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Donations and Support

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    Donations and Support

    Well we've done it! We reached the campaign goal of $1200! ($1284 to be exact!) We officially have enough money.

    If you have committed to donating or would still like to donate, please don't let that stop you. We have two goals that we would like to accomplish this year that will cost money and are not included in the original amount. The first is that we want to be able to start our advocacy campaign. This will be an ongoing expense and I don't have an exact dollar amount yet. It is, in addition to education and support, an integral part of our mission.

    The second expense is one that would allow us to use some money to increase our exposure on Google and in other places. Again, how much we spend will be based on how much we raise.

    I was going to keep the fundraiser open for 30 days, but I think, given the support and pledges we have, that I'll leave it open until we open the forum on March 1st. Below is the link to the Gofundme page. If you would prefer to donate via Paypal (which is much cheaper if you live on the other side of the pond) then PM me and I'll send you the link.

    I hope you will continue to give generously! And thank you, thank you, thank you to those that have donated already. I can't wait for you to see the new forum. It's pretty fabulous, if I do say so myself.

    Much love.

    Congratulations Ne!! I just saw that in my e-mail. :welldone: Hoping the marketing part will be funded as well.


      I made a mistake and counted one offline donation twice. Can you believe it? Still, we're $16 shy of the goal, with a couple of pledges left to donate, so I don't take back the joy in the announcement!

      I'm just embarrassed that I mixed it up!


        Okay, whew!

        We had another donation today and we have officially (and truly) reached more than our goal!

        So the original post stands.

        Thank you to the donor who saved me from my own embarrassment! But for those of you that have thought about doing it, don't forget!





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