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Dr Jonathan Chick

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    Originally posted by nicnak68 View Post
    I read an old thread on here yesterday by someone called man on Mars I think about his journey and he gave it up because it had turned him into a zombie with no feelings or desire for anything,not just alcohol and this worried me slightly.Although I did reach indifference last month and it was great I must admit I didn't have an desire for sex and would just come home from work,eat my dinner and go to bed early.But I presume this would hopefully wear off as the other side effects would as well

    Plenty of horror stories to read around here. I don't remember ManonMars, though.

    When I first got here, I did two things that I am really glad I did. One was that I paid attention to what the people who had contented sobriety were doing. The other was that I paid attention to what the people who gave it up did.

    I truly believe that indifference=time+milligrams of baclofen. Not that you weren't indifferent! But it helps to wrap your mind around not drinking when it takes a while, and sort of tapers off rather than happens all-of-a-sudden. The other thing is, that titrating up too quickly can really bite you in the butt. That said, I know you know how to do this thing and I'm excited for you.

    My husband and plenty of other men around here have had issues with...completion. And/or just getting interested enough to make something happen. Fortunately, it didn't last long for my husband. (And sober sex is WAY better than I ever imagined sex could be. Who knew?) But others have had ongoing issues with it. I hope that in your case, it's temporary.

    (There have also been notable cases, including my husband, when, ahem, men would get excited like they were teenagers again. I don't know how old you are, but my husband is in his 40s and that was a FUN couple of weeks. Maybe that will happen to you, too? I hope so. So does your partner. )


      Sorry about the total digression on this thread. Apologies if someone finds it inappropriate. I'll move it if someone wants me to do that.


        Hi Ne,I'm 47 and although my partner is supportive of me on my Bac journey he is getting frustrated (to say the least) with my lack of desire.I could just lie back and think of England but that's not how I usually am and he would know that I'm not interested.
        I'm currently back up to 150mg,180 being my switch last time.Im seeing one of the only Docs in the UK to prescribe Bac on the 3rd
        so hopefully he can give me more advice


          Eek! I assumed you were a guy. Sorry 'bout that.

          I think I'd give it a little time, were I you. My interest has waxed and waned, just like always. Meaning, it was, at times diminished because of bac. And enhanced because of it, too. Since then? Just normal-ish fluctuations.

          I'm taking some antidepressants now that profoundly diminish my sex drive and my ability to enjoy it fully. My pdoc suggested taking them after sexy-time. And it works! If I don't take them in the morning, we can have fun and then I'll take them. Maybe, after you've had some time sober and steady on bac, you could do something like that if you still had the problem. In the meantime, I'm not sure I would worry too much!


            Haha,my hubby would love to lie back and think of England and let me do all be the work


              Bac has had quite the opposite effect on me in that regard, I'll hump just about anything that moves since I titrated up


                Only just joined up here. I met with Professor Chick a couple of weeks ago in Edinburgh. It was a great session I must say. He understood, more than anyone I've met (and I have had two or three counsellors and a couple of GPs I've discussed my alcohol dependency with) about addiction and I felt able to be more open and tell the whole of my story to someone who really did get it.

                I'm not sure if he has a daily limit in terms of prescribing. He did comment that Olivier Ameisen's 300 mg was excessive but that was all. I have 100 pills I got on-line if I need to use them as a backup besides the prescription, but I am a little reluctant to trust on-line sources. If anyone knows a reliable online pharmacy I would be grateful for a PM with your experience.


                  Welcome mentium
                  Glad you found the forum
                  I've used a few but not found one I know will send me the real thing and fast.
                  The Bac I'm using now comes from gold pharma and I know it's real because it's what uk gps prescribe but they are no longer sending out meds that need prescriptions.When I meet with Dr Chick I will ask about his upper limit and then will have to rethink where I get it from.Im on 150 now and my switch was 180 but SEs are not as bad this time except for feeling really really sick



                    I have been meaning to mention another so called professional who offers help and guidance via the baclofen route. He has a pretty big presense if you start searching for 'baclofen' on-line. I won't mention his name but he is a doctor who was 'struck off' some years ago and now offers telephone guidance and support via email. I approached him and the subject of his fee immediately came up - and I was offered a 'discount' if I signed up more or less immediately. Foolishly I sent him a deposit as I didn't intend at the time to start on baclofen until my return from a trip to London (which I go on later this morning as it happens). In the end I found Professor Chick, a reliable and excellent specialist in my experience and decided not to go the less 'formal' route. I emailed the guy in question and requested the return of my deposit. I have not heard back from him - not even an acknowledgement or something to say the deposit was non-refundable - and this was a couple of months ago. I have sent him over half a dozen emails since.

                    If you find someone offering help on-line of a less formal kind - especially if there is a fee involved please feel free to PM me to check if it is the same guy. If it is don't go near him is my advice.

                    Sorry to post such a negative message, but forewarned etc. Someone taking advantage of people in a vulnerable spot is pretty despicable in my book.


                      The guys name slips my mind but I am pretty sure I have seen others post about the same guy.I wouldn't worry too much about posting this as a negative thing Mentium,you are just as your post is titled forewarning people.
                      I agree that it is despicable that someone is doing this.






                            Originally posted by _serenity_ View Post
                            Does Dr. Chick still have the same email address as about a year ago? The gmail one?


                              Hi longwalker, most of the members from the Medications forums have moved to a new forum, The End Of My Addiction | Forum Discussing Alcohol Medication You'll probably get your answer a lot quicker over there. Good luck!
                              Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                              Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                              Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.

