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Things I'm learning about Bac

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    Things I'm learning about Bac

    I've been taking Baclofen since about February. I tritrated up to 75mg and hit the switch.

    Getting to 75mg was difficult, because I was still drinking. When drunk, I'd forget to take my evening dose. Hell, the whole concept of midday meds threw me so I would often take that late afternoon because I had forgotten about it. A pill dosage box and alarms on the phone would help here, had I thought about it.

    Once I hit the switch at 75mg, the world suddenly opened up. I could not remember being so calm, happy and focused for a long, long time. Oh, and that little annoyance called cravings? None, simply no interest. That blew me away.

    I had some fatigue during going up with Bac, but they didn't last. It is akin to jet lag - a sudden exhaustion, usually that comes in waves for me. Sometimes though I would go to bed mid-afternoon and go into a deep sleep for an hour. That may have been partly coming off AL too, not sure.

    What I didn't account for was stress. My mother had a stroke and went to hospital. She was significantly affected, and we thought she was going to die. I stopped everything to be with her. After 2 weeks of this I became depressed. It wasn't long before I saw AL as the solution.

    Drinking while taking Bac was different. Better, in that I could function the next day instead of lying in bed for most of it, but hardly ideal. I still did stupid things while drunk, I still had hang-overs with the nausea, fatigue and vague head. I still hated it.

    So now I'm on 170mg, having titrated up to 175mg 12 days ago and hit the switch. I have just dropped down 5mg the last two days to try to counter the fatigue, which had not relented since I titrated up. I also varied the dosage regime -- before it was 50mg am/75mg midday or mid afternoon/50mg before bed. I swapped the larger dose for the lower evening dose ( as well as reducing the larger dose by 5mg) I am not sure which made the difference -- or if it was neither -- but I am feeling better. I had about an hour of feeling peaceful, really calm yesterday, but haven't experienced this for an extended period as I did when on 75mg before hitting the crisis point I mentioned.

    Ameisen mentioned taking 25mg extra in times of stress, albeit with some fatigue. He also mentioned other avenues for reducing stress -- exercise, etc.

    So I am working on a plan to ensure my sobriety that doesn't just rely on my daily Bac maintenance dose:

    -- Take an extra 25mg when in times of stress -- feeling very depressed or thinking about a drink

    -- Not for everyone, but I ask myself: 'How do I feel?' This helps me get centred and acknowledge that what I feel is actually anxiety, fear, whatever. Then I have something to work with.

    -- Exercise. I've started with 10 minutes a day on the exercise bike. This has already made a tremendous difference

    -- Mindfulness. Making a point of looking around me when outside, taking it all in rather than being stuck in my head. Listening to my children rather than trying to do something else at the same time.

    -- Meditation (which is really mindfulness). I have a series of 10min meditations that I loved and I am trying to find again.

    Interested to hear what other 'insurance policies' you guys have to ensure good mental health and to avoid going back to drinking. Oh, another one I forgot to include was, riding my motorcycle .

    Hi MeJustMe-

    My insurance policy, or "program," or whatever, is that most (though not all) days I do:

    --60+ minutes vipassana meditation
    --30+ minutes aerobic or anaerobic exercise
    --60+ minutes listening to any sort of addiction/spirituality/AA speaker tape or podcast.

    So far, so good. I'm 196 days!



      Hello MeJustMe and lex

      Wow, I'm impressed at your efforts and conviction you guys demonstrate to stay sane and sober. It's a motivator to anyone who reads it.

      Me mentioned Dr. A. His maintenance dose was 120mg and 20-40mg p.r.n.(med. term for as needed)

      Lex, it's too bad that bac gave you such intolerable side effects. Did you try starting at a very small dose and escalating very slowly? I'm sure you did.
      You've got 196 days. That's great! Have you tried again since you have had a prolonged AF stretch. I so much would like you to experience the indifference that bac can bring.

      I went to tons of AA meetings. They just did not do it for me.

      I also practiced CBT(Cognitive Behavioral Therapy). It helped me somewhat but I don't practice so much anymore.

      There is a book I like. It's called "The Easy Way To Stop Drinking" by Allen Carr. It uses a different approach to convince your brain not to want to consume alcohol. It's enjoyable to read and meant to be read as often as needed to keep it reinforced in your head. It has helped a lot of people, including me.

      My form of meditation is to keep my brain busy during idle times.
      I started doing Sudoku. Over time, I've progressed to solving puzzles in the "evil" category. It definitely has helped to keep my brain from petrifying.

      You guys are shining examples of "what ever it takes" to defeat the alcohol monster. It is to be commended. It remotivates me. Thank you.

      Keep on goin'

      Knob :welldone:

      Last edited by knobert; October 21, 2015, 08:52 PM. Reason: forgot to mention cbt



        Wow! It's great how aware you are. Keep on and gradually increase your workout. I switched at 80 mgs. I had the same experience of deep calm and stopping and looking at everything outdoors. I don't remember when that ended but I'd sure like it back! I would take an extra 20 mgs if I was stressed. I had the best car buying experience I've ever had on bac. I wasn't nervous, didn't let the finance guy push me around and stayed below what I planned to pay and finance.

        I would only add that staying hydrated, eating enough and sleeping enough round out my routine.


          I don't know how I missed this post to begin with. Thanks so much for sharing your experience and thoughts, MJM.


            Thanks for the feedback guys, much appreciated.

            I'm now down to 160mg Bac a day -- 50mg am, 50mg mid-afternoon, 60mg before bed.

            The tiredness has mostly gone, although last night for example I was reading in bed, got a great book by Harlon Coben that I'm really getting into, but could not keep my eyes open to read much more than a few pages.

            I am wondering about what my maintenance dose is, but for now I don't want to play with fire. I will read up more about how people reach their maint dose before I head further down on my dosage.

            As for the other stuff, I am against my personality as a perfectionist Virgo, but the worst kind -- a lazy perfectionist

            So I want to stop smoking, fix the mess of my paperwork stuffed into drawers, fix and sell two campers I need to, clean my dirty car that I like to have perfect, detail my 'new' motorcycle so it too looks immaculate, clean out my messy garage and storage room of the junk thrown in there -- all by yesterday, thanks very much.

            I also fight against my desire to be lazy -- not do any exercise, not get though my work as quickly as I know I can, not do any meditation. This is part of my personality I think.

            There is also the issue of being 'busy'. I think most of us are these days. I am the primary career of our two kids, keeping up with the family clothes washing and house cleaning, I have a busy workload and I need to see my mum regularly in the nursing home, also making sure she has clean clothes, money and sweets (she has developed a major sweet tooth!).

            So instead of just doing everything -- or giving up on it all, my goal is to do bite-size chunks today. My work just has to be done, but I need to not give myself a hard time about it. Exercise can be just 5 minutes on the exercise bike today, if that's all I'm willing to do. Same with meditation. Just getting off my arse and doing something is a great start.

            What is certain is that I am pretty new to this being sober -- not quite a month this time. I have to remember that when drinking I got next to nothing done, so being sober and clear-headed is a great start. I can't solve my life's problems by yesterday, but I also need to keep chipping away at learning new behaviours to make the most of a great life I have ahead of me. Just rolling along like I was when drinking -- and relying only on the magic of Bac -- isn't going to work.

            Also planning a bit of 'me' time. I loved riding my motorcycle last weekend, so am looking at dates so that I can head off on a weekend's ride before Christmas. That's a great thing to look forward to.

            Lastly, being involved in this forum is important for me. When busy I put it on the back burner, and don't take the time to read though posts. It's like 'I don't need this anymore', when really, I do. Don't know if that makes sense. Anyway, I hope this helps someone. Just getting this stuff down helps me, that's for sure!


              Hi Me

              I just happened to be reading the prescription guide for baclofen when I read your post.

              At the end of section 4, " How To Prescribe Baclofen", there is a section called "Continuing Treatment, there are a couple of suggestions. I stepped down until I found myself occasionally thinking of having a drink. Then I stepped up one level. I was stepping down 15mgs at a time. This level and 20 - 40 mgs p.r.n.(as needed) became my maintenance dose. If you are stepping down in smaller increments, say 5 mgs, you may consider going back up 2 levels.

              Here 's the link.

              By the way, I am also a virgo
              Good job and thanks for posting

              Knob :goodjob:





                Olivier Ameisen

                In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                  MJM - just browsing threads and came across this and Knobert's reference to Allen Carr's Easy Way to Control Drinking prompted a memory of one of his other books The Easy Way to Stop Smoking. I read both. Sadly the drink related book didn't help me too much, though it is a great read, but reference your desire to quit smoking - I quit smoking over 20 years ago now after reading that. It is a brilliant exercise in reframing the 'pleasure' of smoking into tobacco as an enemy that can kill. I went from 40 plus a day to zero overnight.

         Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking eBook: Allen Carr: Kindle Store


                    I have read the smoking book by Allan Carr too.Although it didn't stop me smoking it certainly makes you look at it differently,I really enjoyed it.

                    Maybe I should read it again.


                      Funny you should mention the smoking, Mentium -- I have stopped today. I'm using the nicotine lozenges (well, they look like tic tacs actually) and so far today, it's doing the trick.

                      I was getting up to 20-25 a day, and having asthma during the night. I have noticed wheezing too. I haven't being enjoying smoking for a while now. I hide it from my kids and my 10 yr-old noticed the smell of cigs on me and also busted me buying a pack one day. She has been on my case ever since! It's not the only reason, but it just added another to stop the damn things.

                      I am on 150mg Bac per day now, divided into three 50kg doses. I am ready with a 25mg prn dose if the anxiety from the not smoking hits.

                      It's very, very early days, but I'm hoping that this works.


                        Hi MJM

                        It sounds like you're doing great. Keep it up.

                        Keep us informed


                          Good luck MJM. I found the major motivating factor was, as you are experiencing, that I simply wasn't enjoying it any more. Plus things like breathlessness and occasional heart palpitations were beginning to alarm me.

                          I took a week off work and did lots of other things as a distraction. Nine months to the day later my youngest daughter was born...

                          Best thing I ever did! :happy2:


                            The last week has been 'interesting'. Smoking has resumed, after going so well the first couple of days. Oh well... From mid-last week I started to get the jet-lag feeling again during the evening. At 8.30 I could hardly keep my eyes open. By Saturday, I was so tired (from snoring, prob reducing oxygen in my blood and waking in the middle of the night too) that I forgot to take my morning meds. Had to take my son to cricket and so didn't get to take my am meds till midday. So took 50mg at 12pm, 50 at around 4pm and at 7pm I noticed I was feeling vaguely like a drink. Took 25mg then as either a PRN or half of my bedtime dose early. About an hour later I felt sleepy (but not like in days previous where I just had to sleep) and slightly high. It was weird. I was doing a lot of manual work in the afternoon, but drank plenty of water so I'm pretty sure I was not dehydrated.
                            On Sunday I started to take my lunchtime 50mg dose split into two 25mg doses; one about 12-1pm and the other at 4pm. This seems to have helped a bit, I haven't felt as sleepy. I have also started to titrate down, now at 145mg instead of 150mg. Given that tonight and last night I have felt a bit edgy and almost contemplated a drink, I think I will go back to 150mg and have a 25mg PRN ready to go.
                            I have not really done much exercise or meditation, and feel a bit bored with my routine now after 7 or so weeks sober. It's about time I got serious about exercise/meditation and shaking up my routine a bit. Truth is, my wife is still drinking and I think at some level that disturbs me when she's staggering around during the evening.


                              Have I chimed in yet about how it was when I first got sober and my husband was still drinking alcoholically? If not, I will. If you've read it, I'll spare you hearing about it again.

                              Glad things are going well, MJM. Seven weeks is nothing to sneeze at! The somnolence can be overwhelming, I know, but at least it's happening later in the evening. (2100 is my bedtime, so I'm perfectly happy to be all snoozed out by then!)

                              Also glad you've decided to go up a bit if that feels like the right thing. Craving is no joke.

                              Thanks for the update.

