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Baclofen consolidated information thread 2016

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    Originally posted by jms1776 View Post

    I'm new to this forum and new to baclofen. I started on the drug on 8/23. My GP here in the US prescribed the medication but is unwilling to go to higher doses (if necessary) unless he has more information. Does anyone have experience working with Dr. Phillip Thomas in the UK?


    Phillip Thomas has a sordid history on MWO, and there are reports of him taking clients' money without rendering services. Here's some food for thought:

    Phillip Thomas not licensed to practice medicine in the UK. You can check his status by going to "View the List of Registered Medical Practitioners" at: GMC | List of Registered Medical Practitioners GMC | List of Registered Medical Practitioners his GMC Reference Number is 2922892

    Reports of Phillip Thomas ripping people off (or trying):

    Please tell me if Dr. Phill is legit or not????
    Dr Phill - Baclofen - Tell me what you know - Page 5
    Baclofen Doctor and medication source - General Discussions - The End of my Addiction
    Baclofen Doctor and medication source - Page 2 - General Discussions - The End of my Addiction

    Evidence of Phill using multiple accounts on MWO:

    George Bailey tripped AE detector

    George Bailey seems to have multiple personalities using B4A and Saturns Rings and Phillip Pirrip and B 4 a and Raphael and George Bailey sharing the same computer. No soup for you! and you! and you!

    Phillip Pirrip tripped AE detector

    Phillip Pirrip seems to have multiple personalities using popsicle and cambodia and Phillip Pirrip sharing the same computer. No soup for you! and you! and you!

    I purchased Phill's book. You can read what I've said about it (in a few posts) starting here:

    in that exchange is Phill shilling and being abusive using two alternate accounts (good cop, bad cop):

    Here is (most likely) Phill posing as "ArizonaMan" and "IpswichTown"[/url]
    IpswichTown tripped AE detector

    IpswichTown seems to have multiple personalities using ArizonaMan and IpswichTown sharing the same computer. No soup for you! and you! and you!

    Otter (after supporting Phill for many years) discloses a possible location for finding him:

    Originally posted by Otter View Post
    [Phill]seems to bring out strong and mainly negative emotions. I suppose particularly if he has money you paid him and he hasn't returned it. Not sure what to say. He always spoke to me. He frequents a pub just off the High Street at the bottom as you go down and to the right. Can't remember the name but I am sure you could find him and ask him for your money back. I can't figure out why he would not pay it back. Maybe he's broke and has spent it.
    (a quick google search shows The Eagle and Child Pub, The Crown, and The Kings Arms on High St in Garstang, Lancashire)


    Here's some info that you can bring to your doctor:

    The Prescribing Guide for Baclofen in the Treatment of Alcoholism - For Use by Physicians

    High-dose baclofen for the treatment of alcohol dependence (BACLAD study): a randomized, placebo-controlled trial.

    Suppression of alcohol dependence using baclofen: a 2-year observational study of 100 patients.

    High-dose oral baclofen: Experience in patients with Multiple Sclerosis. and highlight this passage on the second page that starts with: "There are several references to long-term, high-dose baclofen treatment for spasticity. Jones and Lance summarised their experience with 113 patients with spasticity treated with baclofen for up to 6 years. Baclofen dosage ranged from 30 to 200mg daily with the mean varying from 60 to 110mg depending on the cause of spasticity. Treatment was abandoned in only four patients because of intolerable side effects, and another 20% required a reduction in dosage. [...] Pinto et al identified patients who had taken up to 225mg daily for up to 30 months and emphasized that many patients need more than 100 mg daily and that side effects are only infrequently a persisting problem."

    And you can find the rest of the essential research on baclofen here

    Good Luck!
    Last edited by terryk; February 18, 2018, 05:49 PM.
    TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


      Originally posted by jms1776 View Post

      I'm new to this forum and new to baclofen. I started on the drug on 8/23. My GP here in the US prescribed the medication but is unwilling to go to higher doses (if necessary) unless he has more information. Does anyone have experience working with Dr. Phillip Thomas in the UK?



      Hi - What dosage are you on?

      I would suggest you redirect your question onto The End Of My Addiction | Forum Discussing Alcohol Medication where you will find the medication arm of this forum has moved to

      They can also give you an insight into Dr Phill


      I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
      Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.



        Thanks to everyone for the replies. I started a little over 3 weeks ago and went up to 110 mg by the weekend but have since dropped my dosage down to 60 mg. I will redirect to the other section.



          just a few comments re posting on this thread

          - JMS, baclofen worked for me, I rarely drink - 6 times or so a year (no more than a couple of glasses) and the last time I found the taste disgusting (a chablis!) and couldn't finish 1 glass. I take Nal when I do have this occasional drink, and I'm on 30mg of bac (switched at circa 230mg). best wishes for your success.
          - wilson is a troll who has been very disruptive to this site
          - clicking on the links above, it seems all the fighting was going on even in 2010/2012
          - it is really really creepy to gather posting histories like above. I understand it is good to warn people about this Dr Phil, but you do have to wonder about that level of *policing*/collating of people's posts. Most people have a life/don't have the time. Marriage breakups and suicide - I felt grubby to be reading about other people's woes when I clicked on the link - and some dude gathering/capturing all this stuff from posting histories.

          thankfully, I don't need support as doing good - exercise/travel/reading are much more enjoyable that drinking. but I've often found some of the people pursuing the troll just as bad.

          it's a shame, as this site was a great source in its day. hopefully, those looking for assistance can see through all the noise to find the info that helps.
          Last edited by Spellers; September 11, 2016, 05:53 AM.


            Originally posted by Spellers View Post
            - it is really really creepy to gather posting histories like above. I understand it is good to warn people about this Dr Phil, but you do have to wonder about that level of *policing*/collating of people's posts. Most people have a life/don't have the time. Marriage breakups and suicide - I felt grubby to be reading about other people's woes when I clicked on the link - and some dude gathering/capturing all this stuff from posting histories.
            I think you will find it is a copy and paste

            Consider this person who donates some of their "life" in order to maybe save a "life" one day - I don't see any one else taking the time to present evidence - Maybe they are considering the well being of their fellow man instead of exploiting them in the example you mentioned

            They have mearly collated the information and presented in a case like format - If the outcome is grubby, it is not their fault

            In my mind a person who methodically donates their time for the betterment in knowledge of their peers, should be applauded

            Originally posted by Spellers View Post
            but I've often found some of the people pursuing the troll just as bad

            To slightly lighten the mood, I did let out a little chuckle at "dude"

            Last edited by Baclofenman; September 11, 2016, 06:51 AM.
            I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
            Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


              Originally posted by Spellers View Post

              - it is really really creepy to gather posting histories like above. I understand it is good to warn people about this Dr Phil, but you do have to wonder about that level of *policing*/collating of people's posts. Most people have a life/don't have the time. Marriage breakups and suicide - I felt grubby to be reading about other people's woes when I clicked on the link - and some dude gathering/capturing all this stuff from posting histories.

              ???Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.?? - George Santayana (also, some dude)
              TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


                Originally posted by Spellers View Post
                just a few comments re posting on this thread

                - JMS, baclofen worked for me, I rarely drink - 6 times or so a year (no more than a couple of glasses) and the last time I found the taste disgusting (a chablis!) and couldn't finish 1 glass. I take Nal when I do have this occasional drink, and I'm on 30mg of bac (switched at circa 230mg). best wishes for your success.
                - wilson is a troll who has been very disruptive to this site
                - clicking on the links above, it seems all the fighting was going on even in 2010/2012
                - it is really really creepy to gather posting histories like above. I understand it is good to warn people about this Dr Phil, but you do have to wonder about that level of *policing*/collating of people's posts. Most people have a life/don't have the time. Marriage breakups and suicide - I felt grubby to be reading about other people's woes when I clicked on the link - and some dude gathering/capturing all this stuff from posting histories.

                thankfully, I don't need support as doing good - exercise/travel/reading are much more enjoyable that drinking. but I've often found some of the people pursuing the troll just as bad.

                it's a shame, as this site was a great source in its day. hopefully, those looking for assistance can see through all the noise to find the info that helps.
                Spellers, what is a sham is you. You simply pop in and say life is great -Baclofen did the trick for you. For all the so many others that Baclofen has not worked for, I simply can only say that you are both a scam and a sham. Thankfully, you do not post often. As you say, you do not have time to take out of your busy sober life to help others and that is certainly ok. What is not ok is to come back to the forum, having read nothing about new approaches to medications for alcoholism, and express such a fake and belligerent post. You sir/mam remain part of the problem for people who are trying to overcome their addiction. Be well, be safe, and please do not post unless you have new or positive information to offer. Spellers, get back to you alcohol free life and enjoy the freedoms thereof.

                EDIT: TerryK is nothing more than an Otter wrapped in sheep clothing. TK would like for people to 'believe' that he is Baclofen genius, yet he ended up in the emergency room on at least one occasion, if not more, relative to Baclfofen. TK is quite simply a very well educated drunk who takes Baclofen to reduce his intake. Nothing more -nothing less. I am quite certain that he means well, but just simply does not have the humility to live a truly happy life. His family will attest to this fact. Regardless, he does post helpful information relative to baclofen but that is the extent of his help.
                Last edited by Wilson1; September 11, 2016, 06:32 PM.


                  Originally posted by Wilson1 View Post
                  Spellers, what is a sham is you. You simply pop in and say life is great -Baclofen did the trick for you. For all the so many others that Baclofen has not worked for, I simply can only say that you are both a scam and a sham. Thankfully, you do not post often. As you say, you do not have time to take out of your busy sober life to help others and that is certainly ok. What is not ok is to come back to the forum, having read nothing about new approaches to medications for alcoholism, and express such a fake and belligerent post. You sir/mam remain part of the problem for people who are trying to overcome their addiction. Be well, be safe, and please do not post unless you have new or positive information to offer. Spellers, get back to you alcohol free life and enjoy the freedoms thereof.

                  EDIT: TerryK is nothing more than an Otter wrapped in sheep clothing. TK would like for people to 'believe' that he is Baclofen genius, yet he ended up in the emergency room on at least one occasion, if not more, relative to Baclfofen. TK is quite simply a very well educated drunk who takes Baclofen to reduce his intake. Nothing more -nothing less. I am quite certain that he means well, but just simply does not have the humility to live a truly happy life. His family will attest to this fact. Regardless, he does post helpful information relative to baclofen but that is the extent of his help.
                  No Carl, I'm sober - you, obviously, are not.

                  TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


                    Originally posted by Wilson1 View Post
                    Spellers, what is a sham is you. You simply pop in and say life is great -Baclofen did the trick for you. For all the so many others that Baclofen has not worked for, I simply can only say that you are both a scam and a sham. Thankfully, you do not post often. As you say, you do not have time to take out of your busy sober life to help others and that is certainly ok. What is not ok is to come back to the forum, having read nothing about new approaches to medications for alcoholism, and express such a fake and belligerent post. You sir/mam remain part of the problem for people who are trying to overcome their addiction. Be well, be safe, and please do not post unless you have new or positive information to offer. Spellers, get back to you alcohol free life and enjoy the freedoms thereof.

                    EDIT: TerryK is nothing more than an Otter wrapped in sheep clothing. TK would like for people to 'believe' that he is Baclofen genius, yet he ended up in the emergency room on at least one occasion, if not more, relative to Baclfofen. TK is quite simply a very well educated drunk who takes Baclofen to reduce his intake. Nothing more -nothing less. I am quite certain that he means well, but just simply does not have the humility to live a truly happy life. His family will attest to this fact. Regardless, he does post helpful information relative to baclofen but that is the extent of his help.
                    Hey Wilson, why are you so angry? I thought you wanted to help people but here you go calling people names.

                    I'm not so sure you've called this right. You can't say if baclofen works or not. You don't know any of these people. It may be some people are just not telling the truth and aren't taking the right dose. Lots of alcoholics lie about their drinking habits and hide booze around the house, deny that they do, deny that they are drinking and all the while they are secretly drinking. Maybe you've got it by the wrong end of the stick.

                    How come Wilson, you are alone here on this forum and everyone else has gone. Maybe you need to think about that. Just say'in.


                      01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

                      Baclofen prescribing guide

                      Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


                        What a great thread

                        Originally posted by neophyte View Post
                        NEO -thank you for bumping your own thread. Great information. This thread should always remain at the top -in my opinion.



                          time to make a 2017 one i suppose, there was the study umpa added that showed an 80% success rate, cant think of anything of note to add to it though, too bad TerryK doesnt post his pearls of wisdom anymore.
                          01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

                          Baclofen prescribing guide

                          Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


                            Originally posted by neophyte View Post

                            time to make a 2017 one i suppose, there was the study umpa added that showed an 80% success rate, cant think of anything of note to add to it though, too bad TerryK doesnt post his pearls of wisdom anymore.


                              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                              AF - 7-27-15


                                Does anyone know of a Naltrexone thread we can bump up too?
                                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                                AF - 7-27-15

