Since that time, science has evolved and a lot has changed. Perhaps my ego still needs the ego check of the 4th/5th/6th steps, but there has never been a time when I didn't know I was alcoholic and in need of help.
So 3 rehabs, 20 years in and out of the rooms, and 4 months on baclofen later, what I realized is that in order to get more than 30 days sober I need medication.
That was 5 years ago. I am pretty sure that I've never had 180 days without alcohol. I am VERY sure that I have had 360 (x3) days without worrying or thinking about alcohol. During that time, it didn't affect my life and I didn't care about it.
So now that you know that I have done rehab (3x) and AA for more than 20 years, including the 12 steps (twice), what would you suggest? Especially knowing that the only time during all of that time that I had more than 30 days free of alcohol (EDIT: outside of rehab) was after I started taking baclofen?
In case it's in question, I'm still convinced that I suffer from alcoholism. It sucks. I also know for fact that I did not actually suffer from alcoholism when I was taking enough baclofen.
Peace out.