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Topomax - effectiveness and side effects

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    Topomax - effectiveness and side effects

    I've had a drinking problem since I was 20, getting a lot worse in my 30s (I'm in early 40s now) and it took a long time to get my doctor to realise that telling me to stop drinking wasn't enough to help! About a year ago he prescribed me Baclofen but that screwed me up quite badly so I only took it for a month. Finally, he's now prescribed me Topomax and counselling.

    Any feedback on effectiveness of Tompomax, side effects, it's addictiveness, etc would be appreciated. I've googled it but most the results are clinical trials and what have you and it's mainly about it's use as an anti-epilepsy med, so I'd prefer some more anecdotal opinion from you all. It seems side effects are very common with Topomax, which I can deal with as long as it doesn't effect my ability to do my job (just office work but I need to be focused as a mistake would cost a lot of money). How much does it reduce cravings though? Baclofen didn't really help me with cravings, it just sent me to sleep and then I'd wake up tired, confused, weak and going straight back to the bottle which is why I stopped taking it.

    So, thanks in advance for any opinions.

    I'm not familiar with Topomax, so apologies for posting in this thread. I am however curious abut your comment about baclofen. Firstly it is unusual to find a doctor who will prescribe baclofen, so I am wondering how you found one. And secondly may I ask how it 'screwed you up'?

    In my case I think I increased the dose too fast and I suffered some unpleasant side effects as a result. I lowered the dose a bit, stopped drinking a couple of weeks ago and have had one evening of drinking since then. Much reduced - actually absent - cravings for alcohol and very happy with the results. Many people here go 'all the way' with their dose until they reach true 'indifference'. I chickened out a bit I think but even so it is doing the trick I would say.

    Sorry to hijack your thread. I'm sure someone will come along with a response to your question in due course, though the meds area of the forum has been quiet for a couple of days.
    Last edited by Mentium; December 14, 2015, 03:27 PM.


      You haven't hijacked the thread, I appreciate all replies :-)

      I'm in the UK, I don't know if that makes a difference, but my doctor had no problem with prescribing my Baclofen. Why is it unusual to prescribe baclofen?

      Baclofen screwed me up because I had a lot of side effects, even after a few days I was getting tired, confused, memory problems, numbness in my face, waking up barely able to move my limbs. I dropped the dose for 2 weeks and then 2 weeks later decided to stop taking it.

      It sounds like it's worked great for you after the initial problems, good job mate, stay sober :-)


        curious what dosage and titation schedule like for your baclofen?
        01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

        Baclofen prescribing guide

        Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


          I'm in the UK too. I didn't actually try my GP to be honest, but I do live in a quiet very rural part of the country (Cumbria) and I am pretty certain what the reaction would have been. A fair few Brits have discovered this from what I have read here. There is also the question of a medic agreeing to potentially high doses of up to 300 mg (or more in a few cases) which might freak a few out. In my case I went to a consultant psychiatrist and got a subscription (and paid for the session!). I bought baclofen on-line to supplement it as even he has a limit regarding daily dosing.

          All the best. Still curious about your apparently enlightened GP. Perhaps the word abut its potential effectiveness for some (many?) people is getting out there. It is to be hoped.

          Originally posted by Mike! View Post
          You haven't hijacked the thread, I appreciate all replies :-)

          I'm in the UK, I don't know if that makes a difference, but my doctor had no problem with prescribing my Baclofen. Why is it unusual to prescribe baclofen?

          Baclofen screwed me up because I had a lot of side effects, even after a few days I was getting tired, confused, memory problems, numbness in my face, waking up barely able to move my limbs. I dropped the dose for 2 weeks and then 2 weeks later decided to stop taking it.

          It sounds like it's worked great for you after the initial problems, good job mate, stay sober :-)


            I didn't request the Baclofen, he suggested it so I guess he is enlightened. Hopefully the Topomax will work better for me, he's suggested that after I spoke to him today.


              Hi Mike and welcome to the forum.

              Thank you posting what seems to be a great thread. I made a comment the other day that my medical gp would have been more than happy to have prescribed me Baclofen for my AUD but I was not willing to share with him the fact that I had this huge alcohol problem (about to kill me -actually). At that point in time, I really did not realize that most doctors truly do want to help their patients get well and most will go to any length to do so -but as for me, I was not willing to share my problem with him out of shame and 'perceived' negativity.

              I think the most debilitating side effect for most people taking baclofen is the somnolence that occurs for most all. Some drug companies are actually working on variations of Baclofen that will help minimize this side effect. I initially took Baclofen, by the recommended prescribing document as was directed by my rehab medical doctor, and I still suffered several side effects for several months. (I was in no condition to not accept the side effects -I had to find an answer).

              I am very interested in knowing the hows and whats of Topamax. I truly hope that post updates as you move forward (or even when you might take a step backward).



                Mike - I was on Topa and it worked really well for me - I quit for 8 months with it - BUT you have to titrate up according to the correct schedule - there is no point in trying to go up too quickly - it does not help at all. I had to get to 300mg for it to finally kick in for me and then had terrible depression and finally after 8 months came off it - thought I could have one drink and the rest is history.

                There is a thread in the meds section called Starting Topa and have a question or something similar - if you start that from the beginning there is lots of good advice and people chipping in with their experience. Please feel free to PM me if you have any questions. I have not posted on this forum for some time and ironically was just going to post on the topa thread when I saw this post. Good luck with it anyway!

                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                  Thanks Sun, I see the thread you're talking about, I'll have a look through it. I should be getting my first prescription this week so I'll post updates on how it works for me as well.

                  You're the second person to mention titration - I'm not sure I understand what that means. I'd assumed it was for infusions but my baclofen and topomax are oral.

                  Cheers, Mike


                    Hi Mike it means going up and down in dose.


                      Ah, cheers Stevo :-) You learn something new every day!


                        Originally posted by Mike! View Post
                        I didn't request the Baclofen, he suggested it so I guess he is enlightened. Hopefully the Topomax will work better for me, he's suggested that after I spoke to him today.
                        I'll see if my doc will let me know what the dosage was, I do remember he prescribed what he considered a low dosage for my first month and I was supposed to gradually build up the dose over that month. Unfortunately even on the low dose the side effects were bad, probably because I was going through a phase of heavy drinking as well at the time.


                          Mike I will see if I can find the titration schedule for you. I think it was 25mg for the first week in the evening - then the 2nd week, 25mg both a.m. and p.m. - I will look but think I deleted it. You do need to go up slowly though - going faster does NOT help. The only SE's I had were sleepiness the first few weeks and also weight loss - the weight loss does not affect everyone and I did not need it ! But I just did not get hungry like I normally do. Please PM me if you have questions but that other thread is a great source of info .....

                          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                            I started on baclofen when I was drinking about a bottle and a half of wine every evening. The side effects were pretty unpleasant, partly because of that I suspect. I managed to stop drinking a couple of weeks ago and they went. I also reduced the dose mind you. People do drink and take baclofen and reach the desired for state of indifference but my personal experience was that I felt pretty crap doing it that way.

                            Originally posted by Mike! View Post
                            I'll see if my doc will let me know what the dosage was, I do remember he prescribed what he considered a low dosage for my first month and I was supposed to gradually build up the dose over that month. Unfortunately even on the low dose the side effects were bad, probably because I was going through a phase of heavy drinking as well at the time.


                              Sun, thanks I would appreciate it if you still have it. I wouldn't mind the weight loss tbh, I'm naturally a very skinny build, but I'm 13 stone now (5' 11") and was 9 stone when I was in my 20's so my joints struggle with the extra weight haha. And of cos all the extra weight is on my torso from drinking so I look shocking naked, a big torso with little stick arms and legs :sad:

                              Mentium, I think I was having a bottle of vodka when I was on baclofen, even though meds made me sleep most the day I would knock the vodka back in a matter of hours when I woke up. I even woke up one morning with a bookcase on top of me, guess I'd grabbed it as i passed out I've read a few more posts about it now and wish I'd stuck with it a few months, maybe it would have helped, but I couldn't drink, take baclofen, and do my job the next day. And if I'd lost my job I would have sat in the house drinking all day. Catch 22 as with so many problems with drink/depression/anxiety.

