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New here and looking for ways to get baclofen?

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    New here and looking for ways to get baclofen?

    I received a PM asking for this information. It's been a long time since we've had a thread specifically about this.

    If you have a relationship with a doctor, particularly an addiction specialist, this is (hopefully) a relatively easy process. If you don't, then the best idea is to reach out to addiction specialists in your area to see if they prescribe medications for addiction treatment (MAT). If not, don't waste your time. These doctors must be psychiatrists, other MDs, or psychiatric assistants. Therapists and counselors, etc., cannot prescribe medications. The best bet is always addiction specialists, but any psychiatrist is better than a General Practitioner who doesn't know anything about addiction or MATs.

    In either case take the following information with you and hopefully they will prescribe baclofen for you.

    Here is the prescribing guide for baclofen for physicians:
    Prescribing Guide for Baclofen in the Treatment of Alcoholism-Final Version

    Here is the study Suppression of Alcohol Dependence Using Baclofen: A 2-Year Observational Study of 100 Patients:
    Suppression of Alcohol Dependence Using Baclofen: A 2-Year Observational Study of 100 Patients

    Here is the abstract of a German study:


    If those don't work and you can't find a doctor, then you can order the medication online without a doctor's prescription. This is a last resort, of course. That said, I did it for many years without any problems. Sadly, too many of us have to resort to this.

    I used River Pharmacy before I found a doctor who would prescribe for me.

    There are other pharmacies, I just don't know what they are. It takes about 3 weeks to receive the medication. With River, once you complete the order for what you want online, you have to call and give them a credit card number. The only challenging part for me was when I used a card that rejected the charge because it was from overseas. If this happens to you, you'll have to call the bank to authorize the charge. Or you can use a different card, if you have one.

    If anyone needs help finding a doctor and wants to post or PM their location to me, I'll see what I can do about helping to locate one, but you'll have to reach out.

    It's much easier in the major metropolitan areas along the coasts. Florida also has a lot of doctors that prescribe baclofen, because there was a study done there years ago. I have a doctor in coastal Virginia that will prescribe, if that helps anyone. Also, I think St. Paul? Where's that doctor? Anyway, I'll help if I can.

    Hang in there! It's worth the wait. :hug:

    PS. I took all this information from the very, very informative and helpful thread located here:

    Hi Ne

    Excellent post...

    Re: Buying on line, I use this lot - I have never been let down (used them 4 times) and using the tracking system it usually arrives to the UK in 7 days (from India/Singapore/Royal Mail) - You do pay on the net but they ring you in a few minutes to confirm the last four digits on the card and apply for authorisation while you wait - My orders of 10mg have come as Fexobac and 25mg as Zaclofen - I have had no problems mixing the two

    As you (Ne) are well aware I am currently working on my GP to prescribe Baclofen on the NHS, which will, if it succeeds, be a real breakthrough (which does worry me that the fuddy duddies will prevent her) for treatment of the symptoms behind a alcoholic bent - I did copy Neo' origional synopsis to her and I will send yours too

    Regards to you and your PM'er

    I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
    Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


      #3 will ship to the U.S., now takes credit cards, and is much cheaper than the link above (mydrugsbasket).

      River no longer sells the generic. If you're an existing customer, you can call and reorder, but you must agree to no refunds as they've had issues with a couple of people.

      Some have also reported good results from


        That’s not true anymore, Mom2J. That might just have been a temporary scare. I need to reorder baclofen tonight and I just checked their website. The generic is available now at River.


          I'm in Michigan and looking for a doctor who will prescribe Baclofen. Any help would be appreciated.


            Hi, Brad. The first thing to do would be to make a list of the psychiatrists in your area. There's a website that makes this relatively easy. I'll get back to you today with the link. It also tells you their specialties, so you can find addiction specialists to focus on.

            Then you call 'em.

            Do you have insurance?


              Ok, here you go:

              Choose psychiatry.

              They have two categories for addiction specialists. One is for MDs. The other, I think, is for Nurse Practitioners.

              Put in your zipcode and it should give you a list. (Hopefully there are some in your area!) That's a good place to start.

              Then you can do one of two things. You can randomly make an appointment and bring in the Prescribing Guide and some other research we recommend. OR you can call the different offices and ask if they prescribe medications for the treatment of alcoholism. (The second is what I would do, even though it's a total pain. Sorry.) THEN you can make an appointment with someone you know actually uses Evidence-Based-Medicine (EBM) and then you bring in the Prescribing Guide and other info.

              I'm really sorry I don't have an easier answer. It's one of my missions in life to compile a list of doctors who use EBM and treat addictions with medications. 'Cause the alternative is malpractice, or it should be.


                Sorry those pics are so small. If you click on them, you can see them better.


                  Thanks a bunch. Yes I have insurance.


                    Originally posted by Brad70 View Post
                    Thanks a bunch. Yes I have insurance.
                    Glad you have insurance. Shrinks are expensive!

                    In the very first post on this thread, you'll find the information you want to take to the doctor. Print it out!

                    Be nice. But also remember that it's ultimately your decision about how you want to treat your alcoholism.

                    I'll be honest. I went through three appointments with psychiatrists, one of which was extremely unpleasant, before I found the one that finally agreed to prescribe baclofen. And that was only after I'd known her for a couple of months. It is a sad but true fact that people have a hard time with change and that psychiatrists are literally (!!) taught not to trust people with addictions.

                    That said, the research and the Prescribing Guide are very persuasive in their own right.

                    We're here if you need advice or want to vent, or even if you need help calling around. (I think I could find some time to do that, if you are really stuck.)

                    So hang in there and don't get discouraged!


                      Originally posted by Brad70 View Post
                      Thanks a bunch. Yes I have insurance.
                      Hey, Brad. I don't know if you're near St. Paul, but I found this information today:

                      Dr. Mark Willenbring, practices in St. Paul, MN for Allina Health care. He can be reached at 651-241-5959.

                      Substance Matters: ALLTYR™ Is Born!


                        Thanks again. Googling most of the day and I will start calling tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes. I truly appreciate the support!


                          Turns out that's probably old information for Dr. Willenbring.

                          S332 Minnesota Street
                          Suite W1260
                          St. Paul, MN 55101
                          Phone: +1 651.348.7611
                          Fax: +1 866.307.876

                          Also, if I were in your shoes, and not near St. Paul, I would still call their offices and ask if they know of anyone in your area who prescribes Medications for Addiction Treatment.


                            And listen, let me know if/when you find a doctor, will you? You can PM me if you want.

                            Good luck!


                              I have a call in to set up a appointment and I found a couple of evidenced based psychiatrist two try next. Thanks Ne

