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Old Time Friend

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    Old Time Friend

    Hi Everyone!
    I haven't been on here in a while I started here in February of 2010, back then I was "Hoping for the Best", then "Road to Recovery" and since it had been so long since I was here last I had to start another account as "Ima Survivor"! I guess part of the reason I dropped off was the drama that was going on here, not sure what the vibe is like today lol. For those that don't remember me, I started taking Bac in February of 2010 and became AF shortly after - actually my first day without alcohol was February 8th and I haven't had a drink since! So I guess a little over 6 years - wow. So much has changed for me, I wouldn't know where to begin. It's funny how a person can go from thinking of alcohol every minute of every waking moment to forgetting things like counting the amount of days you have been AF or anniversaries of the day it happened.
    Thanks to Bac, I have not craved alcohol at all in the last 6 years, not once did I have the urge to reach for the bottle. I learned that I was not a loser because I drank. I learned just how bad alcohol is and how it hurts so many people. I made a lot of friends during my time here. Unfortunately I lost my marriage of 18 years to my alcoholism, that was very hard, it still is. being 44 and newly single after being with someone virtually your entire adult life is very scary and different. But here I am, still going.
    Anyway, I just wanted to drop in, tell everyone to keep fighting the fight, it is so worth the struggle. I am here for anyone that needs a friend, an encouraging word, an ear.

    Good going on the 6 years.
    No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


      That is excellent!.

      Do you still take the baclofen?


        What a positive post and I especially like what you say about "I learned that I was not a loser because I drank". Its great also when you realize that you are not thinking about either AL or not-drinking AL. I have not used Bac in my recovery but I think its great that you have had success with this medication. Please do hang around MWO because I am sure your advice and support will be really valued and valuable.


          Originally posted by guapo View Post
          That is excellent!.

          Do you still take the baclofen?
          After about 6 months of being AF I started to titrate off Baclofen, None of the cravings came back. It's funny, I quit smoking about 12 years ago - I still get the occasional craving for a smoke but drinking I could care less. Before Baclofen I could not imagine a life without alcohol. When I first decided to address my problem my goal was to "control" my drinking , not quit - nor did I believe this pill would work, but with baclofen I just lost all interest.
          There is a life without alcohol, and I promise you it is so much better. Keep going everyone, don't give up.



            Holy wow, so nice to hear from you. I kid you not that I was going to email you this week and hope that you still had he same email address and would remember me!

            Your recovery story is amazing and I'm very happy to hear that it is ongoing. I'm sorry to hear about your marriage, though. That's a tough blow. But the fact that you've made it through it sober is a testament to the thoroughness of your commitment.

            The drama here is worse than ever. We've actually created a new forum that will be up and running on or before April 1st. (I thought that was appropriate. Ha!) More info on that can be found on our fundraising website, here:

            So, so glad to hear you're doing well. One of the reasons I was going to email you is because I really want you to share your story on the new site. It's an important one.

            Stay well, my friend.



              Thanks for posting survivor!
              Inspirational. Sorry to hear about your marriage, you are to be congratulated for sticking to your path.
              (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober

