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A first for me.

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    A first for me.

    I have just got back from a work get together. Sober.

    I have only been (virtually) AF for 2 years & during that time I have avoided social occasions such as this, feeling I could not face them. I gave excuses like it was too far - I do live a long way from my work base. Like many others on this forum, I spent decades medicating my social phobia with alcohol. A few years ago if I had to go to a work social I would pre load on vodka. I was over the limit before I got in the car, then I would take a bottle of juice laced with vodka to see me through the evening so that I could be seen to have just the two "permitted" units during the meal.

    This occasion I couldn't avoid. "My" secretary is getting married & we had clubbed together to get her a present & arranged a meal to hand it over. This person took me in hand when I started the job 5 years ago & patiently saw me through the IT training needed. I remember her hilarity when I said "Don't tell me to do right click, my IT skills aren't that advanced." She not only helped me with right click but with cut & paste, entering data, removing it when incorrect, sending tasks, all the requirements of a new system which seemed overwhelming to an IT numpty like me. It's thanks to her that I can use the internet more efficiently, & even post on this forum. So I just had to go tonight. It was a 40 minute drive. I was not looking forward to any of it. It didn't help that some of the younger admin had car pooled so they were knocking back the wine & getting giggly & hysterical & basically just enjoying themselves. Half of me wished I could join them. The other half thought "Aren't drunk people boring?". I was ready to leave at 9pm but had to hang on til the bill was paid, & the first person said they had to go.

    The drive home under a full moon on clear roads, with Classic FM on the radio was a joy. I saw blue flashing lights in my mirror at one time & actually briefly hoped they would stop me & breathalyse me, so I could have the satisfaction of being negative!

    A first time, but now I have the confidence to do it again. Remains to be seen whether I will ever enjoy it.

    For some reason this didn't appear in my 'new posts'. The navigation seems a bit flakey here sometimes.

    Never mind! Great story'


      Originally posted by Molly78 View Post
      I have just got back from a work get together. Sober.

      The drive home under a full moon on clear roads, with Classic FM on the radio was a joy. I saw blue flashing lights in my mirror at one time & actually briefly hoped they would stop me & breathalyse me, so I could have the satisfaction of being negative!

      A first time, but now I have the confidence to do it again. Remains to be seen whether I will ever enjoy it.
      I love that Molly! Isn't it the best!

      I hear ya on the enjoying it factor !!


        Originally posted by Molly78 View Post
        I have just got back from a work get together. Sober.

        I have only been (virtually) AF for 2 years & during that time I have avoided social occasions such as this, feeling I could not face them. I gave excuses like it was too far - I do live a long way from my work base. Like many others on this forum, I spent decades medicating my social phobia with alcohol. A few years ago if I had to go to a work social I would pre load on vodka. I was over the limit before I got in the car, then I would take a bottle of juice laced with vodka to see me through the evening so that I could be seen to have just the two "permitted" units during the meal.

        This occasion I couldn't avoid. "My" secretary is getting married & we had clubbed together to get her a present & arranged a meal to hand it over. This person took me in hand when I started the job 5 years ago & patiently saw me through the IT training needed. I remember her hilarity when I said "Don't tell me to do right click, my IT skills aren't that advanced." She not only helped me with right click but with cut & paste, entering data, removing it when incorrect, sending tasks, all the requirements of a new system which seemed overwhelming to an IT numpty like me. It's thanks to her that I can use the internet more efficiently, & even post on this forum. So I just had to go tonight. It was a 40 minute drive. I was not looking forward to any of it. It didn't help that some of the younger admin had car pooled so they were knocking back the wine & getting giggly & hysterical & basically just enjoying themselves. Half of me wished I could join them. The other half thought "Aren't drunk people boring?". I was ready to leave at 9pm but had to hang on til the bill was paid, & the first person said they had to go.

        The drive home under a full moon on clear roads, with Classic FM on the radio was a joy. I saw blue flashing lights in my mirror at one time & actually briefly hoped they would stop me & breathalyse me, so I could have the satisfaction of being negative!

        A first time, but now I have the confidence to do it again. Remains to be seen whether I will ever enjoy it.
        Oh I LOVE this story - it says much better than I could what it feels to be contentedly sober :thumbsup:
        I have done it many times and but that feeling of pride driving home has never gone away.

        Have not been stopped by police in 3 years :haha:


          I can totally relate, Molly. For me, just to be able to drive at night was a huge success story.

          Congratulations! Glad you went, and very glad you could do it without drinking.


            What a great story, Molly! I’ve had similar sober moments of having cops drive up behind me with lights flashing, and just pulling to the side of the road with a little smile on my face, because I know they’ll blow right by me and that I have nothing to do with the lights. It’s an excellent feeling. Congrats on getting through a work function sober!

