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Dosage regime

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    Dosage regime

    I've been reading the French Bac forum and noticed that many people who get cravings in the late afternoon like me have their last dose of the day by 4pm (instead of bedtime, which is what I've been doing).

    At 185mg per day (50 at 9am 50 at 12pm, 25 at 3pm and 60 at 10pm) I seem to have hit the switch anyway.

    But I find this concept of concentrating dosage to suit the time of craving interesting.

    I did a search on this but couldn't find this as a topic. Are you guys familiar with this concept?

    I haven't heard of that before. Thanks so much for sharing it!

    Funny enough, I've been doing something similar just because I kept forgetting my last (bedtime) dose. And perhaps it works? I'm definitely drinking less.

    Congratulations on hitting your switch! How do you feel?


      I am pretty sure Dr A talks about taking a higher dose in the afternoon in his book to combat the cravings.
      I take a bigger dose for my last dose of the day.

      I take my last dose at around 5:30 in the afternoon,not so much because of cravings but if I take it any later I can be up until the wee hours of the morning.
      I have never really experienced somnolence with bac but insomnia is something that I do have a problem with.
      Congratulations on hitting your switch MJM.
      Last edited by Stevo; January 24, 2016, 07:20 PM.


        DonQuixote posted about it on this thread:

        Don't know how to grab a specific post on my iPad, but it's post #44. He mentioned that there would be a slight modification to the prescribing guide to change the timing. There's a nifty chart too.

        Stevo.. I didn't realize that changing the timing of the last dose would help the insomnia. I have terrible insomnia, but take my last dose at bedtime, and often end up catching up at the end of the day if I miss a dose. I'll switch it up tomorrow.




          Mom,I used to take it about 7:30 and found that I would not sleep until 2,3 or even 4 in the morning.If I take it at 5:30 I find that most night I am asleep by midnight.

          I don't know if there is any science behind this but it definitely seems to work for me,good luck.


            The French forum is really good. Still trying to read through the main threads, but wow! Lots of interesting stuff on how long to stay at the switch dose, info on titrating down to maintenance dose and a shed load more.

            My French is fairly basic so while I can get a general sense of it I still take a while to read it and need to look up quite a few words. I'll report back with what I find.


              How long MJM does it advise to stay at the switch dose before titrating down?


                Mongoose, I think the prescribing guide says 6 months.

                You can find it in the link that Mom2T posted above.


                  Hello All

                  I really believe tiration is a personal thing - Not one not to publish but one that suits ones own personal circumstances, needs and requirements - My daily does is usually 150mg split as follows:

                  08.00 25mg
                  10.00 25mg
                  13.00 25mg
                  16.00 25mg
                  18.00 25mg
                  20.00 25mg

                  Every now and again I will add 10mg @ 17.00 and 19.00 depending on if I am driving (it impairs my eyesight for 15 mins or so) or if I need to be attentive (or not have a doze when I am supposed to be listening)

                  I used to but now never take a dose less than 3 hours before I go to bed - Not because I cannot sleep - but because I sleep too well and normally end up wetting the bed - Not recomended or welcomed by those sleeping next to you

                  I published this information on my blog and was suprised by the amount of people who PM'd me to say this had happened to them too - Mostly women I admit

                  Going back to the titration scale - It is such a help (IMO) to others to hear of good or bad stories relating to this - It should be applauded

                  For me, Baclofen has put my Anxieties OCD and depression on the back burner which in turn has alleviate the need to "bring me up" with alcohol, which in fact did the exact opposite after the initial buzz

                  Best Regards

                  I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                  Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


                    I too have just in the last few days switched my schedule and am tweaking it again today.

                    I had been taking just two doses, one in the a.m. and one at bedtime. I read somewhere that once it builds up in your system, that was sufficient.

                    Well, based on what I'd seen on here in the last week or so, I started splitting the dose 3x (a.m., noon, and bedtime). After a few days, I noticed that I wasn't drinking nearly as much. (Could be the near fatal alcohol poisoning over the weekend as well.) Regardless, today I decided to split it into 4 doses, (a.m., noon, 4pm, and bedtime). I'll report back it I notice anymore of a difference.


                      I take mine twice a day, when i wake up at 6am and when i get home at 6pm, not sure if there is anything backing up dosing before drinking to mitigate cravings, but who knows. can't hurt
                      01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

                      Baclofen prescribing guide

                      Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


                        The French forum thread where members are asked to respond to set questions on their Bac tritrating up experiences, the question about dosage was varied. Yet most (I'm sorry, I can't quantify this) took Bac to suit their typical craving time. Many, like me, had cravings mid/late afternoon.

                        There is another thread on titrating down, set with the same kind of questions for members to respond to. I have only started to wade through the responses, but was surprised to see how many (so far) who have tritrated down to much less than 100mg. This, after a period AL-free. I'm sorry, those comments are not very useful. I'll read some more and report back.


                          MJM, I think I sent you a PM about the questionnaire? Did you get it? Maybe I can link the one I wrote to you here if you would prefer (on my thread, I guess) and you can take a look at it for me if you wouldn't mind? Google translate only goes so far.


                            Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
                            MJM, I think I sent you a PM about the questionnaire? Did you get it? Maybe I can link the one I wrote to you here if you would prefer (on my thread, I guess) and you can take a look at it for me if you wouldn't mind? Google translate only goes so far.
                            PM sent Ne. Sorry, I'm a bit slack about checking notifications sometimes!

