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    NE, TK, Stevo,Otter, others: Please try and understand that there are people on this forum and elsewhere who are simply frustrated by hearing the same ole rhetoric relative to baclofen and support thereof. I do not think for one minute that any of you realize how much harm you have caused to this forum, me, and others by simply attacking me personally and ignoring and or attacking the information that I post relative to medications for alcoholism. You each back me into a corner and put me on defense and never address the information that I post.

    NE, here is a prime example: You had posted that you would be glad to find out about extended release baclofen when/if it ever becomes available. You spoke of how exciting that would be. Later, I researched and found the current studies of extended release baclofen (I had posted this same info about a year ago). What was your response to the information that I had found for you? Nothing except for more SP bashing about something else. You see NE, your motives to find information and have it revealed to you are not in line with what your real (true) motives are. As another example, you asked where you could find a post that you had made in the general discussion (you asked tk). Well, I quickly found it and posted the information. Later TK and someone else posted links to what you had asked for and the links did not work. My link did work and you used it to access the information but you said nothing to me and you replied back to TK and the other that you had already found it yourself but thanked them for trying.

    NE, you are so full of anti-SF that you cause harm not only to me but to so many others. As I told you several years ago, you are an encased leader at MWO and you have the ability to influence others -one way or another. I once again acknowledge the fact that I believe you to be a very kind and caring person, but you are allowing your ego and need to dislike me hurt me, yourself, and others. I am sad that this continues to be the way that it is. Call off your dogs, start your forum, and help us all to move forward in positive ways.



      Well my hat is off to everyone who didn't respond to the severe trolling in this thread.

      Ne - I think naming the forum is quite hard given the combination of words involved. How about something different like 'RecoveryMeds', 'MedsforRecovery' or some play on that? Or going back to your original idea, but making it clear what the topic is 'AddictionSolutions'. Alternatively 'AlGone', AlMeds', though this does exclude other addictions which is an issue.

      I haven't made a contribution to the forum fund yet, but I will do in the next few days. Also as I think I have mentioned privately to you I was a graphic designer in a previous life so if you need skillz for logo designing and the like, happy to help.


        Mentium, Thanks for your thoughts.

        When I ran the names that were suggested here, and some of the ones I thought of, by a friend of mine who is not one of our tribe, she thought most of them sounded like the site was going to be for the purpose of selling meds.

        I got a PM from someone with what I think might be the perfect name, but I haven't quite nailed it down yet, so I don't want to say anything in public.

        Oh, and about that graphic design background? Expect a PM immediately. You're hired!


          Oh, and thank you! We're getting ever closer to the goal!

          I'm so excited about it I can hardly think about anything else and I've definitely been ignoring my 3D life, much to my husband's chagrin. We're having company for dinner tomorrow night, so I absolutely have to clean up both my house and myself by then...


            About the fundraising...I heard that it's very expensive to donate to the Gofundme campaign from over the pond. So if you're in Europe and want to donate, I've set up a paypal account for the fundraising. PM me and I'll send you the link. I'll manually add it to the Gofundme account, so everyone can still keep track of how much money we've raised. Just in case you guys are as excited as I am.

            (I already PMd it to you, Ment. And thanks again!)


              The exchange rate works in our favor, too, which is awesome.


                Ne, it sounds like you might have found a name but if it helps any I've got a few suggestions.

                Alcohol Indifference

                Craving Indifference

                Alcoholics for Jesus

                (Yes, the last one is a joke )

                Also, are we limiting ourselves by focussing on AL, or would the message be washed out if we were a broad church? I think the latter; in fact, if the site has enough interest from people with other addictions there's no harm in adding a new sub-forum to cater for it. Things like that have their own momentum.

                I would like to suggest that we have polls, stickies or better still sub-forums for information - one like the French forum where they have outlined a set of questions regarding Bac and people respond to the thread with their own experiences. Eg: amount taken to reach indifference; dosage regime; typical craving time of day etc etc.


                  Originally posted by MeJustMe View Post
                  I would like to suggest that we have polls, stickies or better still sub-forums for information - one like the French forum where they have outlined a set of questions regarding Bac and people respond to the thread with their own experiences. Eg: amount taken to reach indifference; dosage regime; typical craving time of day etc etc.
                  I'll have to check that out. Or better yet, will you link what you're talking about here? I'm pretty sure I know what you're talking about, but if you wouldn't mind saving me the time and energy to look it up, I'd appreciate it.

                  I'll stop being coy and just post what we've been tossing around in terms of names...I've already bought all the associated domain names because I kept changing my mind and I'm impulsive that way. <sigh>

                  So what do you guys think of these options?


                  I have a favorite, but I'll wait to see what you guys think before I confess...


                    TheEndOfMyAddiction sounds good.

                    Here's the link below. Let me know if you'd like help with translation.

                    Forum alcoolisme, alcool et autres addictions - Alcoolisme et baclof?ne


                      Originally posted by lex View Post

                      The grown up way to handle her apparent dislike for you would be, if I may make a suggestion, for her to simply ignore your posts.


                      Works for me!

                      Even an entire thread started with the sole purpose of a personal attack left me unscathed.

                      The ignore button is a powerful weapon....provided you actually use it.

                      Whilst I have no interest in meds for addiction a new site seems an extreme way to resolve a trolling issue. As you say, this site gets little enough traffic.

                      I wish you the best if you do, but hope that you don't.


                        I like TheEndofMyAddiction. Will do a couple of logo ideas.

                        Funds transferred incidentally.


                          TheEndofMyAddiction is my favorite, too. So there it is. Incidentally, I got an opinion from a 3D girlfriend who is not one of us and she said that "TheEndofMyAddiction" sounded empowering. I agree. And what's better than that? Add to it the fact that it's an homage to Dr. Ameisen, without whom many of us would still be miserable drunks.


                            Originally posted by MeJustMe View Post
                            TheEndOfMyAddiction sounds good.

                            Here's the link below. Let me know if you'd like help with translation.

                            Forum alcoolisme, alcool et autres addictions - Alcoolisme et baclof?ne

                            Sorry, MJM. I missed your post the first time because I didn't read far enough back.

                            I can't read a lick of French, but the google translate works well enough that I can get the gist of it. I will check it out today and let you know if there's anything specific I need help with.

                            Thank you for posting the link.


                              Just a thought in response to earlier posts suggesting it is a shame to go to all the trouble and expense of starting a new forum for the sake of the conflict originating from one individual here. In actual fact I think a forum about meds and a more focused one on them is overdue - and one that is moderated properly. I tried several times on possibly the most active sobriety forum (SoberRecovery) to start threads about baclofen when I was doing it and almost got banned in the end. They won't countenance straying away from the abstention/AA/group/self denial sort of angle and only tolerate discussions about things like Antabuse by stomping disclaimers all over the place.

                              I have actually backed away from baclofen as people who followed my thread will have read and I am following the sort of path SR support as it happens, but their close mindedness and intolerance of any approach that wasn't part of their orthodoxy put me off so much that I don't bother with the place any more.

                              Anyway - just to say I think the time for a dedicated forum has come.


                                Originally posted by Mentium View Post

                                Anyway - just to say I think the time for a dedicated forum has come.

                                Thank you Mentium for putting voice to something everyone in the new forum feels strongly about. Especially since you aren't even using medications anymore and are successfully dealing with your addiction.

                                It doesn't surprise me that people outside of the meds threads don't understand, though.

                                It also doesn't surprise me that people who almost solely participate here in the meds threads when there is some sort of contention would do it again. And again. And again.

                                I'm not naive enough to think that a new forum won't have it's fair share of disagreement. All forums do. There's a balance between disagreement and harassment, though, that can be found in a well administrated and moderated forum.

                                It's simply time. No one needs to be offended about that. The point is not exclusivity. Just the opposite. We will be more tolerant, not less.

