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Middle aged white people are killing themselves...NYT article

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    Originally posted by kuya View Post

    Firstly if you actually READ the article you will see that the death rate amongst middle aged BLACKS in the USA is 50% (yes FIFTY PERCENT!) higher than this new 'shocking' level for whites.

    When it starts FALLING for THAT would be news.
    Indeed Kuya. Having green skin with a pinkish tinge for many decades I would've fallen outside the articles stats. But removing the central killer and trigger for my early death, which for me is alcohol, and changing my self abusive mind set, I now emit a sort of golden glow which comes from within. :llama:

    One thing is clear to me though. For an increasing number of folk, living on the grid is not getting any easier. Bills and debts pile up, and workplaces put the squeeze on employees to do more for less money. If we have not learnt or been taught the skills to handle (perceived) criticism, rejection, deadlines and any resultant feelings of stress or feeling overwhelmed like everything is too much to deal with, then many turn to the easy, legal and socially acceptable crutch of regular boozing. AL, a chemical depressant and mind altering addictive substance. When combined with an overwhelming daily grind, this is a dangerous cocktail waiting to explode. For me, one of the critical first steps in overcoming feelings of checking out/suicide, self abuse, was to address my thinking. Turn that around and we can change our world. But it has to start with us. You. Me.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Originally posted by kuya View Post

      The article actually goes to show what a disgustingly RACIST country the USA is.


      The fact that such an article would be written in such a way and published in a leading New York newspaper shows why your country is in the mess it perceive every non white race and country as slightly less worthy of life than your 'white middle class'.


      No wonder the rest of the world hates the USA !


      Though I don't totally disagree, and I'm white and live in the suburban, middle-class United States. So there's that. On the other hand, I think the article was pointing out a dramatic change and not an appalling fact that should/would/could be addressed with some sort of socio-economic understanding, just as it applies to the fact that suddenly white middle-class Americans are feeling f*cked and offing themselves. Just sayin'.

      And while (perhaps) your point is taken, Kuya, I have to say that I've travelled a good deal and found that people are kind and generous and like me/us. Of course, I've never been to central Europe, so there's that fact too. And even if they hate the (policies/government) of the United States, they haven't been assholes about it. That's my experience, anyway.

      Best to you.


        Originally posted by Guitarista View Post
        For me, one of the critical first steps in overcoming feelings of checking out/suicide, self abuse, was to address my thinking. Turn that around and we can change our world. But it has to start with us. You. Me.
        Addressing thinking is exactly what is needed, which is why this article so annoyed me.

        The thinking that there is an 'entitlement' because you have a nanometer of uncoloured pigment you have the RIGHT to live longer is the thinking that has lead the world to the brink of disaster.

        Trampling over the rest of the world to support a miserable, soul destroying lifestyle is the lesson to be learned.

        If it is a plague, then it is one that was long overdue.


          Ne I have MANY white middle aged American friends who are awesome generous and non racist ....

          However that does not change my opinion of what was your original is the premise and content of the article and this thread that is offensive.

          I am done replying


            Society has to change it's attitude to alcohol, and also sugar/food.

            At the moment we have a 'treat' ourselves normality......and that holds people back from obtaining help, drives denial and also provides an 'I'm ok' justification for those who do indulge.
            I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

            Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

            AF date 22/07/13


              Originally posted by kuya View Post
              I couldn't let this one slide by.
              Firstly if you actually READ the article you will see that the death rate amongst middle aged BLACKS in the USA is 50% (yes FIFTY PERCENT!) higher than this new 'shocking' level for whites. The article actually goes to show what a disgustingly RACIST country the USA is.

              'Death rate rising amongst middle aged whites' ?????

              SO FUCKING WHAT?!?!?!?

              When it starts FALLING for THAT would be news.

              Secondly the assumption that this forum is populated by middle aged whites who would feel some race related kindred spirit to 'stop this plague' frankly sickens.
              I AM middle aged but my skin is NOT white but one thing I am extremely grateful for is that I am NOT an American.
              The fact that such an article would be written in such a way and published in a leading New York newspaper shows why your country is in the mess it perceive every non white race and country as slightly less worthy of life than your 'white middle class'.
              No wonder the rest of the world hates the USA !

              Kuya -You say that you are so happy that you are not American. I am going to second that motion. Thank you for not being American!

              Kuya, you are so upset at seeing something that says something about "white" or "caucasian" people that you immediately close your mind to the facts that are being presented to you. Closed minded, racist people such as your self offer no hope to the future generations who will one day look back and read comments like yours and wonder "what?".

              For others to read and understand for themselves, I will post the following information provided by the CDC (maybe this is the news that you are looking for?):

              CDC- United States of America:
              "Which population groups experienced the greatest reductions in mortality over the last decade?
              When compared with death rates for the year 2000, the rates for 2011 show decreases in mortality across every population group defined by sex and race and Hispanic origin. The largest reductions in mortality between 2000 and 2011 occurred among males (Figure 2). Non-Hispanic black males experienced the largest decrease during this period (22.6%).
              Much of the recent improvement in death rates and life expectancy for all population groups can be attributed to continuing reductions in death rates from major causes of death, such as heart disease, cancer, stroke, and chronic lower respiratory diseases "

              You might just want to do a self check-in and "check" your own motives and feelings of lack. The sharing of your racism on this forum helps no one to get sober. Furthermore, you may want to consider removing your presence from this American owned and operated site. Of all the negative posts that I have ever read or that have been written to me, this post -YOUR- post is the most disgusting of all. I am not interested in receiving nor reading any feed back that you might have.







                    I'm starting to want a drink.


                      Originally posted by lex View Post
                      I'm starting to want a drink.

