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Please be wary...

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    Please be wary...

    Just a cautionary post for newbies and others.

    Be wary of anything that Spiritfree posts. We know him to be both malicious and a pathological liar.

    (Please see this post: and this post [

    I know that at times he seems harmless, particularly if one doesn't spend much time in the meds sections or is new to the forum, but he's not.

    Be aware and wary. That's all I'm saying.

    The links didn't work. Or (more likely) the troll deleted the offending posts.


      No. You're right, Serenity. The links didn't work. I fixed them. Thanks for the heads up.

      The links are actually to the posts by Terryk and Knobert detailing all the ways that Spiritfree (formerly known as Spiritwolf333) has made things up, threatened, insulted and/or tried to scare other people here.

      The fact that he got sober using baclofen, without a doctor's oversight, and discourages other people from doing so, is also worth noting. It's as if he doesn't want people to get help finding their way out. He should be ashamed. Instead, he continues to post the same lies.

      I started this thread so that whenever he posts, we can make sure that this information is known, by quoting the original post on this thread. Keeps it simple, rather than having to rehash it every single time he does the same thing.


        This is a great idea! I have tried to go back to grab stuff he's said to/about me only to find it was already sanitized or deleted. Grab it immediately. Repost it here. The poster can always decide to take it down later if they have a change of heart. But SP.F'er (my nickname for poster currently know as SpiritFree) won't be able to touch it.

        I actually woke up way too early wishing I had a way to block SP.F'er from viewing my posts. I would love to post on here freely. I won't right now. I'm not sure I have a lot of wisdom/help to share, but I have shit-ton of experience. I've been on this board for 3 years and reached indifference with BAC on at least 3 separate occasions, I have also made some critical errors that I think other's might benefit from knowing. But I just can't put myself in the position to be beaten down by SP.F'er. I grew up with a parent who was also a drunk, then sobered up in AA and was even nastier than when he'd just pass out early and often. I won't go there.

        And I feel another shitstorm brewing. Guessing he'll throw his hissy fit soon -- "I'm being bullied" "I'm just not one of the cool kids" "I am the truth teller and no one wants to hear it". Then it will go to "My wife has said I need to stop" "I'm listening to the wisdom of the board and I will refrain, I promise". Then he'll progress to "OK, I'm taking a break for good now." "I am going to work on myself, and really reflect on the error of my ways". Someone really needs to come up with an emoji illustration of Sp.F'er's stages of monopolizing this board.

        So here we go.


          I can't quote this post over here, since it's all quotes. But anyone looking for information about Spiritfree/Spiritwolf333 should see this post:

          It might be beneficial if you want to copy and past the whole thing over here, Terryk. We can just keep adding to it as new people join and find that they get misinformation from Spiritwolf/Spiritfree333.


            A shame it has to come to this. Ne, what is happening with that Bac focused forum we discussed a while back?


              Originally posted by heds22
              To Newbies and Lurkers who may stumble on my posts - this forum is not a place for recovery. You need to look after yourself, get the baclofen from your GP/Psychiatrist (Otter's info and Ameisen's info is good). I'm of no political persuasion, but its a simple fact that the necessary ethics regarding recovery and healing do not take place in this forum, there's a good deal of indivior share options at stake (its a full-time kinda thang)! And any fundamental ethics regarding people's recovery from a very, very serious disease that tortures souls, destroys lives, children and families, goes completely out of the window. They don't and can't care, otherwise they wouldn't be able to do what they do. So get your baclofen, get professional guidance, and stay away from this forum, don't even read all the dross, its intentionally unhealthy - you'll find healthy support regarding your recovery in places like
              Not sure I understand this.
              Are you saying that the medication research and support section of MWO is only for information regarding baclofen and people need to find support elsewhere?

              For most people taking bac this is the only place to find support.


                Originally posted by heds22
                To Newbies and Lurkers who may stumble on my posts - this forum is not a place for recovery. You need to look after yourself, get the baclofen from your GP/Psychiatrist (Otter's info and Ameisen's info is good). I'm of no political persuasion, but its a simple fact that the necessary ethics regarding recovery and healing do not take place in this forum, there's a good deal of indivior share options at stake (its a full-time kinda thang)! And any fundamental ethics regarding people's recovery from a very, very serious disease that tortures souls, destroys lives, children and families, goes completely out of the window. They don't and can't care, otherwise they wouldn't be able to do what they do. So get your baclofen, get professional guidance, and stay away from this forum, don't even read all the dross, its intentionally unhealthy - you'll find healthy support regarding your recovery in places like
                well I find this absurd and stupid, i only found out about baclofen because of this forum. That said, no one should go medicate themselves based on a post they read. However, here we have posted studies proving efficacy e.g. baclofen, prescribing guides and other medical literature. People can use that information to go seek help from a doctor once they know solutions exist, or go it alone if they have no other option.

                You also have to put this in the context of the state of addiction treatment as it is today. I'd say collectively we have a very long way to go before the medical establishment provides treatments across the broad that works, from dr to dr. You may only find 1 doctor out of 100 that even knows that baclofen is used to treat alcoholism. The other side of this is that treating addiction itself is plagued with problems, its seen by many as a moral failing and not a disease, we have solutions like AA that don't publish stats on success rates. The list goes on. If we were talking about treatment for cancer, no sane person would dream of going on a forum to find out solutions, the medical establishment is on board on treatment. If i had cancer, i would go to the dr and have full faith in their training and expertise. With addiction, based on my experience, its a shot in the dark, you might get a dr who understands that alcoholism is a disease and that there are treatments out there that work, but probably not.
                01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

                Baclofen prescribing guide

                Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


                  Quote from Heds22.

                  There are some very ethical people out there treating addiction who will support you. I know even in AA if you say you are on medication you'll actually find many open up that they too are also on medication, whilst not providing medical advice from one layman to another you can share and its not such a big taboo after all! Do share with your GP/Psychiatrist! And then there's (Click[/QUOTE]

                  I am further perplexed by your edit heds22.

                  Are you now promoting AA as well as another website?The term recovery according to the AA definition is not what most people who are in here are doing.Sure we are in recovery but we are not confined to the 12 step fellowship ideas and ramifications of it.
                  Hence I am in recovery yet I drink when I feel like it.
                  According to AA,I would no longer be in recovery I would be considered a buster which has conotations of failure.I do not hold to these ideals in any way anymore.
                  Most people in AA are so brainwashed that even if they are taking other forms of medication they would be against baclofen as it flies in the face of their ideals,which they hold onto for dear life.
                  Baclofen provides an alternative to their cult like shenanigans.They believe that their way is the only true way to get and remain sober although they have such a poor success rate which Neo pointed out before there are no real statistics on.AA provides a revolving door guilt based pseudo spiritual program that involves a process that plays out like a how to of indoctrination.
                  Sure there are some good people in there but god help someone who doesn't work the program in the way that they believe it should be worked.This includes the use of baclofen and other more acceptable medications which are not for craving.

                  I am prescribed baclofen and my doctor and psychologist know what I am up to,they have both been amazed by the changes and progress that I have made.This being said they both don't know a hell of a lot about it and I turn to MWO meds thread to communicate with people who are in the know and on the same path.
                  There are no real support groups for what we are doing as it is not yet accepted,this place is as close as it gets.

                  I had a look at the website you have posted and thought to myself,"why would I want to start to try to create new relationships with people on a new forum when I have already done that here."

                  I have been reading your posts and you seem knowledgable,well you can definitely repeat what you have read and heard but I just don't understand what is behind your post this morning and the edit this afternoon.

                  On the AA thing too,if you want to know where I am coming from with that stuff I invite you to read some of my earlier posts.

                  Cheers Stevo.

                  EDIT-I am not interested in responding to the new edits in your post heds22 that appeared after I posted this post.If this is the way you want to go then that is fine,it is ofcourse Your Way Out.
                  Good luck with your recovery dude.


                    Being charitable perhaps hedds22 was making the point because of SF's impact on the forum and the squabbling that generates. If that is the case I would point out that any newcomer of average intelligence can separate the nonsense and the contradictory advice from the sound and experienced advice from those of good will.

                    Personally I learned more about baclofen here than anywhere else on the net. In fact I learnt more and felt more support here than from the consultant I saw who prescribed baclofen for me in the first instance. The forum has problems but let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater, to coin a phrase.

                    Edited later: I would add of course that the help and supervision of a doctor committed and knowledgeable might have made a difference to me. I backed away from baclofen because of the SEs, which were probably at least partly the result of me not managing the titration up properly. A knowledgeable and supportive medic might have made all the difference. Sadly in this part of the world they are not to be found it seems.


                      Well, that's an interesting post from Heds22. I'm sorry you feel that way!

                      For the record, this site has not been overtaken by any pharmaceutical company and has no agenda to that end. I have no idea where or why you picked up on that idea. It certainly doesn't make a lot of sense. And considering that I know many of the people here personally, I can assure you that we are, indeed, real people.

                      I'm also a little confused about what you would consider support and recovery. Perhaps you have completely dismissed all of us because you don't agree with what we practice as recovery? Or perhaps you haven't been around long enough or read enough to know how much we support one another?

                      I certainly have no interest in going to another website forum where they have no idea about baclofen. If that is the way you did it, then that's great. But in the United States in particular, this site is THE main site to get information about baclofen. I hate that it has been undermined by one person. It's terrible.

                      Sadly, this place is without forum management or moderators. We've had to make do with managing ourselves, and it's both overwhelming and frustrating. We cannot emulate the French site, which is supported by long term moderators and physicians. We're doing our best here. I have to admit, I'm a bit offended and my feelings are a bit hurt that you consider my input completely worthless and unhealthy.

                      Anyway, this thread at least puts a lot of information together about our latest troll. Hopefully it will disappear onto page 2 sometime soon, because it really is a disgrace. On the other hand, if it helps one person understand the damage he causes and put him on ignore before they decide to quit baclofen or stop posting here, then it's done the job I hoped it would.

                      In the meantime, there are a lot of people out there looking for help, support and information about baclofen. I'm not giving up just because we have a terrible place to work with. Talk about killing people.

                      And no, Mentium, I haven't made any progress with a new website. I'm still considering it/working on it. I think I mentioned before that it wouldn't be until this month that I would be able to focus any energy on it. 3D life gets in the way!


                        Originally posted by heds22
                        How you getting on with Skype? Group Video Skype is great!
                        My forte is the written word, Heds. It's what I do. I'm not saying I'm opposed to Skype, or group chats, but what I do is write. And Skype is just for short messages...

                        So, no, I have not set up or offered my Skype here.


                          Originally posted by Stevo View Post
                          AA provides a revolving door guilt based pseudo spiritual program that involves a process that plays out like a how to of indoctrination.

                          This is one of the best comments I have ever read, on any forum

                          Thank you

                          I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                          Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.

