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To Ignore or Not: Newbies and Guests Especially---My View

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    To Ignore or Not: Newbies and Guests Especially---My View

    Keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer. Can soneone tell me who said that? I've heard Ronald Reagan say it, but I think it's before him.

    To me, the purpose of this forum is to save peoples lives by helping them to conquer their addiction. Is there a more worthy goal than that?

    Spiritfree/Spirit333, or as I like to think of him(Spirit666/2)Another one I like(Duke of Delete), says he wants the same thing, but wants to scare you from ordering your meds, especially baclofen, even when there is no other choice. He knows that it is very difficult to find prescribing Dr.'s and doesn't care if you die trying to find one, so the only other choice is the multi-billion dollar business of rehab for profit. They will prescribe, but often they push their own agenda. But it can be flexible if the price is right. Of course all of us can afford that, right?

    Some choose to put him on ignore but I disagree.

    It is important for all newbies and unregistered guests to be aware that his mindset does not speak for us. If you put him on ignore and outsiders read the thread, it appears that you condone what he is saying, and posts accordingly.

    Why should a negative, narcissistic, attacking voice slow or silence our posts?

    It is clear he has an agenda, but it is not so importent to know what it is but to be aware that it is there, and not ignore it. We should do this for the sake of all the newbies and non-registered guests.

    Those of us already here know this. How can we let it stop us from posting and denouncing this sick behavior. If we care about the newbies and guests who have made a decision to try and save their own lives when the present medical dogma denies them, how can we choose to ignore and not raise our voice!
    Not just with testimonial of our experiences, but in the unanimous denouncing of the voice we are tempted to ignore. Many people come here are at the end of their rope and looking for some kind of input from people who have been there and are selfless about their motives.

    Thank you so much to all of the MWO people with more history who already know this and have spoken out.

    In the past you helped to save my life! There is no way to thank you.

    Some posters say the arguing is negative and turns them off. I can understand that. And posting becomes quiet.

    But now, no one is trying to put out this threat and posting is almost non-existant.

    Spit666/2 is silencing many of the regulars and almost all of the newer posters.

    I am not a good writer and I am a very slow typer, but I will always post to argue that spirt666/2 is dangerous and does not have the newbies, guests, or the reason this forum was founded in mind.

    If we're going to concede MWO, at least let's do it vocally, not in silence.

    Last edited by knobert; January 11, 2016, 03:55 AM. Reason: forgot Knobert

    I have him on ignore for two reasons. Firstly I sometimes get angry when I read his posts and the last thing I wanted when trying to stop drinking were those sorts of negative feelings. The second was that when people do get involved and try to challenge his nonsense all that happens is we end up with long threads filled with bickering and slanging matches which probably create a worse impression that the one you are seeking to avoid.

    My enjoyment of the forum improved immediately and the forum felt a lot more helpful once I put him on ignore.


      I am mostly on general. But I like to keep up what is happening elsewhere. I have been here many many years and have seen people being destructive and with their own personal agenda before. As for ignore or not. Well, I guess no one has had a dig at me but I do see posts and they are clever passive aggressive type posts which would be very off-putting to someone in a fragile state of mind. I think if a newbie posts, just make sure the majority jump in and offer genuine support. After all, this forum is called My Way Out. Not My Way Out (but do it my way or the highway) I don't think it is even worth challenging really as that just creates more strife. Just my opinion and I hope newbies don't shy away from this place because it is a lifesaver in all sorts of ways. Plus we are all adults and we can choose how we undertake our recovery.


        Here's my $0.02:

        Anyone lurking or coming here for the first time to find out about baclofen is going to find a bunch of misinformation.

        For completely understandable reasons, there isn't anyone willing to keep the ball rolling and post on a regular, daily basis, except the troll known as Spirit.

        Depending on the day, you may find that Ibogaine is the answer. Or that one should NEVER take baclofen without a doctor's prescription (even though the vast majority of us have done that). Or perhaps Spirit will emphatically point out to a new person that alcohol isn't their only problem and that they MUST seek help because baclofen won't work otherwise. (Despite the fact that most of us have gotten sober with baclofen without therapy or outside help. Including Spirit himself.)

        Or perhaps a newbie will jump on when there's a new study about redheads being more likely to be alcoholics, undermining every legitimate thing that has ever been posted here.

        In other words, there just isn't a lot to say about this site anymore. It has been completely and totally undermined by Spirit. And even if I had the time or the energy or the will, there isn't any stopping him. He posts and posts and posts and posts. (Please see the most recent interactions on my thread, in which he misunderstands what I say VERY CLEARLY.)

        Originally posted by Spiritfree View Post
        Ne/Neva -would you or do you now personally advise someone/anyone to take the prescription medication Baclofen without a prescription and being under a medical doctor or medical practitioner's supervision.
        Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
        Maybe you should stop making things up and I'll stop pointing out that you make things up.

        If I was in the throes of rampant alcoholism I would buy and take baclofen wherever and however I could get it. I encourage anyone in that position to do the same.
        Originally posted by Spiritfree View Post
        NE -I do want want to be absolutely clear about your post.
        What is more worrisome than anything else NE is the fact [you...] would even be slightly suggesting to someone else to purchase scrip medications without a prescription.
        Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
        I completely and totally support the use of online pharmacies if someone can't find a doctor to help them battle addiction with baclofen. It would be hypocritical of me to suggest that it was wrong to order it online when my husband and I did it for so long and it worked just fine for us. Back then, we didn't even have a guide written by doctors."
        There was more, on exactly the same subject, but I've made my point. It is impossible to have a legitimate discussion about baclofen (or anything else) when Spirit is posting. Doesn't matter if you ignore him or not. And I can assure you that if I came here under these circumstances, I would NEVER ever take baclofen. He makes it seem as though he is the only sane, sober person here. And he's fucking nuts.

        He's the only baclofen advocate left, and he tells people not to take baclofen. It'd be funny if it wasn't so tragic.


          Knobert, you are to be commended for your efforts to save the forum -regardless of your reasons. NoBert, will you please only share any negative or belittling comments that I have shared with you relative to any of your posts or threads?

          In your efforts to cause me harm, you yourself cause harm to the forum -and to yourself. You falsely create resentments within yourself towards me and only end up harming yourself and others. The only reason that I know this is because I have experienced your same disorder.

          Please present evidence that I have said something to "YOU" that has caused harm or discomfort.

          Originally posted by knobert View Post
          Keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer. Can soneone tell me who said that? I've heard Ronald Reagan say it, but I think it's before him.To me, the purpose of this forum is to save peoples lives by helping them to conquer their addiction. Is there a more worthy goal than that? Spiritfree/Spirit333, or as I like to think of him(Spirit666/2)Another one I like(Duke of Delete), says he wants the same thing, but wants to scare you from ordering your meds, especially baclofen, even when there is no other choice. He knows that it is very difficult to find prescribing Dr.'s and doesn't care if you die trying to find one, so the only other choice is the multi-billion dollar business of rehab for profit. They will prescribe, but often they push their own agenda. But it can be flexible if the price is right. Of course all of us can afford that, right? Some choose to put him on ignore but I disagree. It is important for all newbies and unregistered guests to be aware that his mindset does not speak for us. If you put him on ignore and outsiders read the thread, it appears that you condone what he is saying, and posts accordingly.
          Why should a negative, narcissistic, attacking voice slow or silence our posts?
          It is clear he has an agenda, but it is not so importent to know what it is but to be aware that it is there, and not ignore it. We should do this for the sake of all the newbies and non-registered guests. Those of us already here know this. How can we let it stop us from posting and denouncing this sick behavior. If we care about the newbies and guests who have made a decision to try and save their own lives when the present medical dogma denies them, how can we choose to ignore and not raise our voice! Not just with testimonial of our experiences, but in the unanimous denouncing of the voice we are tempted to ignore. Many people come here are at the end of their rope and looking for some kind of input from people who have been there and are selfless about their motives. Thank you so much to all of the MWO people with more history who already know this and have spoken out.In the past you helped to save my life! There is no way to thank you. Some posters say the arguing is negative and turns them off. I can understand that. And posting becomes quiet. But now, no one is trying to put out this threat and posting is almost non-existant. Spit666/2 is silencing many of the regulars and almost all of the newer posters. I am not a good writer and I am a very slow typer, but I will always post to argue that spirt666/2 is dangerous and does not have the newbies, guests, or the reason this forum was founded in mind.If we're going to concede MWO, at least let's do it vocally, not in silence.


            Mentium, please present evidence where I have said something that is harmful or hurtful to you. Thank you

            Originally posted by Mentium View Post
            I have him on ignore for two reasons. Firstly I sometimes get angry when I read his posts and the last thing I wanted when trying to stop drinking were those sorts of negative feelings. The second was that when people do get involved and try to challenge his nonsense all that happens is we end up with long threads filled with bickering and slanging matches which probably create a worse impression that the one you are seeking to avoid.

            My enjoyment of the forum improved immediately and the forum felt a lot more helpful once I put him on ignore.


              NE/Eva: my question to you is and has been straight forward: do you recommend that someone take a prescription medication without a doctor's prescription and/or supervision?
              I have absolutely nothing to do with your answer.

              You continue your attacks and belittlement of me at every si gale opportunity you receive:

              (1). Genetics -Importance relative to AUD -Red hair/blue eyes, etc -all indicators.

              (2). Alcoholism is not the only problem one with AUD suffers. Of course it is not the problem or it would be very easy to quit everyday. Help outside of medication is absolutely necessary for one to overcome AUD.

              (3). Ibogaine: what has your research revealed? (No need to answer)

              (4). I have tried to reach out you in personal messages, etc. your motives are now quite clear to me, but not to our fellow members.

              (5). Per NE: " He's the only baclofen advocate left, and he tells people not to take Baclofen":

              Please show our fellow members where I have ever said this "not take Baclofen". This is a harmful statement to me and is only intended to further upset people.

              I truly am sorry NE that you have to continue this false rhetoric at the expense of the forum.

              Carry on NE.

              Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
              Here's my $0.02:

              Anyone lurking or coming here for the first time to find out about baclofen is going to find a bunch of misinformation.

              For completely understandable reasons, there isn't anyone willing to keep the ball rolling and post on a regular, daily basis, except the troll known as Spirit.

              Depending on the day, you may find that Ibogaine is the answer. Or that one should NEVER take baclofen without a doctor's prescription (even though the vast majority of us have done that). Or perhaps Spirit will emphatically point out to a new person that alcohol isn't their only problem and that they MUST seek help because baclofen won't work otherwise. (Despite the fact that most of us have gotten sober with baclofen without therapy or outside help. Including Spirit himself.)

              Or perhaps a newbie will jump on when there's a new study about redheads being more likely to be alcoholics, undermining every legitimate thing that has ever been posted here.

              In other words, there just isn't a lot to say about this site anymore. It has been completely and totally undermined by Spirit. And even if I had the time or the energy or the will, there isn't any stopping him. He posts and posts and posts and posts. (Please see the most recent interactions on my thread, in which he misunderstands what I say VERY CLEARLY.)

              There was more, on exactly the same subject, but I've made my point. It is impossible to have a legitimate discussion about baclofen (or anything else) when Spirit is posting. Doesn't matter if you ignore him or not. And I can assure you that if I came here under these circumstances, I would NEVER ever take baclofen. He makes it seem as though he is the only sane, sober person here. And he's fucking nuts.

              He's the only baclofen advocate left, and he tells people not to take baclofen. It'd be funny if it wasn't so tragic.
              Last edited by Spiritfree; January 11, 2016, 02:46 PM.


                It is extremely rare that I ever block anyone.

                That is all I have to say.
                I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                AF date 22/07/13


                  Originally posted by YouKayBee View Post
                  It is extremely rare that I ever block anyone.

                  That is all I have to say.
                  Hi Youkay- thanks for your post. Will you please provide any post that I have made to YOU that you you perceived as negative, or otherwise mean spirited? Thank you.


                    I've recently returned to MWO and would describe myself a newbie. I choose not to block anyone. I think it would be desirable if senior members/mentors could to respond to newcomers who have received replies from an "outlier" with a proforma containing some relevant info on public forums and instructions on how to look up the posting history of a member. Then trust their judgement. Getting into repeated slanging matches is oxygen to the people we're concerned about and not a good look for the site.


                      100% in agreement.

                      Originally posted by crocster View Post
                      I've recently returned to MWO and would describe myself a newbie. I choose not to block anyone. I think it would be desirable if senior members/mentors could to respond to newcomers who have received replies from an "outlier" with a proforma containing some relevant info on public forums and instructions on how to look up the posting history of a member. Then trust their judgement. Getting into repeated slanging matches is oxygen to the people we're concerned about and not a good look for the site.


                        Lol! they say. NE, how's the Bac forum we discussed in early December coming along? By all means reply by PM.


                          Crockster -here is what has happened and we all need to get beyond I ego inflating needs or defenses: about two years ago, I posted what could be perceived as a negative relative to Baclofen. There has been no peace ever since -at least for me. I made the decision that I wanted to keep posting information relative to medications for AUD, not only to help others but to help myself.

                          I have found that some of the senior members are less capable of having open minds to medications outside of Baclofen. They are in no way taking this stance in effort to hurt anyone or to not try to help someone, and instead, are only doing so because Baclofen worked for them, and as such such, should work for everyone. I offended some of these 'ole timers' with my thread and I regret having done so. Overall, people need to have as much acess to differing medications as is possible -in. Y opinion.


                            Originally posted by crocster View Post
                            I've recently returned to MWO and would describe myself a newbie. I choose not to block anyone. I think it would be desirable if senior members/mentors could to respond to newcomers who have received replies from an "outlier" with a proforma containing some relevant info on public forums and instructions on how to look up the posting history of a member. Then trust their judgement. Getting into repeated slanging matches is oxygen to the people we're concerned about and not a good look for the site.
                            If you wish to look up posting history simply click on the member's name then view profile, some content will then be displayed with option to go into each post.
                            I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                            Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                            AF date 22/07/13


                              Last edited by Spellers; September 18, 2016, 01:21 PM. Reason: privacy concerns with this site

