their time to share information to help others regarding alcoholism -I am thankful to and for them and the information they post.



        Originally posted by Molly78 View Post
        Unfortunately, it doesn't.

        Try this:

        A Dose-Escalation Study to Determine the Maximum Tolerated Dose of Arbaclofen Placarbil in Subjects With Alcohol Use Disorder
        Last edited by Palladium; August 16, 2015, 03:03 PM.


          As I understand it, this should have started by now and be over by January. Interesting. I wonder how they will deal with dosage. I'd love to be a fly on the wall in Reckitts board room

          Olivier Ameisen

          In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"





