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NAD Therapy for Addiction

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    NAD Therapy for Addiction

    Hi, I have not visited this forum for about three years. However, I came across something in my journey since, which has included chronic sicknesses unrelated to AUD -- and realized this therapy I've found could be an incredible new kid on the block for alcoholics searching for a physiological answer to their affliction.

    It's not widely available yet, and probably very expensive, but keep a lookout for this truly natural addiction-curing therapy (among other benefits -- it is also applicable to a number of diseases: MS, Cancer, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, AIDS, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, depression. This is because all these diseases have a common denominator, a shortage of cellular energy).

    (Actually, this is not technically a med, it is a natural coenzyme the body both makes and gets from food, and as such would almost be more appropriate in the holistic forum, but it does have to be administered through medical means (intravenously), so I'll start the ball rolling here.)

    As I said, I've not been around for three years, so perhaps this is nothing new for you all, but I would feel remiss if I did not put this out on this forum F.Y.I. for all of you sobriety-seekers who know alcohol addiction is not a moral issue, but a physiological one (reinforced by psychological issues, of course).

    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

    Hello Beatle. Good to see you back and thanks so much for the information. I am certainly going to do more research. I do appreciate you letting us know


      Thanks, beatle. Very interesting article.

      Interestingly, my psychiatrist is very into holistic medicine, much more so than any doctor I've ever met. (It probably helps that she is a physician's assistant and not an MD. Still, very unusual.)

      She prescribes medications, of course, and baclofen, too. But she recently gave me a DVD called Addiction: Getting the Monkey off your Back. In it the physicians (and they are all doctors) talk about the different enzymes and etc that are missing from our bodies and brains. It's a completely "all-natural" approach to curing addiction. Not one that I subscribe to, but I can appreciate the information and value the knowledge.

      She's also reading Seven Weeks to Sobriety, which one of her colleagues recommended. I'm not a fan of Larson's, but again, the knowledge is useful.

      I really hope you're well. Think of you often. Take good care.

