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Baclofen dosage regime

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    Baclofen dosage regime

    I've recently titrated up from 125mg to 150mg. I think I did one day going up from 125 to 135, (not sure) but certainly the last two days I have been on 150mg

    It has worked in the sense that I have hit the switch. No cravings, no interest in AL. I had hit the switch before, on 75mg, but life's stresses got the better of me and I started to drink (continuing the Bac).

    I have been taking 25mg morning, 50mg lunchtime and 75mg before bed.

    Tiredness has been the problem; I have had this before when I went to 75mg; early afternoons for a couple days I had to go to bed and sleep for an hour.

    THis is different, in that abt an hour after the 75mg night dose I am zonked. Sleep solidly (although this morning woke at 1am, for abt 40min before falling asleep again).

    Yesterday and now today, I still feel really tired. Not like I must sleep, but not far off it. Yesterday I came good at about 1pm, delayed my lunchtime does until 2.30.

    I am wondering whether I should even out the dose some (eg, take 50mg in the morning instead of 25mg, and therefore reduce the evening dose to 50mg). Or reduce the daily dose to 135mg for a while. Obviously I'm worried that my cravings might come back.

    Perhaps I need to just hang in there, but the tiredness is pretty rough.

    Any suggestions from other Bac users?

    Hi Me. I would either stick it out for a few days, or drop your nightly dosage by a bit. although I am not clear from your message if it is the afternoon sleepiness or the nighttime zoning out and waking up is a problem. I think eventually it will even out, regardless of when you take it. But I sometimes mess around with up or down 10mg on a dosage to try and get past an SE. I've found it works. Especially if you went up too quickly. You can trick your body into thinking you're giving it a break. The body goes (Ahhh) and you get some sleep when you need it and not when you don't. Clarify more the problem for more specific feedback.


      Thanks dun, really appreciate it.

      So it's the tiredness from waking up to early afternoon that's the problem. I feel good now; just took my midday dose (well, at 1pm) and don't feel bad.

      I think I will give it a couple more days on the existing dosage and see what happens. If it's still bad I'll try what you say and drop 10mg.


        I am on 125 at the moment MJM and I take it in 2 even doses at morning and night of 42.5 with a midday dose of 40.I am not sure if this helps you at all but the only issue I find is that if I take the evening dose too late I can be awake until the early hours of the morning.Bac has never really zonked me out,I have had more of an insomnia effect.

