Forgot to ask you but what brand of Baclofen did you get from the pharmacist,mines Mylan,a green packet with 25 10 mg pills in each one
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Baclofen advice required
Mine are just labelled 'baclofen'. No other brand name. Made by Teva, if that helps. 10mgX84 tablets. The 'extra' ones I've ordered on line from InHouse are labelled 'pacifen' with 'baclofen' printed below it in smaller script. I'm no expert but given the uncertainties we all have to tolerate given we are all feeling our way to some extent I'm not allowing myself to get bogged down with anxieties about different brands. I'm mixing them up to even out any potential minor differences (if there are any). I'm also trying to relax a bit about the whole thing and as mentioned easing back a bit on the dosage. I think I had overly high expectations of a quick result. And hoped, given Ameisen's experience a lifting of my chronic anxiety - perhaps my biggest issue. If anything it is a bit worse.
Originally posted by nicnak68 View PostHi mentium
Forgot to ask you but what brand of Baclofen did you get from the pharmacist,mines Mylan,a green packet with 25 10 mg pills in each one
When I first started I insisted that I ONLY take Teva brand baclofen, because of something I'd read on here that made me think it was the best. It's funny to me now, but it wasn't then. Baclofen is baclofen is baclofen. Terryk or someone could come on and tell you all about the different fillers and whatnot that they put in different brands, but for you newbies, please rest assured. What you're taking is the same-ish baclofen as everyone else and it'll work.
I can reasonably assert that I've taken almost every brand out there and it all does the same thing.
Mentium, how much baclofen are you taking? How long have you been taking it? Have you read Ameisen's book? How about some of the threads around here?
Mine is endless, but I think the early part is good for people who are early to bac, because the feelings are pretty similar and I got great advice and support. It's here:
Some good ones to read are also these:
Joanna_D is now a counselor who is working with our tribe and has helped introduce baclofen to others around where she lives. She felt like it was hopeless so many times, but persevered and won.
My favorite, though it needs updating because there have been quite a few people since then and they haven't posted on this particular thread.
That's all I've got for the morning! Hope you guys have or are having a good day!
Thank you Ne..Eva? (Not sure how to write your name!).
I got to 100 mg briefly after 25 days but I think I went up too fast for a few days and felt pretty weird and unpleasant mentally as well as some physical symptoms. Plus I was still drinking. I've decided to white knuckle it for a while to dry out.
I had considered stopping the baclofen by weaning off them to be honest because I was feeling so odd and weird but I started to feel better when I slowed down a couple of days ago - almost immediately - and also got an increasing sense here that it works if you stick to it, so I am going to start going up again until I hopefully hit that 'switch'. Odd though and I'm finding it hard to compute - if I stop drinking why take the baclofen? It is a thought that's messing with my head.
Yes I have read Ameisen's book - it was what gave me hope for the first time in a long time. I've seen Prf Chick too, who I assume you know of.
Thank you for the links to your threads. I will take the time a bit later to dig into them!
I think we have a bit in common, Mentium. (It's easiest just to call me Ne, I think. But you can call me whatever.)
I was a wine drinker, too. A bottle and a half to two during the week and much more on the weekends when I didn't have to work in the morning. For more years than I care to count. I started on baclofen when I was 40, and I'm 46 now. I spent almost 4 years indifferent, but stopped taking enough baclofen and relapsed in December. I'm going slow and steady like the rest of you guys, working toward indifference and independence!
What I can tell you is that I will never settle for anything less than indifference again. It was worth every effort (and for me it was very hard the first time) to get to that point. The freedom is indescribable.
That said, it doesn't have to be excruciatingly hard. Anxiety about it makes it much worse to do, honestly, and like most of us, I have a pretty debilitating anxiety disorder. Baclofen helps, but like the switch, it takes a while.
Keep in mind, it's not just milligrams. It's milligrams+time=indifference. So slow and steady is a good motto. Sounds like you may have rushed things a little bit, by going up to 100mg in a month. But I wouldn't go back down too far.
I liked to remind myself that whatever my side effects were, they weren't as bad as my worst hangovers. I once passed out in the shower one morning and scared my husband (and me) half to death. Those are the kind of drunks/hangovers I had on a regular basis.
Keep in mind that we know that baclofen is safe. You are in very good hands with Dr. Chick.
I know it takes time, but reading around here will really help ease your mind a bit.
Also, I wouldn't worry too much (if you can help it) about switching from one to the other. Just mix them half and half for a while until you run out of the old and start the new.
Hang in there, Mentium. I feel like you were me way back in the day! :hug:
Ne - I wish I knew you in RL. I have just read 15 or so pages of your 'progress thread' and what a sparkling, humane and intelligent person shines through. I was completely carried away by the ups and downs of your journey I have to say. I then clicked on 'sweet success' and I almost burst into tears. Your perseverance!..and I'm English - we don't do 'feelings' all that well. (Actually I think we do - but we hide them too well!)
Anyway I'm going to read more. Your story - and you - are an inspiration!
Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View PostWhen I first started I insisted that I ONLY take Teva brand baclofen, because of something I'd read on here that made me think it was the best. It's funny to me now, but it wasn't then. Baclofen is baclofen is baclofen. Terryk or someone could come on and tell you all about the different fillers and whatnot that they put in different brands, but for you newbies, please rest assured. What you're taking is the same-ish baclofen as everyone else and it'll work.
I can reasonably assert that I've taken almost every brand out there and it all does the same thing.
Mentium, how much baclofen are you taking? How long have you been taking it? Have you read Ameisen's book? How about some of the threads around here?
Mine is endless, but I think the early part is good for people who are early to bac, because the feelings are pretty similar and I got great advice and support. It's here:
Some good ones to read are also these:
Joanna_D is now a counselor who is working with our tribe and has helped introduce baclofen to others around where she lives. She felt like it was hopeless so many times, but persevered and won.
My favorite, though it needs updating because there have been quite a few people since then and they haven't posted on this particular thread.
That's all I've got for the morning! Hope you guys have or are having a good day!
Ah, you poor Brits. We like to let ALL our emotions hang out there for everyone to see and hear and participate in.At least that's the perception. Truth is something else.
I lived in Asia for a while when I was "between" college years. The women I knew covered their mouths when they laughed. Can you imagine? I'm a 5'7" American woman with a hearty guffaw. No hiding that gauche laughter and all those teeth. It made my Asian girlfriends giggle behind their pretty little hands. hahahaha. Nice memory. Don't know why I shared it here, but thanks for the opportunity.
And for the nice things you said. :hug: I like making grown men mushy. It's good for the soul.
Small coincidences. I lived in Hong Kong for my childhood years until I was 19 and 'came home' to the UK to go to university. It isn't often noted, but we English have a lot in common with the oriental peoples.
Thanks again - guffaws, teeth and all.
Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View PostAh, you poor Brits. We like to let ALL our emotions hang out there for everyone to see and hear and participate in.At least that's the perception. Truth is something else.
I lived in Asia for a while when I was "between" college years. The women I knew covered their mouths when they laughed. Can you imagine? I'm a 5'7" American woman with a hearty guffaw. No hiding that gauche laughter and all those teeth. It made my Asian girlfriends giggle behind their pretty little hands. hahahaha. Nice memory. Don't know why I shared it here, but thanks for the opportunity.
And for the nice things you said. :hug: I like making grown men mushy. It's good for the soul.
Originally posted by MentiumThe research seems to show a pretty solid, if not universal impact on cravings and levels of drinking.
None of the methods I have tried have worked long term. The cravings and the anxiety that seems to be at the root of my addiction return and so does the bottle
Originally posted by MentiumOdd though and I'm finding it hard to compute - if I stop drinking why take the baclofen? It is a thought that's messing with my head.
Guess what the answer is? You knew the answer when you first started taking baclofen. If you do decide to "white knuckle" it, that's your decision to make, but withdrawals can be tough. Just be sure you don't attribute those symptoms to baclofen as that could definitely make you stop your regimen.
In my many AA meetings, I heard numerous stories of abstinence for many years which were tossed by the wayside because of cravings.
Cravings are a very powerful force, as you already know.
Baclofen can stop them but not if you don't take it.
Don't get discouraged and hang in there.
Keep pluggin' away
Thanks Knob. I'm not going to manage a 'day one' tonight. Just can't. The nature of the beast and all that. However I am persevering with the baclofen after some hesitation a couple of days ago. Back up to 80 again today and will take it slowly.
I must say that some of the posts this last couple of days here have given me renewed hope for the baclofen path!
Originally posted by knobert View PostHi Ment
Guess what the answer is? You knew the answer when you first started taking baclofen. If you do decide to "white knuckle" it, that's your decision to make, but withdrawals can be tough. Just be sure you don't attribute those symptoms to baclofen as that could definitely make you stop your regimen.
In my many AA meetings, I heard numerous stories of abstinence for many years which were tossed by the wayside because of cravings.
Cravings are a very powerful force, as you already know.
Baclofen can stop them but not if you don't take it.
Don't get discouraged and hang in there.
Keep pluggin' away
Mentium... Not sure what your dosage schedule is, but I have greatly benefitted from bumping up to to 4x a day (thanks Ne) and am now up to 5x a day (thanks Knobert). This has helped me deal with side effects as they don't seem so pronounced when the Bac is spread out during the day.
Thanks for the tip. Currently taking 2*10 four times a day, spread out as evenly as possibly. When I go up to 100 I'll take your's and Knob's advice and try to do it five times a day. Will take a bit of organising!
Originally posted by Mom2JTx3 View PostMentium... Not sure what your dosage schedule is, but I have greatly benefitted from bumping up to to 4x a day (thanks Ne) and am now up to 5x a day (thanks Knobert). This has helped me deal with side effects as they don't seem so pronounced when the Bac is spread out during the day.
As for me, I'm not drinking most days, when I do it's only minute amounts, though that makes me feel shit so it's getting less and less. On olanzapine for continuing crippling anxiety and probably going to be put on lithIum, so it's all a bit up in the air right now :/
Hi Dan
It's good to hear from you.
That's great you're not drinking most days. How are the cravings? What 's your bac level at? Sorry to hear that the anxiety is still so bad for you. It sounds like your Dr. is addressing it pretty aggressively. Hopefully it will improve soon. Are you getting any sleep?
I've been wondering how it's going. I'm glad you decided to drop in.
Hoping to hear from you soon,
Knobert :thumbsup: